Published at 19th of December 2022 10:40:20 AM

Chapter 51

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People who come here to eat have never made an account...

Especially in this circle of their age, who likes to be more generous than anyone else.

When you go out to eat, do you still keep the bill?

How shabby is this?

COCO lowered his head and bit his finger.

What the president did was too black. He clearly wanted to help Fu Jiu become famous in the circle.

In the future, no matter where Fu Jiu went, this matter would be mentioned.

Fu Jiu doesn't care about fame, she cares about money!

"Qin Dashen, didn't the Mianji Raiders tell you that your friend has no money, should you make up for the missing part?"

Qin Mo glanced at him lightly: "That's the normal face-based process, obviously that set is not suitable for you, in order to prevent you from having such absurd thoughts like paying off the debt with your own body, let you put All the money is good."

Fu Jiu: ...

This lobster meal is really bad.

In order to avoid further losses, Fu Jiu, who originally did not want to bring the two live lobsters home, decided temporarily that she would carry them back even if she did.

This is a guest she invited, and she still owes 30,000 yuan.

But spend money to eliminate disasters, and after a meal, you don't have to beware of being checked again in the future.

"Are you going back by yourself, or I'll take you off?" Qin Mo glanced at the lobster in the boy's hand, and seemed to think that he looked a bit like the cat in his house had just been drenched in the rain, knowing that the other party was just a It looks pitiful, the claws are still hard, or I asked in a low voice, after all, the etiquette and tutoring of the Qin family are there.

Qin Mo also thought of another point, if this guy asks anything in the car.

As long as it's not too much, he can agree.

After all, a large part of the reason he saw Spades Z this time was to let him join the team.

Fu Jiu was also polite, tossing her silver shattered hair, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "You give me this, I don't even have the money for a taxi. It's a little far from my home, so it's not realistic to go back on a skateboard."

"Yeah." Qin Mo stretched out his hand to open the car door, his expression was very light, and he still looked aloof and noble.

At this time, the two talents had a normal atmosphere.

Fatty and COCO always felt that it was not called Mianji before.

It's just a minute-by-minute sword shadow!

Still a fat man driving.

There was music in the car.

Fu Jiu was sitting on Qin Mo's left side. There was a distance between the two, but they didn't talk much.

This made COCO a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but said, "Fu Jiu, what about your mother's company? Is it really going to close down?"

"Why did it go bankrupt?" Fu Jiu looked away from the night outside the window, her eyes were deep.

COCO licked his lower lip: "I heard some news that most of the players in your mother's company have been poached, and now the team cannot be integrated, and if you don't make adjustments, you will be disqualified from registration. , once the investor withdraws the capital, it will be difficult for your mother's company to support."

"There is such a thing." Fu Jiu smiled, her eyes filled with coldness: "Who did you listen to? The three outside? Or the illegitimate child of the Fu family? No matter who you listened to, my mother No company will fail, and if it does, others should.”

COCO did not expect that the bohemian person who was still in the hotel just now would be filled with such a strong sense of oppression.

At this moment, he really felt that Fu Jiu, this upstart prodigal, is indeed the spade Z that they were defeated on the Internet!

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