The God of Basketball - Chapter 313

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:29:06 AM

Chapter 313: [It ’s worthy of being a mentor and apprentice]

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LeBron James made two free throws and did not forget to kiss the audience.

He tried to make himself more close to the people, but these actions did not seem to achieve such an effect.

Although the title of "The Son of Heaven" has spread throughout North America with several advertisements, and it gives everyone the impression that LeBron is the ruler of the future alliance.

But at least in Las Vegas, in this gambling and entertainment city.

People admire the guards who are more graceful in the west ... Kobe Bryant ’s turnaround jumper makes them enchanted, and Tracy Medina ’s flowing calf Achilles tendon, Kevin Garnett and the thin black monkey A similar body could burst into a lion-like throat.

Of course, Bruce is also very charming.

It's just that he seems to have been running back and forth ... but for the blondes who have come here, this is enough.

They took leave from nightclubs or various clubs in order to see the handsome and honorable honor of Master Li Zhen ... It doesn't matter whether you score or not.

It was his muscular muscle lines that ran into the cranial climax of some girls.

What's more, he occasionally wiped the sweat on his forehead inadvertently.

What a ... life is for you, dead ghost! !

Therefore, there has always been a beautiful landscape line in the front row for Li Zhen shouting and screaming.

These girls are charming and very sexy.

At first glance is the leading figure in the Las Vegas area.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to buy an All-Star game close to the stadium.

However, their cheering for Li Zhen is a serious stimulus for other players.

They found that they were desperately scoring goals, even those women who were protruding backwards ... They had to spend a lot of money to invite the women at the party site, but they were still rushing towards Li Zhen.

Can my heart be balanced?

Therefore, this has aggravated Li Zhen's survival on the court.

He simply couldn't catch the ball.

The game time goes forward, Li Zhen has been running on the court.

At this time, the Eastern coach has already started to make substitution adjustments off the field.

If there is no accident, Li Zhen will be replaced soon.

But at this moment, Tim Duncan suddenly tried to make himself humorous ... After receiving basketball in the penalty area, he even came to a `` situ windmill '' for a layup.

Unfortunately, he missed the basket.

The basketball came out of the frame and Li Zhen picked up the rebound just right.

This caused the interest of fans on the spot to quickly rise.

The people of Las Vegas are looking forward to the performance brought by Li Zhen.

Although Hillary Duff denied the scandal about forced marriage yesterday, Paris Hilton, famous for her vagrancy, made a startling remark last night: Who does n’t want to have an exotic adult journey with Bruce? He was so strong, so handsome, so charming.

This sentence of her probably caused the dozens of Las Vegas night girls to come to the stadium to cheer for Li Zhen.

Compared with the conservative East, the openness of American women is not an order of magnitude.

Those women with bold styles made no secret of their ambition to sleep.

Li Zhen quickly arrived at the frontcourt with the ball, and the person standing in front of him had been replaced by Tracy McGrady.

Tracy McGrady performed very well tonight.

Following this trend, he is likely to get the mvp tonight and become an all-star among all-stars.

However, when he lowered his focus and started to intercept Li Zhen when he quickly retreated, Li Zhen played a beautiful shammgod in front of him. This action was translated as 'shaking through God'. Li Zhen would be in high school. . It was during the rapid march that suddenly changed hands and dribble, and quickly changed the trajectory of the march, resulting in a strong vocal effect.

Tracy was passed.

He was passed like a stake.

His eyes even looked at the left side, and Li Zhen had flashed away from his right side.

When he turned around, Li Zhen had screamed into the paint zone in the audience, facing the pinch of two No. 21 strikers, he suddenly stopped, and then turned back to the basket.

When everyone's eyes were stagnant, basketball suddenly came from under his left hand rib, very fast, and instantly penetrated Garnett's left hand under the rib ...

When the defensive tycoon Kevin Garnett turned around quickly, the basketball had hit the rebound violently ... Bang!

Bounced out.

Physical experiment like reflection of light.

The well-informed Garnett immediately realized that this would produce a phenomenal goal, he quickly moved forward, ready to take off and destroy the basketball.

However, at this moment, a figure had broken from the left, Howard screamed from above the gaze of Garnett ’s slightly raised pupil, and Garnett ’s actions quickly ended ... he knew that if he continued to fight , The end is to be detained!


Howard, known as Warcraft, has lived up to Li Zhen.

Although the arc of this incredible board rebound is upward, and the height is extremely high.

But he still drew the basketball from the air and poured it into the hoop.

This amazing no-look board pass instantly triggered the exclamation of everyone in the arena.

From the ‘shaking through God’ at the top of the arc of the three-point line, to the emptiness and the snake that fell into the penalty area, and then to the sudden pass and board, it was like a violent heavy kick under the gods.

This ball is perfect.

The best shot without a doubt.

Howard, who claimed to be a happy basketball player, couldn't help but roar at the moment.

Such a goal cannot be performed several times in a lifetime.

In the future, it will definitely appear in various dunk highlights, various official promotional videos, and even its own commercials.

This dunk is worth it!

Howard also ignored the reminders of Arenas and LeBron James before he turned around and gave Li Zhen a high-five: "Hey, man. This will definitely become the top ten of my career. One of the balls. "

Happy beast is quite happy.

And the fans on the scene became more agitated and happier with the replay of the big screen overhead.

He even waved his hands vigorously.

He boiled for breaking through the two great No. 21s this time to complete this great dunk.


The head coach of the West Force also requested a suspension in due course, and D'Antoni is a head coach who understands the rules. He knew this was a time for fans to celebrate, and it did n’t make much sense to let the game continue.

But obviously, the head coach of the Eastern Force did not understand the rules.

When Li Zhen returned to the bench, he immediately announced that Arenas would take his place next. Even if the fans at the scene still shouted Bruce's name.

"Good performance, man."

O'Neal reached out and gave a high-five to Li Zhen sitting next to him. He was the second Eastern player to celebrate with Li Zhen after Howard.

Then, Vince Carter on the side also said: "This pass is too subtle, it is definitely a historical pass."

In fact, on the television, Charles Barkley has blown it into a unique god-level assist: "No one has ever done this kind of backhand pass in history, but also penetrated the two strongest power forwards in active service. Defence. Dwight Howard should kneel down and thank Bruce Lee. If it were not for Bruce, he would never have a chance to dunk over the heads of two historical power forwards in his life. "

Barkley's non-stop science popularization is so great, and how strong is the symbolism behind it.

Even when Kenny Smith secretly stated that Duncan was the first power forward in history, as a power forward, he didn't jump up against it.

"If you want to do something on the court, I will help you."

When the game restarted, O'Neal whispered in Li Zhen's ear.

This makes Li Zhen quite strange.

He had no contact with O'Neal, and accidentally fell on him the day before the rookie game, taking away his 2 talents. Now, he is actively helping himself. Normally, shouldn't he belong to the group of Arenas and LeBron?

"Isaiah called me."

Jermaine O'Neal continued: "I have a close relationship with Isaiah."

In a sense, Isaiah Thomas is O'Neal's Bole, and is also a key figure in O'Neal's top 20 million annual salary. Although O'Neal is also a representative of the 96 golden generation, he is different from Kobe, Iverson and even Nash. He did not have a big red when he entered the league with high school students. He sat on the cold bench in the Blazers and has not improved . Until I went to the Pacers, Isaiah Thomas made him the power forward in the first season and positioned him as the core of the inside. At that time, he won the fastest progress player.

Immediately afterwards, the waters rose, becoming the absolute core of the Pacers, averaging 20 + 10 + 2 data per game. Leading the Pacers to the Eastern Conference, if there is no such thing as the Auburn Hills Palace, the Pacers are not without a chance to raise the O'Brien Cup.

So, when Isaiah Thomas called him.

Of course, he wanted to take care of this incense.

Although he knows that standing on Li Zhen's side now will cause strong dissatisfaction with Arenas, Butler and others, LeBron James will also be unhappy.

But ... do you want to go to him?

When do Indiana gangs need to look at other people's faces?

Li Zhen is very grateful for O'Neal's support, but he did not further express what he said.

Then, O'Neal started talking to Li Zhenpan again: "Hey, you know what? The girls who cheer on you are all hot Las Vegas top cards. I invited two of them at the Friday party, and they made the offer Very expensive. "

"But, I think if they are in your name, they won't even ask for carriage fees. When will you ... hehehe."

"Such a good resource, don't waste it."

When the little O'Neal doll's face appeared a whizzy expression, Li Zhen seemed to see the shadow of a smiling assassin.

Sure enough, the teacher and apprentice are deeply affectionate.



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