The eSports King's Crush - Chapter 1469

Published at 19th of December 2022 10:05:37 AM

Chapter 1469

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Smith is still struggling, who dares to touch him with such a big talk.

"Do you know who I am, and dare to say such cruel words!"

When Bo Jiu heard this, she smiled: "Smith started his business with oil, and now the company is running well, but his hands and feet are a bit dirty. For example, when he was dealing with oil, he also did some other businesses."

When Smith heard the next sentence, his face turned pale and his eyes narrowed.

"Just now you asked me, do you know who you are?" Bo Jiu tilted her head: "Now it's my turn to ask you, do you know who I am?"

Smith just wasn't sure about the other party's identity, so he didn't understand how the boy knew about him!

"Remember this name." Bo Jiu raised his hand and sprayed a letter on his chest with spray paint, and said slowly, "z."

Smith's eyes widened when he saw the letters take shape, and now they tremble even more.

In the entire Fifth Avenue, there is no one who doesn't know Z. Those who are targeted by him will never escape, and all of them will be sent to prison.

But Smith never thought that z would be such a young boy!

At this moment he was really scared.

After all, if Z made the move, he would not be given the chance to hire a lawyer at all.

Because every time he found the most deadly evidence, it was enough for some people to spend a lifetime in prison. No matter how sharp-tongued a lawyer was, it was difficult for him to speak again when faced with those criminal evidences.

"Z, please, where did I offend you? If you tell me, it's easy to discuss." Smith begged for mercy in a low voice, with a thin layer of sweat on his face: "look, lookme, I can tell you whether those goods are right or not." You, we can share it equally, and I can get it for you now!"

Bo Jiu smiled softly: "Smith, you don't seem to understand my style of doing things. I will take over your goods, but you still have to go in."

When Smith heard the words, violence appeared in his eyes all of a sudden: "Why do you insist on exterminating them all! Z, they are all messing around in the Tao. Aren't you afraid that if you do something too extreme, you will not be able to protect yourself?"

"That's my business, as to why I did this to you." Bo Jiu said coldly: "Those girls who have been bullied by you, no matter what nationality they are, you can sleep if you want to sleep, sell them if you don't want to sleep, or even force others to sleep with you." When you die, after you go in, you haven't learned how to be good, and the words you said when you came out are enough for me to kill you."

It never occurred to Smith that it was because of this.

After all, Z is also a criminal, isn't he?


He wants to replace those people...

"Oh, sarcasm, it's really sarcasm." Smith sneered, trying to win himself a little distraction from the other party: "Z, don't you think you are hypocritical, you are obviously doing bad things, and your money comes from It’s not so clean, and you have to stand up for others, why? Do you really think those people will regard you as a hero? If this is the case, there will not be many people who want to catch you in the public survey , Your existence makes them feel horrible, no matter what, you are black, you will not understand this truth, right?"

At this time, Bo Jiu had already stood up.

On her left is a street lamp. Under the backlight, she looks more like a mysterious blood-sucking nobleman. She is so handsome and stunning: "Who told you that I am white?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!