The God of Basketball - Chapter 475

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:22:42 AM

Chapter 475: [What a coincidence, you are here]

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The news of the three Hollywood female stars has become a hot topic for a while, but fortunately, public opinion comes and goes quickly. When Britney Spears shaves her hair again, people will no longer pay attention to the three women around Bruce. Li's argument.

However, the Knicks' winning streak continued from Christmas to February.

When the All-Stars arrived, the Knicks expanded their winning streak to a staggering 17 straight.

This makes it impossible for those teams that were not very close to the Knicks to ignore. Espn has deliberately reduced the Knicks' exposure.

However, when they talk about Houston, which is creating a 16-game winning miracle, it is always inevitable to say: There is an indescribable team in the east that wins one more than Houston.

This news is clearly more exciting in China.

Because the two teams that are each breaking into their team's streak record are led by Chinese players, the Knicks' leaders need not say much.

The same is true here in Houston. Yao Can finally ushered in the peak of his career after joining NBA for the sixth year, and this is still based on McGrady's injury truce.

Yao Can showed his dominance in the center position.

"We have the best center and the best point guard in the world!"

When CCTV's narrator proudly said such a voice, no one thought it was a kind of irony. Because the facts lie ahead.

People look forward to the upcoming Olympic Games in August.

The Chinese men ’s basketball team even began to be pinned to the hope of impacting the medals. People are so strongly hoping that basketball can bring greater pride to the people.

Of course, the decision made by Li Zhen before the Lunar New Year made Chinese fans very excited.

Li Zhen once again made an amazing move. He used the generous rewards obtained through a hangover to invest in many Internet companies in China. This let people deeply understand: Li Zhen has always stood with the motherland.

This overseas investment will increase the competitiveness of domestic Internet companies.

As Li Zhen's reputation in China is getting higher and higher, more and more domestic brands are willing to speak with him. His popularity even surpassed Yao Can to some extent.

After all Yao Yao is too tall, and the style of the game is far less handsome than Li Zhen. Of course, in terms of personal image, it is far from being far away.

After all, I think most women will not dream of sleeping in the same room as Yao, but Li Zhen ... he will be the Prince Charming of most women! Mr. Yao may not be able to ride a horse.


Zakrandorf became the starting power forward of the Eastern Conference All-Stars by virtue of being recommended by Li Zhen in the last week.

This incident made the whole of Boston bosomful, even though Kevin Garnett was unable to appear in the All-Star game in New Orleans because he was injured again.

However, they could not accept Zakrandorf's popularity as a way to squeeze out Garnett's due seat.

So, from the head coach to the general manager, to Paul Pierce, who has never dealt with the Knicks, and fans.

They are all questioning the number of votes. Think Randolph is not worthy of being an All-Star starter.

Randolph was not idle.

He is not polite to Bostonians.

"Knicks record first in the league, is it unreasonable to take two All-Stars? I'm averaging 22.4 points and 10.9 rebounds. Isn't it an All-Star?

"I played in the North Shore Gardens of Boston. You killed each other and didn't dare to attend the press conference. Why weren't you just so awe-inspiring then?"

Randolph was so fierce that he threw dry wood into the fire.

I don't mind opening the contradictions to the world.

The eastern part was made by him a bit like the feeling of the 1980s and 1990s.

Fans are accustomed to the harmonious scene of you and I, and seeing this set again, the exclamation of excitement suddenly. There is no culture of gentleness and frugality in the United States, and most people rely on epinephrine to survive. If this group of people does not focus on sports or hiphop and puts them on the street, a country can be destroyed in less than a month.

Therefore, Randolph can also be regarded as an outstanding contribution to the resolution of emotions.

"Zac was right."

Isaiah Thomas, as the head coach of the East, also very much supports Randolph's sword to Boston.

Anyway, since the big three became the army last summer, and after the ferment of the beating of Tom Brady, the two teams are already in full swing. At this time, it is too boring to engage in false harmony.

No matter how troublesome Boston is, the league has not made any changes to the list.

In the end, the starting list of the East and the West is respectively.

East: Li Zhen, Wade, James, Randolph, Howard.

West: Iverson, Kobe, Anthony, Duncan, Yao Can.

The eastern side is dominated by the new generation, while the western side is still dominated by the Pan-96 Golden Generation.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a dispute between the rich and the upstart.

Recently, many voices have begun to discuss that the pattern of strong west and weak east will soon change with the rise of young people like Li Zhen, Howard, and James.

Time has already tended to the east.

Even, there is a possibility that another person like Michael Jordan will appear in the east.

Such a voice, James actually disliked it very much.

Because ... this character didn't even know it for him. This made Tianxuanzi very faceless, and he is now less and less accustomed to appearing on the same discussion list with Li Zhen's name.

However, there are more and more such discussion lists.

In the past, he never took Li Zhen's eyes into consideration. He just felt that his sudden rise in business influence made him feel uncomfortable. Well now, Li Zhen's commercial value has fully surpassed James, he just got used to it. Li Zhen even killed in the basketball field, and the record is better than the Cavaliers, and his strength is generally recognized.

This is a full bloom, causing my backyard to catch fire!

James has become more and more serious about Li Zhen.

They even talked about this topic when drinking with their good friend Wade. They did n’t want to watch Li Zhen sit up in New York.

But now, it seems to be helpless.



Li Zhen did not participate in the Rookie Challenge, although he is now a sophomore.

However, his growth rate is too fast, people no longer regard him as a second grader.

This makes Adu the little regret, he can't wait to play against Li Zhen in the All-Star game.

Recently, his pressure has been too great.

He carried the name of the Son of Heaven at the supersonic speed, the whole team served him, and asked him to take more than 25 shots every night, causing him physical and mental fatigue.

Moreover, the goddess Scarlett Johansson's words to Blake Cleverly also puzzled him.

When she was in Los Angeles, she was already very obvious. Why should I say that Brother Li is a great person, and also persuade her not to sink deep into the mud.

Is this the jealousy of women?

Durant didn't understand.

What he didn't understand was why did Anne Hathaway run out and attack on both sides, and didn't she say that it had nothing to do with Big Brother?

These problems bothered him.

When he asked Li Zhen about this matter, Li Zhen gave him an angry look: Where do I know?

But this did not dispel Durant's enthusiasm at all, he decided to chat with Scarlett Johansson personally.

This is about the happiness of his goddess and goddess.

He decided to bring Scarlett New Orleans.


If Li Zhen knew that this matter was in his mind, he had to pick him up and dump the water in his mind.

Jamie Lin controlled the second grade tactics.

Although the second grade lacked Li Zhen, it was still easy to win under Roy's leadership.

And, people were surprised to find. The tactics that Jamilin operates are very similar to the Knicks.

Suddenly, there was a lot of praise: This Chinese coach has really strong learning ability, and actually Isaiah Thomas's tactics are so similar. In time, maybe I can return to ncaa as the head coach.

Uh ... such a voice, of course, Li Zhen laughed when he heard it.

Isaiah Thomas said that he would increase Jamilin's salary.

The king is always so simple and simple, he never allows his subordinates to lose money and reputation at the same time.

This is how the smiling assassin treats people.

Jamie Lin was very convinced. Because, he gave too much front, and except New York, who would give him such an opportunity.

Jamie Lin is not a person who loves vanity.


Li Zhen got a lot of boos in the New Orleans community, even though he was involved in nba care activities.

However, the Hornets fans are really worried about Li Zhen's defeat of São Paulo, how could Li Zhen have a good face.

And D'Antoni has taken office in New Orleans, he helped the Hornets become fourth in the West.

How can fans give a good look to players wearing Knicks jerseys?

Li Zhen was happy.

He no longer participates in community activities.

Because New Orleans is remote, there are no commercials.

The All-Star Weekend's sturdy days became a rest day.

Li Zhen suddenly became idle.

He didn't want to go to the leisure place with Randolph to experience New Orleans' roasted chicken wings. Kobe Bryant actively participated in various activities, making him like running for governor.

Therefore, Li Zhen simply stayed in the hotel to watch the video.

After leisure time, naturally it seems a bit boring.

Therefore, when Kevin Durant invited him to the stadium to watch the dunk contest the next night, he agreed without thinking.

Who knows, as soon as I entered the court, I met the Hollywood star Blake Cleverly who asked for his signature in Chicago last time.

This time, she finally came up with a poster of Li Zhen wearing a home jersey.

It's just ... this poster opened and caused great controversy and boos in New Orleans.

This silly girl turned out to be the poster where Li Zhen shook Chris Paul's horseback archery in Madison Gardens at the end of December.

This poster is very popular among the fans of Li Zhen because it represents Li Zhen's crushing of Chris Paul.

However, in New Orleans, this is absolutely disrespectful!

São Paulo is their only hope of hitting the championship, they are heroes who are regarded as saviors, how can they be so blasphemous?

At that time, even excited fans ran over to be detrimental to Leverly.

Fortunately, Li Zhen's eyes were quick and he pulled Raffrey over, but Raffrey stumbled under his feet and fell to Li Zhen's solid chest.

Click! Click! Click!

The spotlights kept flashing, and this scene was recorded by a large number of reporters.

Li Zhen was rather embarrassed.

Fortunately, the security staff came over in time and invited the excited fan away.

Li Zhen finally pulled Blakely Fry out of his chest.

Difficult to extricate, Reverly had already ran into her heart, and she finally realized why Scarlett Johansson said he was a dangerous man.

This man is not only handsome and unparalleled, the close contact, the charm is coming, just like the tsunami in the Pacific, it can't resist.

Especially the temperature and hardness of his chest is simply the ultimate fantasy of a woman!

And at the same time that Reverly ran into a heart, Scarlett Johnson's voice came from her ear: "What a coincidence, you are here."


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