The Defeated Dragon - Chapter 760

Published at 5th of August 2022 05:51:25 AM

Chapter 760: Historical process (first more)

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As the saying goes, I haven’t seen pork before I have eaten pigs. Liszt was not a scientific researcher before the crossing, just an ordinary office worker.

But for scientific experiments, more or less understand some, knowing that scientists do experimental data collection is a very important part. Moreover, a reference frame must be established, and the information can be compared once and for all to obtain valuable results, such as Mendel's pea experiment.

The laws of nature are always there, the only difference is whether you can find them.

The legendary mainland magicians are of course a group of smart people, but there is no good experimental habits, plus the secret of uploading, always like to do their own secret experiments. There is no systematic operation plan, no detailed experimental records, and no repeatability.

Therefore, the prosperous magical civilization of the Moon Empire quickly declined after the shrinking of the Magic Net.

Liszt instilled many scientific test methods in the process of teaching A-Magic, the most important of which is information gathering. If you want to study the elves and want to study the dragon, but if you don't get enough information, it doesn't make sense to rely on fantasy.

For example, if you study the elves now, there is too little information provided by a single elf, but there are hundreds of elves providing information, so many information about the elves is naturally revealed.

There may be very few secrets revealed in the evolution of an elf.

Keep recording, as more and more elves evolved data collection, you can certainly find valuable clues to break the essence of elf evolution.

"Mala's body is very healthy, and all physiological characteristics are highly active. Through the magic net's induction, the magic radiation emitted by it is getting closer and closer to the magical radiation of the elf, and it should be able to evolve quickly. "A moment leads Lucy and Ruth, constantly recording the collected data."

Lucy and Ruth, the pair of twin magic apprentices, were recommended by Liszt to Chris, but the two little girls did show a strong magical talent and had been asked to be a laboratory assistant.

The main thing is that Chris is too busy, no time to guard the laboratory every day.

If the Magic Guild continues to grow and develop, Chris will have to be transformed into an executive, and there is no time for her to experiment and practice magic. Of course, Chris itself is not the kind of talented magician, the great magician is basically the end of her magic practice.

In this era of rotten nets, you want to be a magician, far more difficult than becoming a dragon knight.

"Oh wow!"

Zillah complained that it was very uncomfortable for Azhan and Lucy and Ruth to move hands on it.

Lucy didn't know this, but she was very happy to say: "Your Highness, I am so cute, I really want to hold an elf every day."

She still has the heart of a child.

In fact, she is a child. Before the serf trade, she lived in the country. After the serf trade, she lived in the Master Tower and did not suffer too much.

Instead, Ruth, who is a younger sister, is more mature: "Lucy, don't make these daring illusions, all the elves are the private property of His Royal Highness."

This awareness is good, indeed, all the elves in the current territory are Liszt.

It can only be owned by Liszt. The lord has control over all the production of the territory. Even if the lease is gone to the farmland cultivated by the civilians, the elf is still owned by Liszt.

These two freckled twins, my sister is lively and innocent, my sister is mature and sensible, Liszt likes: "Learning to learn magic, the most important thing is to learn how to experiment, so that you can grow into useful people, crack more The mystery of truth."

General Ruth generally replied: "I and Lucy must study hard and become qualified magicians, work hard for His Royal Highness, and reward the cultivation of His Royal Highness."


nine in the morning.

Liszt took the Jura to the stone square that dedicated the Blizzard beast.

Emily has been standing in the stone square, letting the snow fall on her hair and shoulders, surrounded by playful snow sluts.

Seeing Liszt, the Blizzard beast was arranged in a team under the command of Shakessen.

"Shake the Sen, come over."


"From now on, you follow Emily's training and listen to her command."

"Wang!" Shakesson was a little reluctant, but still obeyed Liszt's orders, went to Emily, and turned to the eight small shouts.

Suddenly eight small also came to the front of Emily.

"Emily, you can start training." Liszt stood on a stone, his body was sullen, and the snow had evaporated before he got close to him.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

With Liszt's sitting, Emily's next training work went smoothly. According to Liszt's training method, he continued to work with Shakesend to increase the level of tacit understanding. With the authority of Shakessen, the commanding eight small obedience orders, thus driving the entire Blizzard squad.

Compared with the free and easy and casual nature of Liszt's training Blizzard, Emily's training work is meticulous.

In other words, Liszt’s training is like the master is trying to train Erha, while Emily’s training is like training a police dog. Sometimes Liszt has to admit that he is indeed behind the genius of Emily in terms of perseverance, diligence, talent, attitude and so on.

Without the power of destiny brought about by the smoke mission, his own achievements are absolutely limited.

"It's no wonder that I was just an office worker who worked for people before I crossed. After the crossing, I not only mastered the power of destiny, but also grew so handsome."

The fate of Liszt is more driven to move forward.

As one of the elders said: "The fate of a person must depend on personal struggle, but it must also take into account the course of history."

The smoke dragon chose Liszt, and Liszt respected its choice.

He examined everything he had done in the past three years, and felt that the town of flowers did not do anything else. There were probably three things: "First: integration into the feudal lord knight system. Second: the introduction of scientific experimental theory into magic. Third: Riding a few dragons. Of course, the battle of dragon riding is also very big. Another point is to fully develop new product trade."

It’s not a big hit, it’s a minor change.

"Oh wow!"

Jura interrupted Liszt’s memory of youth, and then, under Liszt’s gaze, it stuttered: “Li...S...spec...”


"Hey... pull... oh wow!" When he continued to shout out his name, he laughed and laughed, his vocal cords slowly developed and he could finally speak.

This also means that it basically completes its own evolution, from the thorny elf to the thorny elf.

The stone hanging in Liszt’s heart finally landed, and couldn’t help but extend his thumb and praised him: “It’s beautiful, pull!” With the evolution of Gala, it’s not just two hundred years of life. With a larger scale of adjuvant thorn planting, the production of territorial potions will double!

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