Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:22:38 AM

Chapter 287: - 285. The Village of the Spirit Opens

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After the successful pre-opening of the village of spirits, we made a tour of the paradise and prepared for the opening of the village. Today is the opening of the village of spirits.

I drink a cup of coffee to wake up, calm down, and get out of my room. As usual, we have breakfast in the living room after the morning greeting from Belle and the others. ...... Not only me, but also Belle, Gina, and Fukuchan are feeling somewhat restless. The little army plus Gina are probably nervous about the opening of the village.

The only ones who are the same as usual are Sylphy and the others. I guess it's just the difference of age in this area. I've been thinking a lot about the opening of the village of the spirits. I proposed a parade and a ribbon-cutting ceremony, but the spirits said that such a troublesome thing is not suitable for them, so I gave up on it.

A parade is one thing, but a ribbon-cutting ceremony would be boring for floating spirits and lower level spirits. If I were invited to a ribbon-cutting ceremony, I would think it is too much trouble. I've never been invited.

In the end, we decided to let the guests enjoy the village during the daytime and have a little party-like event at night. I heard that if we do something fancy here, other floating spirits and lower class spirits will envy us.

It is true that some of the children might misunderstand that there is a banquet every time when it comes to the floating spirits and lower class spirits. They are older than me, but they are children in spirit and behavior, and they are at an age when they are easily misunderstood. If the floating spirits and the lower class spirits are disappointed with me, my heart will be depressed. Let's not make too big a deal out of it and let them enjoy the spirit village at their leisure.

Sylphie, we were planning to stay here for three days and two nights, weren't we?

Yes, they thought about making it two days and one night, but that was too short, so they decided to make it three days and two nights. It seems they are having a hard time balancing the many children waiting for them.

The staff members of the palace of spirits are having a hard time adjusting to the opening of the village. It will be easier to make adjustments when the village develops a little more, but for the time being, it will continue to be a hard task. I wonder when the spirits will be able to come and visit without any entrance restrictions. ......

"Oh, by the way, it's almost time for our appointment. I thought you were going to meet me out front."

Oops, right. We should at least welcome them without making a big deal out of it. I've been taking it too easy.

"Everyone, the guests will be here soon, so let's go outside and greet them."

He calls out to everyone who has been relaxing in the living room and leaves the house. Everyone is here today, so it's a very lively place.

"Good morning, Yuta's brother!

Outside the house, Ruby and her friends were already waiting. I guess the guest spirits haven't arrived yet. By the way, I tried to talk to the spirits of the brewery, but they refused, saying that the most important thing now is to make a large quantity of sake as soon as possible and make it taste good.

In other words, the most important thing is to make sake. To my horror, all the spirits in the brewery seemed to be of the same opinion and were moving around without a second thought. It seems that the spirits working in the brewery also have strong personalities.

The spirits I had imagined were spirits up to the middle class. Spirits above that level seem to have established their own individuality in various ways. It is possible, though, that the spirits I have met are just unique in their own way.

Good morning everyone!

I exchange morning greetings with Ruby and the others and briefly reconfirm our plans for the day. Yes, Ruby and the others are very enthusiastic. They have never been interested in cooking before, and they are happy to have the spirits come to their restaurant to eat their food.

"Yuta, they're here!"

While talking with Ruby and the others, Sylphy tells us that we finally have a visitor. When I turn my head in the direction Sylphy is looking, the little dots are getting bigger and bigger.

"Hey, Sylphy, I've seen something similar before ......".

Yes, something like that happened to me.

It's a very big dragon. Its scales are light green, just like those of the Spirit King of the Wind.

Yes, he's the king of the wind spirits. Yes, it's the same.

"Why is Master Wind coming? I thought the king of spirits wasn't supposed to come because you don't make a big deal out of it."

"Well? Maybe I can give you a ride then! I think he said something like, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

A spirit king who voluntarily takes the place of a cab. ...... It may seem friendly to the spirits, but it's a nuisance to me. It's like when a big company is going to hold a welcome party for new employees and the chairman of the board comes to lead the party. ...... Yeah, I don't get it.

"Is such behavior acceptable for a king?"

"Different from others, yes. He's a busy man, but unlike most kings, he can't be harmed, and when his work is done, he's free to move about."

"I see. ......"

Don't tell me you found it a little annoying.

I guess there are no genies who want to take the throne...maybe that's what they call a high population... Maybe they just don't care about power and like to fly around freely or drink.

I look up at the sky and see the dragon shrinking just like last time. And then there are shadows, many of them small. Oh, they're coming down. Let's leave Mr. Wind for later and line up to greet him.

We all line up side by side and wait for Mr. Wind and the others to come down. Belle and Fuchu are happily calling out to the spirits who are coming down, and the spirits who are coming down are just as excited as Belle and Fuchu.

They are told by the leading spirits not to leave the group, but they seem to dance up and down, left and right, flying around. I have a feeling that this is the one ...... that's going to cause a big commotion.

Welcome to the village of spirits, the paradise of spirits! (Queue,coo,ho,pga,waf,......)""""

The group of people who landed in front of us all greeted each other in unison with a welcome. Well, the children who can't speak are scattered because of their cries, but it shouldn't be a problem because feelings are important in this kind of thing.

The spirits who came to the party responded happily, saying "I'm here to play," "ahh," "squeak," "beep," and so on. It's a great success.

Thank you for the welcome. A place where spirits can materialize and play freely. A place where spirits can materialize and play freely. Everyone should be thankful to Yuta."

"What? Yikes."

When Mr. Wind responded to our greeting and turned around to thank me for the group that came with him, all the little ones swarmed in at once. I don't recognize the animal-type children's cries, but I can tell that they are somewhat pleased to see me.

The humanoid children squirm and squirm with me, saying thank you in their children's voices. I couldn't see them well, but I could hear their baby-like voices.

"Come on back here, you guys!"

When I hear Master Wind's voice, the spirits easily move away from around me. I feel a little sad when they leave so easily. I turn my attention back to the king of spirits...... and face the king of spirits. ...... It's that little dragon figure, Master Wind, with a crowd of lower level spirits and floating spirits. I wonder if the male spirit standing behind him is the original leader. The color of his hair makes him look like a wind spirit.

I wonder if it's okay that Belle and her friends and Fuchu and the others are in the mix? Oh, I thought there was another group of people being swarmed, but it looks like Light-sama, the king of the spirits of light, is being squashed. ......I wanted the king of the spirits of darkness to come anyway, but he might get really angry if I told him, so I'll keep it to myself.

"Look, I'm still in the middle of a story, so please be quiet."

The spirits obediently follow Master Wind's instructions. Belle and Fuchu and the others returned with big smiles on their faces. It's a bit of a mess, but maybe this kind of loose feeling suits the spirits.

"Uhm......... was right. So, this is the spirit that's going to lead us this time."

"This is Alvard, the Great Spirit of the Wind. Please take good care of him."

"Oh, I'm Yuta. I look forward to working with you.

Alvard, what a normal name. Maybe the contractor who gave him the name was the type of person who doesn't think about attributes. Or maybe it's a wind spirit, so he named it after "Bird"? Hmmm, maybe he has good taste.

"Oh, as I'm sure you've been told by other spirits, there's no need to be so formal. I was supposed to be the one to bring them here, but I'm the poor soul who suddenly lost his job to the king of spirits.

"Ha-ha-ha, Alvard has a habit of self-deprecation as usual. Don't worry, the lights and I will be home at night, so we still have work to do. Cheer up!"

Mr. Wind, that's not self-deprecation. Mr. Alvard is obviously being sarcastic. Because his temples are twitching. Maybe Mr. Wind and Mr. Light were forced to get together.

(Sylphie, are they okay?)

I'm starting to feel like the spirit's relaxed relationship with me is about to disappear.

(Don't worry. Alvard is one of Master Wind's assistants. He's serious. He's just being pushed around. (Don't worry, it happens all the time.)

...... Ah, the type of genie who takes on hardships by himself and ends up with a pit in his stomach. I don't think that kind of personality is suitable for a genie. The fact that the people around you are basically free seems to double your hardship.

", I've heard the general procedure...are we allowed to act like that?"

Mr. Alvard let out a long, angry breath and then asked us a question. Good work!

"Yes, basically you are free to do as you please. My Gina, Belle, and Fuchu will probably join the group, so I would appreciate it if you would be patient.

I mean, they are already ready to play together. Gina and the others seem to be in love with the adorable lower class spirits and floating spirits. ......? Maybe Gina and her friends will get along with those girls and make a new contract with them. That would be fun.

"No need for honorifics. I've taught them what they should observe, but they are not used to it and it may cause trouble for them. I would appreciate it if you would follow me.

"Okay, I'll stop using honorifics. Okay. My boys know most of the rules, so I think they'll be useful. So, I have a question. Why is it that there don't seem to be any intermediate level spirits among the spirits here?

I heard that some intermediate level spirits had stormed into the palace of spirits, but this time it was obvious that only little ones had come. The biggest one was Tulu.

"Yeah, no middle class spirits came this time. They said they could wait until later and asked us to take the little ones with us. ......They were so disrespectful to the feelings of these good children that they forced the spirit kings to mingle with them. ...... "

Oh no, I've rekindled my anger. But the middle class spirits were the big brothers and big sisters, giving the little ones a turn. That's very good of them. On the other hand, .......

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