The eSports King's Crush - Chapter 1331

Published at 19th of December 2022 08:46:52 AM

Chapter 1331

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This interview comes after the official broadcast.

As if responding.

Retweet, comment, keep retweeting.

From the web to reality.

Everyone started to help the Diamond Alliance to promote.

There were even rich fans who spontaneously organized and chartered an entire convoy, and temporarily assembled them into painted paintings, just for support.

Many people are saying that the Asian Games in 2018 are hotter than ever.

Firstly, because it was finally chosen as the venue in Huaxia.

The second reason is that the influence brought by the Imperial League team is really extraordinary.

At the scene, almost all the tickets for Diamond League were sold out.

Many people had already arrived in Jiangcheng before the competition started.

They didn't force others to like the team.

It was just when the reporter was holding a microphone and asking them: "Why did you come so early? The temperature in Jiangcheng is very low now, isn't it cold?"

"It's cold, but it's worth it." A girl smiled and shook her admission ticket: "My boyfriend gave it to me, and we only met because of the Diamond League."

The reporter was surprised: "Because the Emperor League knows?"

"Well, at that time he always imitated God Qin to play as an assassin, and because I liked Big Spade, I was always jealous. In the end, Big Spade and Qin God were together, so he told me, look, your male god We’re all together with my male god, so let’s be together.” The girl bent her lips: “I’m a sucker for playing games. When I play long-range shooters, I always miss the target, run slowly, and don’t understand anything. It's walking, so I always get killed. He will always rush out to avenge me after I die. Although he doesn't fight very well, but do you understand that feeling? I always feel that I can always be like this People who like Dimeng will not be too bad in their hearts. They will always be more mature than others. When they are together, they talk very little and feel that they are being taken care of. Last time I saw Little Spades wearing a vest and said, My boyfriend is jealous and I have to make him happy. At that time, I thought, he has always made me, I have never made him, and now we are about to graduate, I always worry about whether we can be together in the future , Unexpectedly, that day, he proposed to me. He said that a Z god would make his boyfriend happy, but of course he wants to make his girlfriend happy. It's not that he doesn't know how to quarrel, but sometimes he quarreled and went to see the group People can remember the sweet time."

The reporter did not expect to interview such a person.

Afraid of being considered a show, he didn't say much. Even though he knew that the interview rate would not be too bad when it was broadcast, he moved the microphone to the one below to avoid suspicion.

Then, I was taken aback.

It was an aunt with something on her shoulders.

Her hair was a little gray, her back was slightly arched, but she was dressed very cleanly, as if she was specially waiting for today.

It's just that she still has to live, so she even brought the things she sells, a small amount of cigarettes and some bottled water.

Holding the ticket in one hand, she was still asking the people next to her: "Is this the ticket for the Diamond League game? Will you watch it here then?"

When the reporter saw this scene, there was surprise in his eyes. After all, it is impossible for people of this age to watch e-sports competitions.

And with only such an elderly aunt, she looks even more out of place.

After the camera was scanned, both the reporters and the photographers felt that this would be a hot spot, and passed the microphone over: "Auntie, excuse me, we are really curious, after all, except for some young women who came to watch the game The child is a man who likes to play this game very much. At your age, there is only one person in the audience. If it is convenient for you, can you tell us why you bought this final ticket? Did you buy it for the juniors in your family?"

Unexpectedly, the aunt hurriedly waved her hand: "No, I bought it for myself. After waiting for so long, I can finally support those children. I am very happy."

"I bought it for myself? Then you..." At this point, the reporter paused: "Is it someone who knows the Emperor League team?" After all, the word child was mentioned.

Auntie was a little hasty, after all, the camera had been shooting towards her, but then, she seemed to think of something, and slowly stopped: "It's not that I know each other, but they have helped me a lot. I thank them. You can provide me with a lawyer when you are avenging your daughter." At this point, she paused: "Moderator, I would like to say a few words to them on your platform?"

The reporter paused his fingers: "You said." It's just that he wasn't sure whether the Emperor League would see it.

"I watched your game on big TV. I'm old and don't understand the game, but when I see you win, I will be very happy. This time is even better. Auntie has made a lot of money selling things, so I can go in Watch your game."

The reporter didn't know how to answer this sentence.

Everyone here seems to have their touch in it.

He is very clear.

Why are they standing here.

Buying tickets with a smile on your face.

Not forcing you to like the team they are supporting.

Instead, when you ask, you will talk eloquently or smile shyly.

No matter what kind of expression it is, they have never left here.

It seems to be speaking with all its strength.

You think we are inconspicuous but just fireflies, but together we are torches.

Guard the torch of this clan.

"Are we still interviewing?" the photographer asked next to him.

Originally, they wanted to catch some on-site issues to create topics.

But, obviously, this time they were doomed to fail.

The reporter also played games. It was very early, and there was no Emperor League at that time.

They don't like it much, just those games that seem to come into your life.

The King of Fighters, Super Mario, Audition, Cross Fire, Warcraft, Zhu Xian and now the heroes.

These used to be names you were familiar with, as if they would always remind you of what you were at that time, what kind of friends you had around you, and you really felt closer than lovers.

You talk about everything, even go to the bathroom together, there are little secrets between girls.

You climbed over the wall together, and after learning to smoke, you were worried about being seen by your parents, so you turned on the electric fan and kept blowing.

In the end, they didn't clean it up, and the two would fight, using the excuse that it was a battle between men.

In fact, at that time, even the hair was not fully grown.

The reporter lowered his head and looked at the stencil paper someone had given him, and then raised his hand, the paper was torn to pieces.

"Of course there is an interview, but let's do it according to the real situation."

"But above..."

"I take care."

Two words, stop.

Without anyone realizing it, they changed the direction of an interview...

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