The God of Basketball - Chapter 85

Published at 16th of January 2023 05:27:25 AM

Chapter 85: [NCAA's strongest talent]

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"... even if he is the real Bruce Lee, I will fight to find his teeth!" Terus Thomas wagging his fists on the espn channel.

Glen Davis, standing next to him, smiled back and forth.

As you can see, the two didn't take Stanford's maroon team and Bruce Lee into consideration.

"I watched the video on youtube. Fortunately, he didn't meet me in advance, otherwise he would be killed by me in the paint zone like a flat fly." Obese and powerful Glen Davis said with a vow.

This guy has more than once claimed in the media that when he was 15 years old, he once shook Shaquille O'Neal to the ground in a training camp to demonstrate his majestic strength.

"To be honest, we can't wait to play against the so-called Scarlet Storm. We haven't figured out why they are out of the Southern Division. Obviously Ucla, Kansas and Longhorn are more powerful.

"But anyway, let the so-called Stanford miracle stop here!"

Tyrus Thomas slammed down and did not forget to do a classic action of Bruce Lee towards the camera ... wow! ! !

This made Stanford players in front of the TV quite uncomfortable.

But apart from being unhappy, they can only look at Bruce Lee.

Stanford has a group of very good role players who strictly execute tactical movements and are good at seizing every attacking opportunity. However ... no one of them has the ability to control the overall situation and lead the tactical director to counterattack.

Li Zhen smiled, and he calmly told his teammates: "Did we hear less provocations along the way? It doesn't matter whether they respect us before the game, the important thing is ... everyone who provoked us People go home with failure. "

"So don't worry about them."

Li Zhen's calm and free words instantly filled his teammates with confidence.

Yes, along the way, which opponent is not a bully? But which one was n’t we lying on the ground?

We at Stanford are not scared.

After the channel broadcasted the interviews of the two ace insiders, the camera switched back to the studio, and the drafting expert Hollinger said seriously: "Although ... the two competitors' words that are difficult to disguise their opponents. But what I have to admit is that Bruce Lee is now the most watched player in the league. In fact, he has also created a miracle that is unique in history: he is the only one who has been publicly abandoned by the head coach, and then led the team out of the desperation, followed by a counterattack. Players who broke into the top four nationwide. "

"That's why although everyone knows his shortcomings, there are still a lot of clubs rushing him. In fact, as far as I know, those international first-tier sports brands have also begun to initiate offers to him, and no one wants to miss one. A Chinese point guard who has caused such a huge topic, the commercial value of his body is unmatched by many popular champions. "

"He has a complete American education system. He is also a 100% Chinese nationality. And his appearance, his education, his background, his scandal ... everything about him is extremely popular. You may never find it again. A player has so much diversity. "

"Actually, the top sports agency companies have also started to attack him and his parents. Whether it is, or Wassman, or excellent sports management company, or ... these giants in the sports agency industry are never Will miss this charming Chinese ... wait and see, as soon as the season is over, Bruce Lee will receive countless calls and it will be up to him to watch his actions. "

After Hollinger said this, he started playing various draft rumors.

"An executive who asked not to be named revealed. If the Charlotte Bobcats can't choose their favorite Aldridge, they will pick Bruce Lee."

"The San Antonio Spurs have a very strong interest in Bruce Lee, and Gregg Popovich even invited Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker and others to watch Bruce Lee's game highlights. Gregg emphasized: Li Zhen is very Like the combination of Manuginobili and Tony Parker. "

"The Houston Rockets do not rule out a trade being raised in the draft. Yao said in an interview that if there is a chance to cooperate with the famous Bruce Lee, he will be excited to eat two bowls of rice. Jeff Van Gundy also expressed hope that this year In the summer, he strongly recruited at the point guard position. "

"Los Angeles media revealed that Kobe Bryant fell in love with Bruce Lee at first sight and asked the team to immediately trade up draft picks. He ca n’t wait to work with the most Michael Jordan-like players in the world so that he can be closer to the **** of basketball. ... "

"Indian Pacers President Larry Bird also reported that he will personally arrive at the stadium to watch the semi-finals. He claimed that the video on the team intends to suppress Bruce's draft pick, and his interest in Bruce Lee has continued to increase ..."


From the airport to the hotel, all the content of the observation program is about Bruce Lee's draft market. It was not until the car entered the hotel basement that he began to tell a little about the University of Florida Alligator team. This makes Li Zhen sitting in the third position behind the TV quite psychedelic and embarrassing.

The more psychedelic people are actually teammates full of cars.

Scott and others really have a feeling of dreaming, from the end of February to the beginning of April, but a month and a half. The Bruce Lee around him jumped from a transparent person at the end of the bench to a popular rookie.

It's like a bad old man walking a dog at your door yesterday. The next day you saw him in a suit and became the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature on TV.

This is a lotto show.

In other words ... Bruce Lee is about to become a multimillionaire soon?

Is he about to compete with top stars such as Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Shaker O'Neal?

The shock of this show to everyone is too strong and too strong.

They looked at Li Zhen's eyes and began to become overwhelmed. They didn't know whether to look up, or as they used to. Or ... Hurry up now, and when I go to see it in the future, I can get a few free tickets ... All kinds of moods are quite complicated.

But ... Li Zhen was quite calm, he didn't change anything because of ... the changes in the outside world.

He still took the initiative to go to the baggage compartment to carry luggage for his teammates after getting out of the car, even though everyone was picking up luggage ... the expression was no longer as natural as before: this is a quasi-lotto show, this is a future multimillionaire!

"Hey, Scott, remember to call me when I hang out later."

Li Zhen said to Scott when he entered the elevator.

"Okay, Bruce." Only Scott, as always, didn't treat Li Zhen as a big star in the future. He still did the grand stage as usual. Do you pay that part? "


"Of course no problem."

Li Zhen, who just got $ 100,000 from Lindsay Lohan Brokers, is full of confidence.

It didn't take long for Scott to plan his itinerary, even though Indianapolis is a cultural city. But ... go to a special culture, I want to go to the nightclub to drink milk!

After all, Scott, who was under the control of the shot sister, couldn't wait to swing on the dance floor.

So, under the leadership of Frank Benson, they rushed towards the most famous nightclub in Polis.

In fact, at the same time they set off. Another prospective lottery rookie who has announced his candidacy is also heading to this nightclub.

This swingman from the University of Memphis is a native of Indianapolis. He has the strongest physical fitness of all ncaa ... yes, the strongest!

There are powerful sports cells in his blood, and his parents are professional track athletes. His mother is the world record holder of the indoor 60-meter sprint and the champion of the 100-meter and 200-meter sprint in Indiana. This allowed him to win the Indiana high jump championship in high school and also the 400m sprint championship. He has amazing speed, a fantastic first step, and is perhaps the most outstanding combination of the three best vertical bounces in college basketball. He is the most outstanding outside player in ncaa's running and jumping quality.

Therefore, although he has many shortcomings, such as insufficient performance, lack of self-control and self-motivation. But with his physical talent, he is still a definite lotto show.

And when he returned to his hometown, his first thing was to invite his former friends to be happy together. He needs an indulgent night to say goodbye to his youth, then he will seriously go to nba to become a multimillionaire!


[Continue to ask for recommendation tickets, and there are 4 rewards that can be broken. I hope that four friends who have never won a reward will come forward to satisfy my little wish. ps, shelves at noon tomorrow. Thank you for your support all the way, I will make everyone very happy to see tomorrow! bow. 】

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