Published at 23rd of November 2021 05:25:08 AM

Chapter 42: 42

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: Diary (2)

How Ganon learned of Diablo Volfir's existence and why he was trying to reach the truth of the world.

'You must have got my bracelet.'

One of the three great gods of Diablo Volfir.

Complete immunity [Perfect Cell].

It was created to fight the power of the powerful 12 gods, and it was an absolute immunity artifact that made it perfect from plagues and curses the moment it was activated.

It eats a lot of mana, but at that time, it was not difficult because it did not choose any means and methods for mana supply.

'You found this here.'

Am I supposed to be lucky?

Jamie squinted one eye and looked at Maya Trey.

She was walking to the gravestone with sad eyes.


For her, the Perfect Cell was Ganon's legacy.

If I had asked for it, I didn't know if I would be really surprised this time. But to steal it, the opponent it protects is the Blue Dragon.

At the current level, it was impossible to even try to steal, let alone steal.

Jamie, pretending not to know, approached the tombstone.

"This is it."

okay. Ganon is sleeping down here."

Maya Trey caressed the tombstone.

The tombstone was maintained daily, and there was no dust on it. It looked like it had not been long since the flowers were placed around them.

'Why are the minerals placed there?'

There were pretty minerals glowing around the tombstone, and it seemed like she wanted to decorate the area pretty.

'I still don't know the aesthetic sense of dragons.'

I pointed it out for nothing, but I decided to keep quiet.

Jamie looked at Maya Trey and carefully asked about the Perfect Cell.

"What is this bracelet?"

"It's Ganon's legacy. He's been wearing it since he first met me, and it's a piece of great power. Because you saved his life over and over again."

"Is that the end of what Ganon left behind?"

"Why are you asking that?"

Maya Trey raised her eyes and asked sharply.

Jamie waved her hands in embarrassment.

"It doesn't mean anything else. I just said that I had reached the truth of the world, but I wondered if there was anything about it. Honestly, I'm curious.

Maya Trey looked at Jamie without a word and then snorted.

"It's like a quick-witted kid."


"I have a diary."

"Is it a diary?"

"The diary that Ganon used to write occasionally. It's too humid here, so I've kept it aside.

Perhaps Can you see it?"

"I don't want to give you that much."

Jamie said at Maya Trey's resolute words.

"Then can you tell me? the truth of the world. You know."

"Why do I have to tell you that? If I ask for too much just because I'm showing a favor now, will it hurt my nose?"

"Aren't you supposed to tell me of course?"

Maya Trey's heart became uncomfortable when he said that it wasn't natural. She opened her mouth by dilating her pupils vertically.

"Why is that normal? human. There is such a thing as a proper line for everything. Don't you know that this is also a lot of permission for you now?


out of it?

"Ganon, as a human being, tried to reach the truth of the world. He risked it for the sake of humans. Despite his failure in the end, his legacy is still here. If that is the case, then as a human being living in the present age, I think we have the right to know."

"You humans haven't done anything!"

"Did Ganon seek help from others?"

that's !"

"I thought so."

If Ganon had asked the humans for help first, and they refused, would Maya Trey have stood still?

And did Maya Trey, who was disappointed in humans, treat him like he is now?

"I can infer it from the way you treat me. I don't know what Ganon was thinking, but he probably wouldn't have turned to other people for help.

" ."

"Humans didn't do anything, they didn't do anything. And when I was able to do something, the dragon clan put pressure on me."

So the truth is hidden.

Maya Trey loosened the strength of his clenched fists.

She looked at Jamie with her blue hair half way back.

"A very clever human kid."

"You are very emotional for a dragon."

"Don't pretend you know anything about dragons. on human subjects."

Jamie just shrugged.

Maya Trey turned around, thinking he was very mean.


Following her, a cavity appeared, a little smaller than the cavity where the tombstone was.

A book was floating in the air there, and the mana flowing around it was protecting the book.

"It's Ganon's diary."

"Can I go take a look?"

"It doesn't matter what you see. But it won't make any sense.

doesn't make sense

Jamie looked at Maya Trey, looking for an answer.

"There is nothing written on it."

" Yeah?

"It looks like it was sealed. But no matter what kind of seal or what I did, the letters didn't come out."

uh I was confused with an empty notebook."

"Are you kidding me? Who do you think I am?"

There was no way a dragon would make such a mistake.

Jamie shyly walked towards the diary.

"Just pick it up."

Jamie picks up the diary under Maya Trey's supervision.

The brown diary cover had old traces intact.

Jamie's expression wrinkled as she opened the first page.

As Maya Trey said, nothing was written.

Even if mana was blown in, no letters were created over the blanks. I've tried several unlocking magic, but the same thing.

"I couldn't do it either, but it would be difficult for a human to do."

Maya Trey's magic skills are natural, but he has reached class 9. Besides, he would have studied only the sealing magic for a long time to unlock the diary, so his skill would be enormous.

"Stop and come out. I will take you out."

A seal in the diary that even the dragon could not unlock.

But Jamie had a last chance.

He said looking back.

"Don't be shocked by everything you see from now on."


Whatever the human did, it was just a joke to the dragon.

I don't know if it's a human who has surpassed the Master.

However, Maya Trey was shocked by the scene that followed.

you ."

An ominous dark purple energy emanating from Jamie's body.

The negative energy began to cover the cavity.


The cavity vibrates.

Maya Trey couldn't close her slightly opened mouth.

I was just startled by the ominous power emanating from Jamie's tiny body.


The light of mana they dealt with, but something quite different, covered the diary.

'Are you really a warlock?'

I couldn't even see it.

This foreign energy had never been felt in her more than two thousand years of life.

Even Ganon's black mana, which was different from other warlocks, seemed insignificant compared to the black mana Jamie was spreading.

That was then.


The corners of Jamie's lips rose.

He lifted the diary high, illuminating his purple-flaming eyes.


Fireworks burst and letters were engraved in the blanks.

A storm raged.

Numerous letters began to float in the air.

[Imperial Year 22 March 16]

I met the Blue Dragon today. The blue dragon called me a warlock and called me unclean, and attacked me like crazy to kill me. I really thought I was going to die, but luckily it wasn't Jackie Chan, my magic was stronger than her. But what? The wound was deep because he attacked too hard.

[Imperial Year 22 March 17]

He took care of the blue dragon who could not regain consciousness. The dragon's regenerative power was beyond imagination. She quickly got healthy. Then he asked me why I didn't kill him. Well. Just because you don't want to kill me?

[Imperial Year 22 March 18]

She introduced herself as Maya Trey. Maya Trey said I attacked because I was a warlock, so of course I was a bad guy. But I found out that he was a good guy, and I got some help, so I'll help you with my work. I said it was okay, but I don't care because it's a game time anyway. I'm uncomfortable...

[March 30, 22nd of the Imperial Year]

Traveling with Maya Trey is a lot more enjoyable than I thought. She has a cheerful personality and a sensibility that is not like a dragon. Today, I saw a rabbit being eaten by a fox, and I said that it was really pitiful. Was this guy really a dragon?

[April 19, 22nd of the Imperial Year]

This expedition was also a failure. It was nice to find ancient ruins, but nothing special. When will we get to the truth of the world? When I was depressed, Maya Trey gave me a cheering dance to cheer me on. how cute was that I hope to find you tomorrow.

[October 8, 22nd of the Imperial Year]

Finally found traces of the ancient kingdom. This is a really significant achievement. Maya Trey was also jumping and jumping with excitement. We are leaving for there tomorrow. It is expected. The owner of the bracelet. What were you going to do?

[January 10, 23rd of the Imperial Year]

We finally arrived at the ruins of the ancient kingdom. It was hidden really deep. It is probably the capital city. I want to write more in my diary, but Maya Trey tells me to eat quickly. That's all for today.

[January 12, 23rd of the Imperial Year]

The name of the ancient kingdom is presumed to be Amon. Not sure because it's old language Looking at the traces, it seems that there was a huge war. What kind of war was it? Fortunately, I found a map. It has been weathered for a long time, but magic is what it is used for.

[April 26, 23rd of the Imperial Year]

I took the Maya Tray and came to the area marked on the map. It is a land of powerful magic. It's surprising that such a place is hidden. After all, this is an area out of the reach of humans. Maya Trey was also delighted that this was the first time he had been to a place like this. If she is happy, I am happy too.

First of all, I will call this place the 'Land of Gangma'.

[Imperial Year 23rd July 17th]

We found a ruin. Unfortunately, only one person could enter this place. We thought about it for a while and decided not to go in right away. Even in the land of Gangma, a particularly strong magical power flowed here. We didn't know what kind of danger lurked, so thorough preparation was necessary.

[September 22, 23rd of the Imperial Year]

The Dragon Lord told Maya Trey to bring me. She was happy that she was finally able to be recognized by her family, but frankly, she was uneasy. I don't even know what I'm worried about. But it's definitely a good opportunity. Dragons are the longest-living race. They might not know the truth of the world.

[December 24, 23rd of the Imperial Year]

As a result, it was wrong. The Dragon Lord called me a sin and designated me as a target for annihilation. Currently, I have returned to the land of Gangma with Maya Trey. He told me to stay in the ruins until it was safe. There may be some danger lurking, but it's better than dealing with the dragon clan. She told me not to worry about herself. How could you not worry? i love her

[March 8, 41st Imperial Year]

I have reached some level of truth in the world. It's really disgraceful. What kind of fight have you been fighting? The time written on the 'stele' is 65,966 years ago. He struggled with the 12 gods alone in the distant past. it must have been hell I will somehow make your will known to the world. By the way, I spent way too long in the ruins. Is Maya Tray ok? The dragon clan probably didn't harm her, but I'm worried. We must rescue Maya Trey.

[Imperial Year, March 16, 41]

said to the dragons. Why did you forsake the world? Why did you succumb? They didn't pretend to hear. I rescued Maya Trey and left with her. Maya Trey shed tears, saying that it was fortunate that I was safe. I'm really glad she's safe.

[May 1, 41st Imperial Year]

settled on some mountain. This place will be able to avoid the eyes of the dragon clan. The next place to go is a place called 'Garmon' to the northwest of this place. It was clearly written there at the bottom of the tombstone. It is a place name that does not currently exist, but there must be something there.

The diary was there.

After that, he eventually died in a battle with the black dragon Aigos, so he couldn't write the next diary.

"Ugh Ganon. My love My love ."

Maya Trey sat on the floor and began to cry.

Now that I have checked Ganon's diary, which has been locked for 700 years, it is only natural that my emotions will rise.

Jamie looked at her and then went back to her diary.

'Looks like the land of Kangma is there.'

He seemed to know what kind of stone Ganon was talking about.

Before entering the final war, I, Diablo Volfir, wrote on a stone monument the bitterness of the past and hopes for the future, in order to prepare myself.

That was 65,966 years ago at the time Ganon wrote his diary.

'700 years have passed.'

Jamie burst out laughing.

'I was reincarnated 66,666 years after that.'

Jamie burst out laughing at the distant hour.

I knew it was tens of thousands of years, but knowing the specific time, I had nothing to say.

'But where is Garmon?'

I do not remember.

Did you write something like that on the tombstone?

no. there wasn't much

'I ended up saying that I will definitely win.'

The name Garmon was not written down.

Then who the hell?

'It's northwest of here.'

I'm not sure if it's where the monument is or if it's in the Maya Trey Mountains.

'As a result, I'm heading northwest.'

There is Apton.

Jamie looked at her diary again.

'Still, you're long.'

With only one perfect cell, he struggled to uncover the secrets of the distant past.

And I didn't tell the world, but I finally got to the truth.

66666 years ago.

Only the truth is that humans are reduced to the slaves of the 12 gods.

'But don't regret it.'

Jamie's purple eyes began to glow intensely.

'This body has come down to this earth again.'

Jamie turned around.

'Twelve gods will be destroyed.'

I don't know how long it will take, but two failures won't exist.

Man will enjoy freedom again.

- Continued on next episode -

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