Published at 7th of December 2021 11:25:26 AM

Chapter 176: 176

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When Augustus took a closer look at the subordinate civilization agreement of the Human Federation.

This sub-civilization framework of mankind is not so much the control of sub-civilizations, it is more like a cooperation framework between civilizations.

After reading the framework agreement of the entire affiliated civilization platform, Augustus summarized the most important points as follows.

First, the subordinate civilization needs to be militaryly consistent with the suzerain civilization, and the suzerain civilization will provide military protection to all its subordinate civilizations.

At the same time, human beings will not force affiliated civilizations to participate in foreign wars, but will issue them in the form of tasks. The affiliated civilizations can freely choose to participate or not. Participants will be rewarded with points based on their contribution to the war, and part of the fruits of the war will be shared.

Second, the suzerain civilization will not force the subsidiary civilization to hand in its own technology. In the subsidiary civilization platform, there will be a special technology contribution area with a built-in federal technology tree!

Any technology that is not on the technology tree can be uploaded voluntarily by affiliated civilizations. After uploading, it will be verified by the federation's expert team. After verification, points will be awarded based on the difficulty of the technology.

Third, for the first and second civilizations, the suzerain civilization will support them.

During the support period, when the exchange does not exceed the third-level civilization technology in the affiliated civilization platform, only half of the point value is consumed. This support measure is automatically cancelled after the affiliated civilization becomes the third-level civilization.

Fourth, in the points redemption module, you can redeem various things and technologies, even the technology or equipment owned by the fourth-level civilization, as long as you have enough points, you can also redeem it!

Of course, it’s easy to exchange equipment, but if you want to exchange the detailed technologies of Level 4 Civilization, that’s a sky-high price, and as far as Level 2 Civilization is concerned, even if you get the technology of Level 4 Civilization, you won’t be able to research one. After all, The span is too large, it can only be a waste of points.

After summarizing the most important points, Augustus looked dumbfounded.

Do you humans call this a subsidiary civilization?

"Your civilization is correct in determining the terms?"

Augustulas, who was uneasy, confirmed it again!

"Of course, what our human federation needs is a subsidiary civilization that can progress with us, not those subsidiary civilizations that can only contribute resources and serve as cannon fodder."

The negotiator also smiled and said to Augustus.

"Your Majesty Augustus, are you interested in joining the affiliated civilized family of our Federation?"

Augustus didn't hesitate at all. Wouldn't it be a fool not to join?

As long as everything is as stated in the agreement, the Ogg Empire can use the subsidiary civilization platform to be promoted to the third-level civilization in a very short period of time, and even the future fourth-level civilization is completely predictable.

So on the same day, Augustus formally signed the Human Federation Affiliated Civilization Agreement and obtained a terminal device for the affiliated civilization.

When Lin Fan returned with the two women, the Ogg Empire had uploaded nearly a thousand technical details through the subsidiary civilization, and it was said that it was still uploading, and there was no sign of stopping at all.

Even the expert team specially set up on the earth at this moment is a bit dumbfounded. They did not expect that the first subsidiary civilization would be formed only a few days after the plan began, and so many technologies were contributed at once!

As a result, this specially formed technical verification team immediately put into the work of forgetting to sleep and sleep, and launched verification work on all uploaded technologies.

It has to be said that a completely different technology tree, even with detailed technical information, even if it is only a level 2 civilization technology, still makes the entire team encounter a lot of trouble in the verification process, and many technologies are not spent. It takes less time to figure it out.

Hundreds of experts are constantly exclaiming, how can steam be played like this? This is an eye-opener for everyone.

Just as Lin Fan returned to the guard fleet on the orbit of Org Star, a batch of relatively simple technical verification results have been fed back in the subsidiary civilization terminal of the Org Empire.

"Ding, the technical data No. S611 submitted by your civilization has been verified and earned 57 points."

"Ding, the technical data No. S617 submitted by your civilization has been verified and earned 89 points."

"Ding, the technical data No. S629 submitted by your civilization has passed the verification and gained 72 points."

"Ding, the technical data No. S651 submitted by your civilization has been verified and earned 198 points."


In one day, more than 100 technologies have passed the verification. Although the points given are pitifully low, Augustus doesn't mind at all.

In his view, the technologies that have passed the verification are some of the most basic and simple technologies, and they have no value at all, and these low-level technologies that have no value have received more than 10,000 points.

He just looked around in the points redemption interface, a set of energy shield device only cost 10,000 points, and a jump engine only 30,000 points.

Does this mean that after all the technologies are verified, you can even exchange a batch of energy shield devices and jump engines back to directly organize a powerful fleet?

This is not because Augustus has thought too much. After all, the Ogg Empire is only a second-level civilization. At present, the entire empire has only one fleet and 100 warships!

For the Ogg Empire, it was far from the level of a fleet of tens of thousands of warships like the third-level civilization.

And what excites Augustus most is the jump engine.

With this thing, it used to take a few years to pass through the way of stars, but now it only takes a few days to arrive, which makes Augustus go crazy.

When Augulas finished passing on the technology, he once again turned his attention to the resource contribution module.

In fact, to put it plainly, this is where the Federation purchases resources with points, but the price is really black.

For example, if the steel is 100 tons, every 100 tons of steel is worth 0.01 points. That is to say, 10,000 tons of steel can be exchanged for 1 point.

However, Augustus didn't feel much, after all, once steel was out of the home planet, it was the least valuable thing.

After all, there are too many of these things in the universe, especially in some asteroid belts.

Therefore, the general civilization does not accept this thing, but it is good if the federation is willing to accept it. Do you think the purchase price is too dark?

Just as Augustus continued to frantically exchange points, and Lin Fan and others continued their journey, the news of the Battle of Wien finally reached the ears of Emperor Imran of the Sierra Empire.

"Your Emergency information sent back by General Basel!"

In the imperial palace of the Serra Empire, a guard was kneeling in front of Imran and reporting.

"Haha, did you hit another place? Read it!"

Imran was in a pretty good mood. After all, Basel sent back a message a few months ago that he had already taken Wien.

There must be new progress now!

"Yes, the minister encountered the Io Federation counterattack in Wien. It has 200,000 quasi-fourth-tier warships. Then an unknown force joined the battlefield and helped the Io-Federation attack our army, and its fleet of more than 400,000 warships were all four-tier warships. Civilized warship, the minister has ordered all fleets to retreat through the way of stars, and I hope your majesty will make preparations soon!"

After the voice of the guard fell, the audience saw that the room became silent.

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