Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:17:50 AM

Chapter 420: - Episode 418. The Story of Mr. Barotta

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After witnessing the opening of the bar at the sake island, I came to the labyrinth city and found that the inn of Goumu Toruku had begun to be remodeled and that Ms. Barotta was staying at the inn as the king's emissary. I did not want to meet him because I was afraid he would be angry at me considering what I had done in the capital.

However, I can't avoid meeting him. I talked to Martha and she agreed to come to my room, but how should I greet the king's messenger? Since Ms. Barotta knows me, can I just act normally?

Oh, should I at least offer tea? Coffee is not recognized, so do we need tea and ...... tea cakes as well?

"YUTA. He's coming."

Is it that time already? We don't seem to have time to pick out tea cakes, so we'll just have to settle for tea. I quickly take the tea set out of my magic bag and set it on the table, and then there is a knock at the door. Well, let's welcome him.

"Yuta-dono, it's been a long time.

"Hello, Ms. Barotta, it's been a long time. Please come in.

He still looks as serious as ever, but has his color improved a little?

"Well, I heard that you are the king's messenger, what should I do? Should I kneel or something?"

I'd prefer not to kneel to a man if possible. .......

"Yes, it's an imperial order from His Majesty, but it's not very formal, so don't worry about it."

He denied it in a bit of a hurry. Apparently, it was not that serious. Maybe it wasn't a sermon. Let's just listen to him over a cup of tea.

"It's been a while. What happened this time?"

"You know what's going on, don't you? Barotta got into trouble with the king. It's not easy being human."

"You're with me because it's fun to be hard, isn't it?"

"Well, the Barotta family is serious but unlucky, and they can't leave well enough alone. I was worried a lot this time that I had to give your contractor a little advice.

...... I got the general gist from the conversation between Sylphy and the Intermediate Spirit of the Soil. I'm supposed to be a grouch. Also, I guess Barotta got the short end of the stick.

"Now, His Majesty has a message for Yuta-dono: ......"

Ms. Barotta started to speak with a serious expression on her face, but next to her, your contracted spirit was happily sharing her inside story. It's not a message, but a small talk, isn't it? I can see how Ms. Barotta is trying to keep the situation as calm as possible, and I'm starting to feel sorry for her.

Hmm? Could it be that the earthly spirits revealing their inner feelings is a way to support Ms. Barotta? Maybe they are trying not to offend me by indirectly telling me how they feel about Ms. Barotta. As one would expect from a contracted spirit who has lived with Ms. Barotta's family for generations. You know the subtleties of human nature.

"So you see... Barotta was getting depressed under the pressure, but the food at this inn seemed to suit her taste, she only looked happy when she ate. But when we get back to the room a little while later, she's wondering how to complain. In fact, I suspect that he likes it when I'm worried."

Huh? You're wrong? And I get the feeling that Ms. Barotta was also subtly enjoying her vacation in the labyrinthine city?

"That's sweet. Actually, Yuta taught me how to cook the food at this inn. In short, it's a taste of another world. It's a taste that's hard to find even in King's Landing, so it's no wonder your contractor is so happy.

"What, it's that good?"

"You haven't heard about paradise, have you? Food is all the rage among the spirits right now, you know?"

"I've heard about it, but I can't leave Ballotta. ......"

It's becoming like a well-wisher. It seems like a misunderstanding.

"...... So, the country wanted Yuta to make use of his connection with His Majesty without doing anything flashy. With that dagger, he could have done so. Didn't Yuta-dono think of talking to His Majesty?

Oops, I should listen to what Ms. Barotta has to say. But there's one thing you should know.

"Mr. Barotta. But, I have to ask you one there any doubt in your mind that I am responsible for the disturbances in King's Landing?"

You are talking about my work without question, but you did it first, didn't you? I think we should make sure of that. Huh? Mr. Barotta looks terribly surprised.

"...... Yuta-dono. After the commotion, the Marquises of Galli were delivered to the Royal Castle and the Adventurers' Guild."

Yes, it seems so.

"It took some time because the Marquise de Galli were not very patient, but they told us that they had messed with Yuta and that they had been repulsed. Well, I heard that they had some difficulty because they ignored His Majesty's orders.

Oh, I sure look like an idiot. And Mr. Barotta, you didn't notice? You're making a face like that. I am so embarrassed. I knew there was a good chance they would find out, but I hadn't thought to stop the Gulli family from talking.

If I had to make an excuse, I would say that I let my guard down because I wasn't trying too hard to hide it, and that I was fed up with so many crimes of the Gulli family. Also, I think he got into trouble and stopped thinking towards the end.

"I'm glad you liked ....... You were able to get the Gulli family to talk to you. What's going to happen to them?"

It's painful, but let's move on. Well, from what I'm getting from Ms. Barotta, it sounds like the Gulli family is in a bad way. I don't feel sorry for them at all.

"They're a very influential noble family, so the usual punishment would be a demotion in rank and retirement. And the confiscation of their property, depending on the crime. But since this has become such a big deal, they will be dealt with accordingly when all is said and done. The whole country is in an uproar because of this."

Well, I exposed a lot of things, so I guess it would look bad if I don't clean up my act. But please don't look at me like it's my fault. It was the Gulli family that did a lot of things, and it was this country that let it happen. It's not my fault.

"Of course, His Majesty is aware that he disregarded your orders and damaged your trust. But I also wish that you had used the dagger I gave you better."

I understand what you're saying. You're asking me to be a little more considerate. I'm sorry about that. At that time, I was bound by the word "flashy" myself.


"Whew. It's finally over."

It's almost dinner time. I wonder how much I've been holding on to. It helped that I didn't feel angry or sarcastic, but I was annoyed when he calmly complained about the plight of the country and politely, very politely explained to me how to use the dagger.

"Hmmm, that was hard work."

"Yes, it was hard work. Sylphy seemed to be having a lot of fun.

They looked so happy and envious while I was telling them off.

"Yes, you are right. As spirits who are also under contract with people, we have a lot in common, and it was interesting. Yuta, I have a favor to ask you.

A favor? Do you want a drink?

"What's a request? I'll help you if I can."

"I want to invite her to dinner. And it will be after midnight, after Barotta has gone to bed.

Oh, you were talking about the food at this inn. I guess that since he has a contract with Ms. Barotta, he can't take time to come to Paradise, and Sylphy would like to treat him to a meal.

"Mr. Barotta said he would return to King's Landing tomorrow, which means tonight, right?"

"Yes, I know it's short notice, but I'd appreciate it if you could."

Hmmm, meals are easy enough to get out of the magic bag. Gina can take care of Bell and the others, no problem. I don't mind if I lose some sleep, and I should do as Sylphy asks.

"Okay. I'll prepare dinner for you tonight. Do you have any requests for the menu?

"I've always been interested in the food served at the inn, so I think you'll be pleased with what I have to offer."

"Yes, sir. I'll get it ready."

I'm home... cue... time is perfect... coo... I'm back! ......"

Oh, the Bells are back. Gina and the others will be back soon, so we should feed them first.

"Yuta. You know what?

When Bell came back, he reported that he was very disappointed. We had been to quite a few food stalls by now, and there had been no new ones in ten days or so, I guess.

Hmmm...poor Belle, though I should feel sorry for her...she's so cute when she's so down. Rain trying his best to comfort Belle is also very funny.

"Well, let's stop by the royal capital before returning to paradise this time. There are many food stalls in the royal city that I have never been to before.

Now that I've gotten a little nudge, I should have no problem showing my face in King's Landing. Well, it would be a little awkward if I met Barotta as soon as possible. .......

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited!" ......"

Belle, who had been so pissed off a moment ago, and Rain and the others, who had been trying their best to comfort her, came flying in with smiles on their faces. I'm glad she's feeling better, but I'm worried that it's a little too easy.

Well, for my part, easy is better than hard, and since they are spirits, I can rest assured that they won't be kidnapped by food. I'm not sure if it's a problem because the contract is more favorable to the spirit side.

Anyway, now that I'm in a better mood, I'll remember to keep my promise. It's also a way of repaying the favor I've always done for him and I've heard that parents breaking their promises to their children is a trigger for them to become greedy.

I don't want to see any of those ghastly belles ....... It's so cute when you imagine it, isn't it? No, still no. Let's keep our promise.

"Yuta. Someday?"

Belle asks with a cocked head. I just came to the labyrinth city today.

"Ha-ha. I'll be in the labyrinth city for about 10 more days. Can you stand it until then?

"Hmmm, Belle, I can be patient!"

"I see. Thanks.

If I had been told that I couldn't stand it, I would have flown to King's Landing even now. I feel like I've been saved a lot by the goodness of Belle and Gina and the others.

Okay. Let's make sure we praise them and pet them and feed them. Tonight is a treat.

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