Published at 14th of April 2023 06:26:35 AM

Chapter 762

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After a close investigation, there was a complaint meeting.

Among them, all kinds of tragic and subversive things of human ethics make players who have experienced hundreds of years feel extremely miserable, and many people cry bitterly.

The white lotus religion is a kind of evil ghost that takes advantage of human weakness and feeds on human flesh and soul. Although its head comes from human beings, it is no longer a human species and must be eliminated.

"Kill them!"

"Kill these animals!"

Before long, in the roar and weeping of the masses, all the white lotus Taoist priests and those deeply involved in the cult affairs were quickly executed. Hundreds of white lotus cult villains fell to the ground, and Pingling county was one of the Qing Dynasty.

At this moment, there was no class contradiction, and it had already risen to the contradiction between human beings and cannibal species. All those willing to act as accomplices of cannibal species are capital crimes.

With the support of the people, the land reform was carried out without any resistance.

The army continued to spread in all directions, using the same means to sweep all sides, killing all the accomplices of cannibalism. Ignorance and superstition disappeared in front of guns and knives.

Many cities were recovered, and good news came from time to time. Their resistance was so weak that people could not believe that this was the force that defeated Daqian.

Huang Huo was not very happy and said in a low mood: "there is no conspiracy. According to the captured senior leaders of the white lotus sect, this is the usual state of the white lotus sect."

"They will incite the common people in the last years of the dynasty or in the turmoil. After seizing the leadership, they will take blood and eat, refine magic weapons and practice, and supply them to the unborn mother."

"In this turmoil, the strength of the uprising army declined rapidly, and was finally defeated by the new dynasty or other armies, but it doesn't matter. Their goal from the beginning to the end was only human beings and blood food."

People, like pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, are kept in captivity, killed, eating meat and drinking blood, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Feng Zi and Liu beast are also full of killing intention.

It's nothing but personal pursuit to die in war or for better interests, but human beings can't be like pigs and sheep. This is the bottom line.

For a moment, the conference room was silent.

"Among them, the people of Qingzhou may not be innocent."

A cold voice broke out.

"Lime soil!"

Huang Huo and Feng Zi angrily looked at the ash king of area 24, who was always like a transparent man: "you scum, do you still have compassion and human bottom line?"

"Am I not right?"

The ordinary looking gray king looked up and said with no emotion: "in other worlds, such as the Cangqing world, under the rule of the heaven devil sect, ordinary people can't resist, and it's understandable.

But in this world, the white lotus believers have no more strength than them, and the number is even less than a thousand. "

"There is no difference between you and me and these people. Under such a huge power gap, they do not fight for their own life and death. They are extremely incompetent. Isn't it right to die?"

Huang Huo's hair exploded like a little lion: "you want to die!"

"Lime soil, you have a sense of superiority."

Fengzi also looked at him coldly, and put his hand on a crescent saber without sheath and handle, staring at the whole body of ash soil, looking for the opportunity of cutting.

They don't want to argue about anything. They are going to chop people when they see something wrong.

Ash soil did not speak, and quickly ran to the door of the meeting room. For a while, she looked at Huang Huo and Zhao Shi.

He couldn't beat the two women together and had to escape.

Even if he can beat him, he will escape. This is instinct. He is a civilized man. Don't fight.

A heavy pressure filled the air and suppressed the two women who were about to run away: "OK, don't start."

The two queens struggled for a long time, snorted and stopped talking.

The dust King took a breath and repeatedly confirmed that he was safe before moving back to his original position.

"Zhao Shi, what do you think?"

Jiang Hua suddenly said: "you have always pursued the policy of equality for all. Since you, I and the people of Qingzhou are equal, why don't Qingzhou people stand up and fight for their own interests?"

"Is it The common people in this world are just selfish people who give up all people's long-term interests for their own short-term interests. "

"It's like the real society, while scolding corrupt officials, at the same time for their own home to get a little extra benefits proud."

"They regard others as stupid, and only allow themselves to tear down walls, and let others be just and indifferent."

"All the ugliness in this world is created by them. It is their own choice. Every snowflake is responsible for the avalanche."

The words were calm, but everyone could hear the anger.

"Ha ha, people, do you really need sympathy?"

Liu beast, ash soil and other kings pondered, which attracted Huang fire and Fengzi to glare."Jiang Hua, you are too emotional. When you were young, you participated in political movements and then failed?"

Zhao Shi said lightly: "how selfish? What about shortsightedness? Aren't we selfish ourselves? As long as the society can enter the stage of maximizing productivity and jointly build a magnificent road of long life. "

"Why care about the rest?"

Jiang Hua's eyes closed slightly and opened again: "thank you. I know your point."

After a while of silence, the military discussion continued in an orderly manner.

After the meeting, Zhao Shi's first army and Huang Huo's second army were in the center of the county city. Jiang Hua and other five men led their troops to conquer the cities along the way, meeting each other briefly from time to time. After defeating the enemy, they continued to attack each other as fast as a tiger.

One year later, the territory of Qingzhou was calmed down. Even though the xuehaixian League was fully rescued, the number of people in Qingzhou dropped from 4.7 million before the war to more than 3 million, and more than 1.7 million people died or fled to other states.

All this is just the handwriting of a few thousand core believers of the white lotus religion.

State city, Green Wing mansion.

Zhao Shi and other seven kings silently looked at the white bone magic tools piled up in front of them, as well as a group of red and jade like flesh and blood.

Huang Huo introduced: "this is all the white lotus teachings seized by us during this year's war, and the essence of their flesh and blood refining by human flesh and blood. Theoretically, it will have great attraction for the old without mother. If she is now destroyed by faith, she should be able to be caught."

"Let's go." Pile up like a mountain hand and flesh essence, hundreds of

white lotus Taoists with iron chains and trembling fear are coming to the front.

They do all kinds of crazy actions and drink in accordance with the provisions of the canon, just like a madman, they can not see the appearance of a Taoist at all.

The sky was suddenly overcast.

"Buddha's light is rising, vacuum hometown, Maitreya is coming!"

The mountain of magic tools and flesh and blood mass trembled and turned into a pink River on the ground, sending out a strong fragrance.

The cloud instantly expanded to thousands of miles, infinite, the light of the sky and earth was dim and incomparable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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