The God of Basketball - Chapter 152

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:36:10 AM

Chapter 152: [This is bad for you]

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As the Staples Arena burst into flames because of Bruce's two fingers.

The atmosphere in the espn studio and the atmosphere in front of the TV are also changing.

Nicholson is worthy of being a well-known director. His ideas are very representative and coincide with the public.

Everyone changed their views on Bruce, and some fans who were concerned about the incident even began to think about what the old coach Winter said: Is Randy Foye really unworthy of being compared to Bruce Lee? Can Bruce really become a superstar in the future? ?

"Aren't we all underestimating Bruce before?" McBrin said seriously in the studio. "In just one round he caused the fans to boil. He is completely in the upper hand in the competition with Randy Foye. It seems ... Tonight will be Bruce Lee's true night of fame. "

"It may be a coincidence. It's only one round." Reggie Miller settled in. He said: "More observation is needed, and Randy Foye will definitely carry out an offensive. The time to really test Bruce is here."

While he was speaking, Randy Foye reached the frontcourt with the ball.

He was so angry that even his breathing became uneven.

He has been angered by Bruce Lee's 'backhand slapping', and he must find the place back.

However, when he slammed up, Li Zhen was still different from his physical collision, always maintaining a half-step distance, long hands and long arms shrouded in front of him, making him quite uncomfortable.

In the end, he had no choice but to force inwardly,

His physical strength does give him an advantage. He always has an advantage during his travels, but this advantage does not allow him to completely knock Li Zhen's defense away, because Li Zhen is faster than him.

At this time, the Lakers have begun to defend.

He couldn't go any further.

Randy could only make a sudden stop at the free throw line, and then jump shot.

But Li Zhen seemed to have been prepared for a long time. At the same time when he shot, he jumped suddenly ... Although this guy's bounce height is not very high, but his bounce speed really scared Randy.


Bruce's interference prevented his shot from hitting the basket.

The sound of basketball hitting iron made Randy Foye upset.

But Bruce was proud of the horseshoe breeze, he received a pass from Kwame Brown and immediately rushed forward.

Because Randy Foye had a disadvantage in speed, he didn't dare to force a full-field defense.

He could only run to the three-point line, and then quickly pressed up when Li Zhen lowered his rhythm and waited for his teammates to settle down. He used his full strength as soon as he went up.

He tried to force Li Zhen to a dead end.

However, haste is not enough.

He underestimated Li Zhen's progress.

Therefore, embarked on a road of no return.

When Li Zhen forcibly withstood his first wave of impact, his failure was already a foregone conclusion.

But he was not even aware of it.

When he compressed further.

Li Zhen has used the amazing flexibility to complete the rapid rotation movement, and directly around Randy Foye directly behind him.

At this time, Randy Foye didn't even have a foul. When his eyes were still looking forward, Bruce had already held the ball into the three-point line behind him.

In the tactical layout before the Timberwolves, in addition to Bruce Lee, other Lakers players are dangerous. And Randy Foye also vowed that he could easily get Bruce Lee.

Therefore, when Li Zhen came to the high position, there was no defender for one meter.

What are you waiting for?

Of course, Li Zhen is not polite, he quickly stopped the jumper and shot, in the absence of anyone ... Uh!

It is still easy to score.

Cheers rang again at the scene.

Bruce packed Randy Foye twice on both offensive and defensive sides, making the fans on the scene extremely excited, full of the joy of revenge.

They fully accepted Li Zhen at this moment.

And at this moment, Li Zhen also extended a finger again, he reminded Randy Foye: "There is only one round left."

His tone is like the host of the Chinese football team explaining the national football game: there is not much time left for the Chinese team.

In fact, this countdown also brought Randy Foye to the pressure of Taishan. He never dreamed that his pre-match talk was now becoming the demon sword piercing his throat.

When did Bruce become so strong?

I was hardened by him with softness? ?

Huge suspicions appeared in his head, but more was anxious to prove his anxiety.

Because his remarks before the game were too cruel and crazy, there was no room for maneuver for a while.

Therefore, he can only continue to charge forward.

And Li Zhen still followed him slowly and slowly, covering him with a loose and tight rhythm.

This exacerbated Randy's anxiety, and eventually he made an incredible move. He drew his hand directly outside the three-point line, and he wanted to bet his luck.

However, the basket apparently did not want to accept an impetuous gambler, even if he studded.


The basketball bounced high. Eddie Griffin pressed the kg and allocated the basketball to Kobe Bryant. Black Mamba received the basketball and directly passed it to Li Zhen who quickly counterattacked. Li Zhen received the basketball in the front court and then quickly rushed into the three-point line .

Just as he was about to take a jump and layup, Randy Foye behind him could not bear the cheers of the Temples Arena rising again. His annoyance engulfed his senses, and he could take an abnormal defense when he could not limit Li Zhen with a normal defensive posture. He hugged Li Zhen around the waist, and then pulled back fiercely!


Li Zhen, who had just started, fell to the ground in response ... The strength of the two is not the same level. Li Zhenneng was able to overcome Rookie on the defensive end, but when Randy Foye fell in a malicious manner, he could not stop it.

So, he fell heavily on the floor.

Then he heard ding-dong sounds in his head, and the cheers of Staples Arena changed from a moment to a sharper exclaimation.

Obviously, everyone is extremely dissatisfied with Randy Foye's bad behavior.

The referee also quickly ran over, and he directly gave Randy Foye an unsportsmanlike foul: he ate the first t of his career on Li Zhen.

This t shows his anger and corruption, as well as a rogue who cannot afford to lose.

"Landy Foye was defeated so completely?" McBrin said incredulously.

"He was completely exploded in three rounds. Now, the Lakers fans on the scene have regarded Bruce Lee as a hero, Randy Foye's clamor before the game has become a joke in Los Angeles, and it has become the honeymoon period for the Bruce and Lakers fans Chemical fuel. He is really worth the loss. "

McBrin said regretfully.

"The game is not over yet, Randy Foye still has a chance to prove himself." Reggie Miller still felt that the first three rounds could not explain anything: "Bruce has a lot of tricks in the first three rounds. If Randy calms down You can reverse the situation by picking up your own advantages and playing more pick-and-roll and more cooperation. "

"However, Randy Foyer's mentality has collapsed." McBrin emphasized: "He just fouled very irrationally. The Timberwolves should now replace him and calm down. If he continues to do so, it is likely that he will The deeper the trap, even Bruce caught the psychological anxiety and knocked him down at once. "

"No, my opinion is contrary to yours. I think Coach Quincy should not replace Randy. Adversity often stimulates the combat effectiveness of young players. Many rookies are bursting under pressure. I think Randy Foye can If stronger, then stronger. "

Reggie Miller said seriously: "He is a man who refuses to accept the defeat. It can be seen from his remarks before the game."


McBrin cannot convince Reggie Miller, who is famous for his rubbish, he always has a set of theories.

At this time, Li Zhen went to the free throw line to prepare for a free throw.

At the free throw line he made a very strong stretch.

Because ... when pulled down on the ground by a malicious foul, ‘catch up with malicious emotions came from his head, all actions done to maliciously harm you will be punished, and now the opponent 2 is agile. Promote positive energy, purify the stadium, start with me 'voice.

He wanted to see how much agility helped him.

At this time, Li Zhen's agility has reached 70 points, which is the boundary of 'good'. However, Randy Foye was impulsive, and his agility dropped from 55 to 53. The gap between the two has widened further.

Ugh! Why bother? Harm to others and harm yourself!

Li Zhen doesn't actually want this to happen. He hopes the stadium is full of sunshine. Do n’t have dirty actions and bad eyes, just play basketball. Everyone has their own skills. Is n’t fair competition good? Do you have to use outside techniques other than technology, disgusting?

However, when he hit the first free throw.

He saw Randy Foye walking to the sideline to discuss with the head coach for a while, and then ran up again. He stood beside the free throw line and swept over with sharp and fierce eyes.

The meaning is clear: I will not let you go.


Li Zhen was really a little scared by this look at the time.

He was not afraid of retaliation, but he was worried that Randy Foye would go off the edge and continue to take risks.

This will bring him disaster.

Therefore, he even made a second free throw, and specifically said to Randy Foye: "I hope that you will not do this kind of sports ethics in the future, which is not good for you."

Li Zhen's teachings, but Randy Foye as a wind of ears.

He even looked down on Bruce and whispered in his heart: The Asian was really weak, and he was trembling with a foul.


If Li Zhen knew Randy Foye thought this way, he must be crying and laughing.

Is this going to feed me all at once tonight? It is not the same way to issue welfare housing to a unit, one by one, who can bear it!


[Another three-thousand-word chapter is presented. Engage all night. Go to sleep for a while. Get up in the afternoon and continue to work. Ask for monthly tickets! Ask for monthly tickets! ! For the last ten hours, everyone will vote for me every month! 】

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