Published at 21st of October 2022 06:01:20 AM

Chapter 234: - time limit

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A crack, and you can feel the magic stone of the key hitting the wall inside the hole. I can't see inside, so I can't be sure, but the magic circle must have been activated.

"Grab my shoulder!

I call out to Taura.

Softly and gently, a slight weight is placed on my shoulder.

Taura crouched down and gently put her left hand on my shoulder.

The next moment, the light of the magical element overflows from the hole and envelops me and Taura through me.

The world switches.

I am used to it by now, but this is Taura's first time in a dungeon. She must be wary. I can see her right hand gripping the hilt of the sword at her waist, ready to pull it out at any moment.

I get up slowly and brush the sand and gravel off my clothes.

The inside of the dungeon does not seem to have been damaged by the earth tremor. The figure is exactly as the sorcerer remembers it.

The walls are made of moist, dark stone, and the low ceiling is covered with numerous stalactites. In contrast to the natural cave-like walls and ceiling, the floor is flat, as if it were covered with tiles.

The dim light emitted by the scattered crystal-like stones made them stand out.

"Be careful not to slip on the floor, it should be wet in places. This floor becomes slippery when it gets wet. Also, you shouldn't rely too much on the half-light."

"Yeah. Yes, sir. There are a lot of traps like that.

Taura immediately understands my warning based on the sorcerer's memory. There are several traps in this dungeon to lull you into an illusion of half-awareness.

"Does Rust know the way?"

"Well, the first starting point is a random jump, right here. So if you move around for a while, you should be able to get a general idea of where you are.

"That's a problem. It's no use. I'll leave it to you to decide which way to go.

Taura draws her sword and begins to walk carefully.

I too deployed only one scroll of the "transcription" and began to walk through the dungeon with the scroll in my left hand, leaving my right hand free.

I started to walk through the dungeon with the scroll in my left hand, leaving my right hand free.

"How's that, Rust?"

Taura asks after smashing through the monsters that appear for the second time.

Perhaps because this dungeon is based on an actual space, defeated monsters do not disappear and materials can be obtained.

I collect only what I can strip off quickly, but it's still quite a good haul.

The wings of a flying monster, which looks like a child between a bat and a leech, fly out from the darkness in the corner.

The bodily fluids of a subspecies of water slime that mimics the droplets of water dripping from the ceiling.

I can't wait to see how alchemy can be used to alchemize them.

As long as I understand the points to watch out for, I have no problem defeating them. Taura, who seemed to be a little overexerted before the dungeon, seems to have relaxed nicely.

To answer Taura's question, I glance at the "transcription" scroll. The scroll has been automatically "transcribing" and my path ever since I moved to this dungeon.

Therefore, the rough route I had traveled was marked on the scroll like a map.

I check the map against the sorcerer's memory.

"Hmmm. Not yet. But I think I'm close to finding out where I am.

That's when it happened. Even though we were in a dungeon, the floor, walls, and ceiling creaked.

The earth shook and shook and shook against us.

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