The God of Basketball - Chapter 339

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:28:00 AM

Chapter 339: [Now, look at me]

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Turning his head, Jason Kidd was actually a bit unlucky.

After he entered the league in 1994, skillful speed point guards are beginning a golden age, although the Assassins retired that year. But Kevin Johnson was at the peak, and then the flying squirrel quickly got the best newcomer, and then Iverson and Marbury both joined the league. In fact, Nash, who played for him in the Mavericks, is actually the top half. In the middle is the beetle Tim Hardaway who was elected to the first team ...

However, now ten years have passed.

The Kevin Johnsons haven't known the trace for a long time. Although Iverson is still in the Colorado Plateau, he will eventually assassinate the heroic attitude of the whole league.

What surprised Kidd the most was that ... that year, he was the most deeply bound with himself, and even claimed that he was the world's first point guard, Marbury even washed his lead. He actually began to use his **** to protect the ball. The experienced and simple is like Mark Jackson in 1998 ... that was the thing that he looked down upon most at the academic point guard.

But ... it happened so real.

But Bruce is like a reincarnation.

After Eddy Curry got off the court, he quickly attacked, swept up the sound of gunfire and filled the smoke, and the shells flew around.

Jeffreys, Balkman, and Swift, the three sturdy and long men, rushed into the penalty zone as if they were struck by chicken blood under his urging.

After the lack of Kenyon Martin to protect the basket, the Nets' defense is not much different from toilet paper. They don't even need to poke. Run faster and leak.

Almost immediately, the Knicks caught up with the difference.

This forced Jason Kidd to adjust his soldiers and horses quickly, playing slowly and quickly, and steadily fighting the radicals.

Under his master-level scheduling, the Nets finally stabilized their positions and bit the score back.

But at this time, it is already the countdown phase.

With 38 seconds left in the game, Vince Carter hit a 3-pointer.

121: 119.

The Nets overtaken by 2 points.

This made the home fans cry out wildly, and at the same time ... David Lee and Channing Frye also got a deep heart.

Their inner hearts were standing on the Nets side ... the envy of Li really made them lose their original position.

Throughout the second half, they were very depressed. They never dreamed that Jason Kidd would behave so easily and calmly in the second half, and it seemed that Li Zhen was deliberately made. This made them quite annoyed. Why did all the good things make Li Zhen meet, and why did everyone let him?


Isaiah Thomas requested a timeout.

And at this time, he suddenly made a proposal: "David Lee and Channing Frye should contribute to the team at this time."

He believes that at this time, these two big men should be allowed to shoot, so that Li Zhen's breakthrough can be made more calm. In the last three rounds, the Nets are very contracted against Li Zhen's defense and do their best. Moreover, now that the team is full of opportunities to win, why not put all your strength on the court?

Thomas still wants to win, or wants to stabilize the record, just a few games away from the playoffs, one more win is more hope.

When David Lee and Channing Frye heard Thomas say this, they hurried down and said that they could definitely complete the task.

But at this time, Li Zhen shook his head firmly.

He was suddenly disappointed with Thomas. There is really no principle at all, and it will be changed every day. Whoever takes his words in the eyes after doing this, there is no such thing as a rule.

And ... David Lee and Channing Frye are really ... shameless.

At this time, as a man, shouldn't we respect the rules of the game? Actually embarrassed to come out and pick peaches? Where did the sneer in the locker room go? Where did the promises made before the game go?

"I hope you respect the agreement. I didn't play in the first half, nor did you need to intervene in the second half. Whether it was winning or losing, it was my own business." Li Zhen decisively told David Lee and Channing Frye: "I don't I hope my victory will be discounted. "

Li Zhen coldly refused to drive them crazy.

It seemed that Ruyi's abacus was crushed by a foot, and suddenly became angry and angry.

"Huh, if it wasn't Jason Kidd deliberately making the ball, do you think you can lead the team to the present? Discount? You just couldn't even break the free throw line. Without us, you never want to win." Shouted.

His appearance was faithfully recorded by the TV camera.

Also recorded and disseminated is a calm Li Zhen: "Then please sit down on the bench and see how I scored in the penalty zone. And ... blame other people's achievements on luck or the opponent's release of water. A despicable and incompetent thing, I hope you can understand this truth. "

Li Zhen is so personable even when he rises up.

This earned him countless favors in New York State.

People originally preferred Bruce Lee over David Lee.

Now with such a match, Li Zhen has won completely.


The whistle sounded.

"The next thing is to see how Bruce performed. If he can lead the team to win the game. Then there is no doubt that he won the team battle without suspense, all the accusations against him will disappear."

NBC's narrator was slightly excited on TV and said: "On the court is always the strength to speak. David Lee led the team in the first half behind 11 points plus an additional technical foul, but Bruce led the team in an extremely unfavorable In this case, the game will be dragged into the countdown stage. As of now, he has won. If he finally leads the team to victory, then he will win the favor of all Knicks fans. Whatever David Lee ’s agent said, it will not work. . "

At this time, his words represented the voices of all Knicks fans.

To a certain extent, Li Zhen's attack is of great importance, which is related to the popular feelings of the Knicks.

However, Li Zhen is extremely relaxed.

When the referee handed the basketball to Swift who was standing out of bounds, Li Zhen even walked in from the three-point line. He and Crawford completed a clever cross ... This made the Nets defense a bit caught off guard. .

And when the Nets defended a little, Li Zhen suddenly rushed into the penalty area.

At the same time, Swift threw the basketball into the penalty area with a sudden jump.

He threw a bit hard. Basketball does not show a smooth parabola as Li Zhen explained, but accelerated to the rebound. This is very difficult for Swift for his skills.

Fortunately, Li Zhen's explosive power is amazing, and his bounce rate is worthy of the league's top.

He squeezed past Costic from the side and jumped up. Before Nahuba responded, he jumped in the air and used the amazing long arm to gently support the basketball, instantly changing the basketball trend ... ... Uh!

When the basketball falls into the Nets.

Fans across the Continental Airlines Arena have not even reacted.

The stopwatch hasn't even jumped to the penultimate 37 seconds, and the scoreboard has been refreshed.

121: 121!

The two teams tied.


"Shit luck !!"

David Lee and Channing Frye, sitting on the bench, broke out at almost the same time.

They thought that Li Zhen was stealing again.

However, NBC's narrator praised Li Zhen as a flower on TV: "Brilliant adventure, Bruce is really bold and very creative. I never dreamed that the result of his cross running with Crawford It turned out to be an in-the-zone pass to complete an air relay, and it was Swift ’s pass, should n’t it be the other way around? God, look at Jason Kidd ’s expression, this man who applied the rules to the extreme is ignorant.

"He may have to admit ... Bruce is the smarter defender than him."

nbc praised the smallpox.

The New York fans in front of the TV were even more excited and yelled, which is so ... too exciting. Who would have thought Bruce would use such a trick at this time?

It's really worthy of being a genius at the age of 16 admitted to Harvard.

Jason Kidd did not expect Li Zhen to play such tricks at the last moment.

Therefore, after he took the ball after halftime, he specifically asked Li Zhen: "Are you worried that you can't succeed in empty reception?"

"If the air connection is unsuccessful, I will dial the basketball to the left in the air, and Jeffris has been waiting there. The characteristics of your two inside players have long been understood. They are used to standing on the right and moving laterally. It's all bad. I have at least 90% success rate in doing this. "

Li Zhen told Jason Kidd confidently.

Jason Kidd raised his eyebrows and then asked him: "So what do you think I have in this attack?"

"Zero. If you don't pass the ball." Li Zhen told Jason Kidd with certainty.

Jason Kidd was undecided.

He didn't catch Li Zhen's aggressive skills, and in a blink of an eye, he gave the basketball to Vince Carter.

Then he ran on his own.

He is a very rational point guard and he is never fooled. He knows his level of offensive ability, so he gave the basketball to Vince Carter, and then pulled to the weak side to quickly walk to disturb the Knicks' defense and respond to Vince Carter's defense at any time. Isn't he fragrant?

This is a typical idea of ​​a traditional point guard.

He even educated Bruce Lee: "The point guard's job is to get basketball into the hoop more efficiently. This is what I want you to learn from me."

However, Li Zhen shook his head and responded.

He agrees with most of Jason Kidd's views, but he believes that at a critical moment, basketball still has to be in his hands.

It is like the last Olympiad question in the Chinese math test paper he has done. Ordinary people cannot solve it. It is useless to give them the best pencil.

And just when Jason Kidd was going to continue to talk about something while running.

Li Zhen suddenly disappeared from behind him, and he rushed to Vince Carter on the strong side.

However, Jason Kidd cried out carefully.

However, it was too late.

Li Zhen brought his explosive power to the extreme, which is 97 points.

Today's league can start faster than this, perhaps no more than 5 people, and more importantly, Li Zhen still has a speed of 95 points and a wingspan of 206.

He did not care about his body as if Ye Gucheng sent a sword to Vince Carter.

Even Carter, who is known as a half-human and half-god, was taken aback. He quickly closed the ball and planned to change his strings.

But it was too late.


Li Zhen's hand was above the basketball. The basketball fell down at that time, and when he squatted down to prepare to pick up the basketball.

Li Zhen flew directly past, he used a football goalkeeper's action to fly the basketball in his hand.

Then quickly handed over to Crawford.

Crawford stabilized the ball.

There are 18 seconds left.

The initiative returned to the Knicks.

When Li Zhen climbed up from the ground grinningly, all the fans in front of the TV were awe-inspiring.

It's too cruel!

This action is simply playing like a beast.

You have to know that the football field is green grass. What kind of hard floor is this? Does it hurt so much?

How many sisters are in tears in front of the TV.


Isaiah Thomas threw his fist fiercely. At this moment, he seemed to see that the plunge of the piston was all poured into Li Zhen's head.

Just be so tough! !

At the same time, Li Zhen had already claimed the ball from Crawford, and he slowly took the ball to the frontcourt.

"Now, it's up to me."

Li Zhen's smiling face is like a peach blossom in March, which is set on the TV screens of thousands of households, which is particularly brilliant.

No one knows why nbc will cut a close shot at this time.

But no doubt, this is a classic lens.


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