Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:49:04 AM

Chapter 39: Art. 37. Intelligence

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We have arrived at the cave where the general zombies are. We will now begin our zombie-killing mission against the stench of zombies. The thought of it makes me faint, so let's think of something fun. 

"Yuta. This cave looks like it's been here for a long time. It's not very long, but it's big enough to expand. The general zombies in here might be a little special.

"Special? What do you mean?"

"Do you think normal zombies would expand their caves? Perhaps the general zombies here have intelligence. Usually zombies don't become intelligent until they become kings, but it's rare that there are special individuals in the general class who are intelligent."

I don't like special individuals because they seem so strong. I mean, I've never heard of a king having intelligence.

"Hmm. Should we go to another general zombie?"

"That's fine, but I don't think you're up to the task. It's only a general. King has intelligence anyway, so why don't you get used to it here?"

"It's a special individual, but only a special individual?"

Playing too many games? Special individuals are usually stronger than most bosses. I imagine they could be stronger than a king.

If they were stronger, they'd be kings by now. If they were stronger, they'd evolve.

Hmm. So they're strong general zombies, but they're intelligent. Intelligence sounds tough, but if both King and Rich are intelligent, let's try the weaker one.

"Okay, let's take out the general zombies here. Belle. Rain. Tulu. As usual, we'll go in first and stand by. Cover me if there's any danger.

"Good day!"


"I'll do my best."

The spirits happily dive into the cave. Every time I think about it, it's a blessing to be invisible.

"Well, I'm off."

"Have a good day."

No matter how many times I've been in the nest of the undead, unlike Bell and his friends, I've never been able to become one. But I have made progress in some areas.

For one thing, my night vision has improved. When I was searching, my vision suddenly became brighter, so I checked and found that I got the night vision skill.

I wondered if I could learn the skill of concealment, but Sylphy told me that skeletons and zombies are not sensitive to signs, so it's impossible to learn the skill here.

The other way is to get the help of Bell and the others. The undead are standing in the shadows, so they are very surprised when they encounter us. And if you overkill them, the sound and presence of the undead will attract them.

Then I thought to myself. Why don't we have the belles float above the undead ....... This way they won't be startled when they encounter each other, and they won't have to fight in a hurry, cramped in a small space.

I can't kill ghosts and wraiths, so I have everyone else take them out secretly.

As I walk through the cave, I see Tulu pointing down below. I quietly approach him and cut off his head with a saw. I would have preferred to use a survival knife, but survival knives are used for food processing, and I don't want to cut off a zombie, even if it has to be cleaned.

I wave to Tulu, who waves back and flies ahead. I go forward again, and this time Rain is floating. As I approach it gently, I see a skeleton standing there.

Skeletons are a little troublesome because of the noise they make when they are defeated. In such a case, it is a waste of a magic stone, but it is quicker to cut it off from behind. The sound of bones crumbling is heard a little, but it is not so different from the sound of skeletons moving, and other undead do not come close to the skeleton.

I cut off the magic stone, wave to Rain, and move on. But there is no doubt that the general zombies here are intelligent.

The undead are evenly spaced and there are no zombies or skeletons wandering around aimlessly in the previous nests. It's a sense of order.

Whoa. It's Bell. ...... That's a zombie copycat. Lately, Belle has been imitating zombies and skeletons and telling us what kind of enemy they are. This time it's probably a zombie, since he's doing the walking imitation in a nubby sort of way.

Well, I guess she does it simply because it's funny, since no one but me can hear her voice and there's no point in making gestures. I quickly cut off the zombie's head.

I go on like that, and then Bell. Rain. Tulu is floating in front of the passage. This pattern signals the end of the passage and the location of the main body of the enemy. He waves happily, and I wave back. I'm getting distracted. This time I have to be more careful than usual. I'm going to have to be more careful this time.

The last time I had a spirit magician shoot into the middle of the room, the enemy got wiped out and I didn't gain any experience in battle aside from experience, so I've decided to fight on my own except when it's dangerous.

To tell the truth, even the lower class spirits like Belle and the others can fight with no effort, so there is no point in fighting by myself if I can make a contract with Sylphy, but it's a fantasy. I want to be strong too.

I peek inside, and there are enough zombies and skeletons standing around that I don't feel suffocated. The fact that the nest is empty while a normal nest is packed except around the master and his entourage is a sure sign of intelligence.

Looking in the back, there is also a ...... zombie mage and a zombie archer. It is troublesome that enemies have long-range attacks. We can't just kick them around with a hammer and be done with it, we have to remember the presence of long-range attacks in the fight.

General Zombie has a sword. Did they evolve from zombie knights? Well, it's easier for us if we're in close proximity. Let's get going.

(If I'm in danger, you're on my way.)




Since I can't hear everyone's voice, there is no problem if I talk normally, but it is nice to hear them whisper back to me in a realistic way.

Now let's get into it. Normally, I'd kill the enemies with long-range attacks first, but this time, the general zombies are intelligent. Which one should I take out first? ...... You never know what they will do if they are intelligent. Let's destroy the general zombies first.

Take your hammer to its maximum size and swing it around as you rush in. We'll get close to the general zombie at once and knock it flat.

"Enemy. Block it."

Uh-huh. Maybe it was the general zombie's order, but the zombies with their occupations have crowded around the general zombie, hiding him.

d*mn. Usually they just come at you, but I guess intelligence makes you quicker to react. I dodge and keep my distance as magic and arrows fly at me. My first failed surprise attack. I'm a little shocked.

I watch the approaching zombies and skeletons with a hammer. Wow, that's a pain in the ass. Zombie Soldiers and Zombie Knights are dense walls of flesh. And because there are so many of them, they're pretty thick. A literal wall of flesh ...... never seen before. Magic and arrows fly in from behind it.

The only way is to blow away the wall while avoiding the attacks. My reflexes have improved since I reached a certain level. I should be able to handle this much.

Well, Bel and his friends will protect us from the attacks that we think we can't avoid. Sorry for the lukewarm battle. But never say never, so we will seriously try to lose.

And when we do, we get in close and swing our hammers wildly. When magic and arrows fly at us, we back away, ducking. When you see an opening, get close again and swing the hammer. The wall is getting thinner and thinner. A few more close calls and I'll be able to blow them all away.

Wait! Wait, adventurer! Why are you doing this?

A few words were thrown at me that were a little hard to hear, but normally understandable. General zombies? I think about what to do with caution. Should I respond?

"I ask you again. Why are you doing this? You're insane to come storming into this lair of the undead alone. Why are there humans here in this wasteland in the first place?"

None of your business. You're not alone because of Bell and the others. That's why I'm sane. And I'm not in the land of the dead because I want to be.

"We live here in peace, bothering no one. For what reason would you commit such an atrocious massacre? Will you answer me?

Huh? I'm starting to feel like I'm doing something really bad. I don't know. I mean, I'm a zombie, right? Undead attacking people. Oh, there's no people. ...... what happens in this case?

"Answer me, adventurer."

I'm not an adventurer. Why ...... why ....... I don't understand. I'll give you the straight answer.

"What's the best way to level up?"

"...... trampled this peaceful paradise for such a thing?"

I'm starting to feel really bad. Is this a psychological attack?

"But you're demons, aren't you? You're the only ones who are conscious when you say you're living in peace."

"...... they may eventually become conscious. You want to snuff out even that possibility."

He seems very angry. I think he's right. But I don't get it. Oh, I see.

"You guys are spreading the miasma. Noxious air is bad for the world. So taking them down shouldn't be a problem."

What about a zombie paradise in the first place? If they keep evolving, the only one who will suffer is me, living in the land of the dead. Noxious joke. What are you going to do when the crops die?

"There are plenty of other demons that spread the noxious air. Why us? Why don't we just kill the demons that attack people? We're only here in this cave.

"But I live around here ...... a little ways from here, so it's zombies and skeletons that attack me."

" Don't live here. I've been human for a long time. This place is a den of the undead. It's normal to be attacked by the undead living in a place like that. Besides, the only reason noxious air is bad for the world is because it erodes the surroundings and upsets the balance of the world. This land has been dead for a long time.

...... feels like a bad deal. But I can't admit it. I can't live my life with my heart in my chest if I admit that I'm being beaten down by a brain-dead zombie. I'm going to beat him.

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