Supercarriers - Chapter 372

Published at 23rd of October 2021 06:00:13 AM

Chapter 372: 372

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Adjacent galaxy, entrance to wormhole.

Gemini civilization's second wave of wormhole attack troops are ready to go.

Five columns of quadrangular nail UAVs are waiting in a tight linear formation. They will fish into the wormhole at a command. In the rear, several small UAV carriers are releasing UAVs at full speed to supplement the UAV attack force sequence.

Within the visual range, the number of these UAVs has exceeded 50000, and the number is still increasing!

At the same time, several makeshift arms factories located on different planets in the neighboring galaxy are working at full power to tap mineral resources for smelting, and to make this kind of UAV.

Although the speed of opening up the base of Gemini is not slow, the newly occupied galaxy is far from self-sufficient. All industrial construction work is limited by materials and transportation capacity.

They don't have the talent of "one insect makes a country" like a robot. They need to develop the planets and new territories in neighboring stars. Most of the materials need a little bit from the inside of the Gemini civilization to the front line after months of long voyage.

However, due to the weak space power of Kara civilization, Gemini has always been building while fighting, occupying a planet, and then began to build resource collection bases and temporary ordnance factories in the rear to support the battle consumption in front. Only in this way can we have some industrial productivity that is still available.

If the strength of both sides is equal, with the long supply line of Gemini, the enemy's fleet harassment alone will make them exhausted.

Although the cost is not low, once the highly automated mature growth line is completed, Gemini can quickly build considerable industrial capacity with a small number of personnel.

In fact, according to the development plan of Gemini, this kind of military consumable will stop production after the occupation of Kara star, and all these production capacity will be transferred to transport ships and various basic living facilities needed for civilian and planetary development.

However, the strategy of wormhole in the solar system was blocked, and the military had to misappropriate part of its production capacity to continue to produce military products, trying to exert pressure on the opposite party's "all things return to one another" and deplete the other party's war potential. From this point of view, Nie Yun's intention to delay the development of Gemini is gradually showing its effect.

Nie Yun, who had been informed of the Gemini action plan at the military conference, just laughed at it, and then sent the wormhole surveillance information of neighboring satellite to the Earth Defense Forces in real time, and then ignored it.

As the top leader of the newly established special investigation team, the alien spy game is playing until it flies


"Sir, this is the personnel information, logistics supply list, material deployment record, patrol schedule and route record provided by the regiment..." Katherine takes a terminal tablet to Nie Yun and sends various internal data of the Legion.

These are what ISAR provides Nie Yun with the authority of the commander of the supreme army to help him investigate the possible "big man".

At the same time, from Nie Yun as the head of this investigation group, he has the right to obtain all information below a certain level of confidentiality from the Legion.

The first thing Nie did after taking office was to appoint Katherine as the deputy head of the investigation team

"Well, I see. I'm sure you can handle things. I'll take care of them when I'm free." Nie Yun didn't move his eyelids. He waved his hand and squinted at him. He was fast asleep.

When Catherine heard this, some blue veins sprang out of her forehead!

You don't seem to be free now. Your soul is light!

After this period of time together, Katherine really felt that the person in front of her was not only outstanding in ability, but also extraordinary in intrigue.

How long has it been since I was a small captain, I have been promoted to be the four masters of a huge fleet, and now I am entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the army!

This almost perfect performance, so that she recently provided the Cruze family observation report can only cry 666.

But the only problem is This guy seems to be more and more lazy recently

In fact, Nie Yun has a lot of things on his hands, but he puts on a kind of sincere little look that I like you very much, and then he gives it to her.

I'm just your adjutant, not you honey, OK!

In the eyes of outsiders, Catherine has officially become Nie Yun's number one confidant, and her status has also risen. Because of her effective assistance, she has been praised by the Cruze family, and has officially entered the elite class with annual salary of one million!

But the observer, who has been busy for two years, is not happy at all

When a normal person encounters Nie Yun's situation, which does not mean that once the power is in hand, he will make an order and enjoy the taste of power over ten thousand people under one person?

But what about you? Recently, I've been staying in the captain's lounge for three days. How can I suddenly fall asleep after chatting with each other during working hours?

This Ni Mei's sense of responsibility let the dog eat?

Is it because I've been so positive lately that he's used to it?

"Cough! Sir, some of these data are encrypted, only you have the right to view... " Catherine had to cough, a vague reminder of her duties as a qualified senior officer."Well So... " Nie Yun frowned and thought for a second when Katherine thought that she would finally have a thorough understanding and deal with "government affairs" a little bit

"Here is my authority." Nie Yun waved his hand and sent his "account password" to Catherine, and then Continue to travel in the sky.

Katherine:.... "

This Can I give it to you at will?!

Do you know what she's feeling now? yes! It's as like as two peas Zhu Geliang accepted Liu Bei's loneliness.

(the first emperor was in Yongan when he was ill, and he called Liang in Chengdu, which was a later thing. He said, "if you are ten times as talented as Cao Pi, you will be able to secure the country and finally make great decisions. If you have an heir, you can supplement it; if you don't have talent, you can take it yourself. ")

In addition to being touched by the unreserved trust, the slightest glimmer of joy in the power, and The impulse to cry and the faint sadness

In short, the feelings of that moment Super complex!

Naturally, in this way, she can gain more power, and the observation of every move of the target will be completely exposed under her own eyes, but

"Cough! Cough... " Catherine coughed for the second time. This time it was a little heavy and continuous. If you look at it carefully, you will find that Catherine's "light makeup" today makes her look a little bit "pale".

She didn't know whether she would have a chance to reach the peak of her life if she went on like this. But it was inevitable that she would be so tired as brother pig to get sick and die

Nie Yun was finally disturbed by Catherine again and again. He opened his eyes for the first time and turned his head to "seriously" look at Catherine.

Recently, our 007 classmates have got a lot of internal data from Gemini. These valuable military data are opening up to him in a * * way. Through them, Nie Yun can have a glimpse of the Gemini's military structure and strength for a more in-depth analysis and evaluation.

In addition to the newly obtained Hunter research and development information, as well as the remote control of the "colonial independence movement" of Kara, even the scientific research achievements on earth are showing explosive growth

So in fact, Nie Yun can be more than Katherine imagined, to "day by day.".

"Well? You have a bad throat Nie Yun is very concerned about a question.

This is his number one "military division", Nie Yun said that so proficient in Gemini "foreign affairs", but also hard to find.

"Cough! It's OK. It's just that I worked a little late yesterday. Maybe I caught a cold... " Katherine's delicate appearance rubbed her temples, and with the pale face of the sick beauty, I felt pity for her.

In this case, as long as a man knows how to "express" it?

Even if you are determined, at least you should give me two days' sick leave, right?

However, she underestimated men. According to big data, 40% of men have a very common disease Straight man cancer!

"Oh! So Drink more hot water

Katherine:.... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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