Published at 6th of March 2023 08:35:59 AM

Chapter 1086

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The Nightingale's mood is much more relaxed now. As long as the masks are found and the light filtering effect of sunglasses is added, the Nightingale believes that even if she sees those bloody scenes, she will have a reaction, at least it can reduce a lot.

At least now the nightingale is faced with the problem of how to kill those first-order magic spiders, and then how to take out the inner crystals from those first-order magic spiders. With the help of a mask and sunglasses, Nightingale believes that she can do what Xiao Han an arranged before the time specified by Xiao Han.

Thinking of this, Nightingale's face finally showed a smile.

"Ha ha, I found the mask!"

The Nightingale burst out laughing. She finally found several boxes of masks which had been placed in her bag for a long time. She found several glasses before going up. Finally, she found all the clothes she needed.

At this time, the four first-order magic spiders had just climbed to the hillside and were about to arrive at the Nightingale's side.

The Nightingale took out a mask and a pair of glasses from the bag of heaven and earth. Then she grinned and looked around. The Nightingale found that although she was wearing sunglasses, and the color of the sunglasses was very dark, it did not affect the vision at all, but the overall light had been dimmed a lot.

The Nightingale looked at the figures of the four first-order magic spiders that were about to arrive in front of her. Before they could climb to the top of the mountain, the Nightingale rushed down to meet the four first-order magic spiders.


after coming to the edge of the cliff, Xiao Han took out a bundle of ropes from the bag of heaven and earth. This is a kind of rope often used in outdoor sports, which is usually used for rock climbing and other activities.

The distance between the two sides of the cliff is at least 60 or 70 meters. It is very difficult to directly cross the cliff. Therefore, Xiao Han thought of connecting the two sides of the cliff in the direction of rope. After all, with a rope, even the cultivation state in the early golden elixir period can easily cross the past.

But if you want to connect the two sides of the cliff with ropes, you have to find a way to go to the opposite side first?

Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng and others are all the strength of the golden elixir period. Although there is only a line of distance between them, Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng and others know that with their strength, they can not directly cross the distance of 60-70 meters.

Xiao Han took out a rope from the heaven and earth bag, fixed this end of the rope in the sand here, and then grasped the other end of the rope in his hand.

Without waiting for Zhong xuanhai and Guo Zimo to react, Xiao Han stood on the spot and stepped on it gently. Then Xiao Han fell on the opposite side of the cliff like a bird flying in the sky.

Xiao Hanlu's hand made Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng and others feel inferior to each other. When standing on the edge of the cliff yesterday, Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were still thinking, if you really want to fly over such a wide cliff, I'm afraid it will at least reach it. Is it possible for Xiao's strength to reach the peak of his infancy?

What Zhong xuanhai and others didn't think of. Now Xiao Han has really done it. Moreover, Xiao Han's appearance is completely relaxed and floats over. It seems that he doesn't have any difficulty at all.

After fixing the other end of the rope, Xiao Han waved to Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian, and others who had not fully responded to him. He called out, "come here quickly. What are you doing?"

When Xiao Han called him so, Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others reacted. Then they stepped on the rope one by one to the opposite side of the cliff.

When everyone got to the opposite side of the cliff, Xiao Han took the lead to sit down on the sand beside the cliff, and then said with a smile: "we have agreed before. Let's wait here for half an hour. Now it's seven or eight minutes. Let's wait for more than 20 minutes. If the Nightingale hasn't appeared, we won't wait. Go straight ahead!"

Li Jian ran to Xiao Han at this time and said with a smile, "boss Xiao, if the Nightingale sister really doesn't show up here more than 20 minutes later, will we really wait for her?"

Xiao Han smiles and looks at Li Jian and asks, "what do you say?"

"Er..." Li Jian laughed bitterly, so he walked back.

Since Xiao Han has asked in this way, what else can Li Jian ask.

Xiao Han, as the leader of the "demon killing team", sometimes gives instructions that can't be abolished at will. If he doesn't abide by the rules and takes the lead in breaking the rules, who will follow his instructions in the future?

In fact, not only Li Jian is a little reluctant, but also Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng and others are reluctant to give up. It is inevitable for them to watch the Nightingale left here alone and show a little compassion. They have no special idea about Nightingale, but they are purely kind-hearted.

After all, the little girl nightingale is so young and so cute that no one can be indifferent. What's more, after a short time together, Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhanpeng and others think that nightingale is quite fun. With her in the team, the whole team will burst out from time to time Laughter, it's a great way to adjust the atmosphere.Xiao Han looked at the mountain in the distance. It was impossible to say that there were no waves in his heart. After all, Nightingale is not only a lovely girl, but also his sister.

Since the incident happened in the hotel room that night, Xiao Han's heart has already regarded the night rain as his own woman, so that his sister-in-law is not Xiao Han's sister-in-law.

But Xiao Han today is no way to do things, want to Nightingale adverse reactions completely correct, if it is really so simple, then Nightingale's sister Ye Yu will not always have no strategy, to the end, it is impossible to push this matter to Xiao Han's head.

If the Nightingale really can't kill the four first-order magic spiders in half an hour and take back the four inner crystals of the first-order magic spiders, will Xiao Han really have to cut off the rope at that time, and then take Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others directly to kill the first-order devil spiders?

In fact, Xiao Han has no idea whether Nightingale can kill the four first level magic spiders. According to Nightingale's cultivation level, we can still kill four level one magic spiders in the middle of the golden elixir period.

But the Nightingale can't think about it with normal thinking. You know, this little girl can't see those bloody scenes. If four first-order magic spiders rush up, it's still a problem whether she can take the sword in her hand, let alone kill the four first-order magic spiders.

Now standing in Xiao Han's position, we can't see the scene on the top of the mountain, so whether Xiao Han Nightingale started fighting with the four first-order magic spiders, Xiao Han can't see clearly now, but I don't know why. Xiao Han's heart is a little nervous.

To tell you the truth, Xiao Han of course hopes Nightingale can break through itself once, kill the four first-order magic spiders, and then take out four inner crystals from the bodies of the four first-order magic spiders to come here to join them. But when he thought of Nightingale's serious adverse reactions, Xiao Han's heart sank.


Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't restrain himself and sighed gently.

Tian Daren, who was sitting next to Xiao Han, just turned his head and took a look at Xiao Han. At this time, Tian Daren just saw Xiao Han's reaction in his eyes. Tian Daren also knew that he was worried about nightingales in Xiao Han's heart.

Tian Daren has speculated vaguely that the relationship between the night rain and Xiao Han of Emei sect must be extraordinary. After the incident last night, Tian Daren is more sure that the relationship between Xiao Han and Ye Yu is not simple. In addition, Ye Yu entrusts her sister to Xiao Han and wants Xiao Han to help nightingales correct her adverse reactions It is clear that Xiao Han and night rain are at least two lovers.

Tian Daren is different from Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others. He just joined the "demon killing team" last night. Therefore, he doesn't feel as awed by Xiao Han as Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo and Li Jian. Tian Daren simply admires Xiao Han.

After thinking about it for a while, Tian Daren still felt that he began to persuade him, "boss Xiao, the little girl Nightingale can't see those bloody scenes. It's also a normal thing. If you want to correct it, you can take your time. Is this arrangement too dangerous for Nightingale? If there is something wrong with Nightingale, shall we not tell her sister Ye Yu

As soon as Tian Daren's voice fell, he did not wait for Xiao Han to respond. Instead, he attracted the attention of Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo and Li Jian.

Although Tian Da Ren De means to think about Nightingale, there is no doubt that Xiao Han's arrangement is not very appropriate. I don't know whether Xiao Han will be angry.

Not only did Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others look at Tian Daren blindly. Even Zhang Qi, Tian Daren's good partner, was stunned for a long time before responding. Zhang Qi's heart was also secretly worried.

Zhang Qi can't help but complain in his heart: Tian Daren, Tian Daren, this guy really can't talk. When you say this, you just don't open the pot and mention which pot? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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