Published at 6th of March 2023 08:31:28 AM

Chapter 1169

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Even though Xiao Han can be regarded as something that didn't happen this evening, Yan Wushuang and Yan Wudi, the two brothers who burned heaven palace, were not such good talkers at first sight. It was unrealistic to want them to think that nothing had happened.

What's more, Xiao Han has no way but to think about the worst and prepare for the worst in advance so as to avoid all risks.

Xiao Han doesn't want the whole demon killing team to take such a big risk. After all, it's not only him now, but also Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian, Zhan Peng and others are all growing up. It's best to avoid conflicts with those who burn Tiangong.

Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren looked at each other, and then Zhong xuanhai said, "boss Xiao, you must have some countermeasures. What do you want to do! We are all at your disposal! "

Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "the safest way is for us to leave this cave overnight, leave this area, and find another place to spend the night. We will use it to travel all day tomorrow, to stay away from this place and avoid meeting people who burn the temple of heaven."

Xiao Han means to take the whole demon killing team out of here first. No matter whether it's the people who burn the heaven palace tonight or tomorrow, they are going to have trouble with the team. Now the strength of the team is much weaker than that of the temple of burning demons for the time being, so we should avoid its front.

Xiao Han then said: "now there is less than a month before the meeting of the eight world's Terran gas refiners. I need a little time to impact the middle of the apocalyptic period. It is the same for all of you. Try to make it to a small realm before the day of convergence. At that time, even if we meet people who burn the heavenly palace again at the meeting point, we will not be afraid at all Yes

Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren nodded. Xiao Hanxiao's solution should be the most secure way to solve the current problem.

It is an eternal truth that we should be beaten if we lag behind.

As long as the strength of the demon killing team is still at its present level, there is no way to do it to those who burn the palace of heaven.

Don't say that. Once again, there is no better way to frighten the other party with the momentum of looking at death as if returning home.

Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren fully support Xiao Han's idea, but Tian Daren thinks that it's already the evening, and the risk is still very big.

Thinking of this, Tian Daren whispered: "boss Xiao, it's already late at night, is it just tomorrow morning to start again?"

Xiao Han knew that Tian Da Ren De meant to worry that he might encounter the siege of evil spirit troops when he was on his way at night.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. We don't need to drive a long distance tonight. We can go ahead for more than ten kilometers."

Hearing this, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren nodded at ease.

Xiao Han took Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren back to the cave. Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren explained Xiao Han's decision in front of Li Jian and Guo Zimo.

For Xiao Han's decision, Li Jian and Guo Zimo naturally have no opinions.

What's more, Xiao Han also explained in the end that he only temporarily avoided those people who burned the temple of heaven, and when the people of the eight sides of the world met soon, even if the people who burned the heaven palace didn't ask them to kill the devil team, Xiao Han would take the demon killing team to find their troubles.

Then, Xiao Hanyu encouraged Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo and Li Jian to improve their cultivation as soon as possible.

In this way, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others don't know Xiao Han's idea. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

What's more, they don't have to wait for ten years, they just need to wait for less than a month. Guo Zimo and Li Jian are willing to wait for this time.

Before setting out, Li Jian and others are ready to put out the bonfire that was lit in the cave. Xiao Han's heart moved and quickly stopped Li Jian and others.

Seeing Li Jian and other people's puzzled expression, Xiao Han said with a smile: "keep this bonfire. By the way, add some materials to let it burn for one night. It may have unexpected effects."

As soon as Li Jian and others turned their eyes, they immediately understood Xiao Han's meaning.

although their entire demon squad has already been withdrawn, what if there are still burning Eyeliner around the temple?

As long as the bonfire in the cave is not extinguished, the disciples of the burning heaven palace who hide around think that their demon killing team will stay in the cave all night, which may have the effect of confusing the enemy.

In fact, Xiao Han is not sure whether there is a hidden burning temple nearby. At least Xiao Han inspected the distance of kilometers and found no movement. However, Xiao Han felt that no discovery does not mean that there is no, even if it is not now, it does not mean that there is no waiting.

A small action may release a smoke bomb to the people who burn Tiangong. Why not?

After a moment, Xiao Han disappeared in the vast night with all the people of the demon killing team.

After a long time, a figure appeared on the top of a hill thousands of meters away from the ridge where Xiao Han and Xiao Han spent the night.This man was just following the instructions of Yan Wushuang who burned the heaven palace. He came here to check whether Xiao Han and others were still staying in the cave overnight.

Originally, Meng Lei was going to get closer to the cave to find out whether Xiao Han and others were still in the cave.

But Meng Lei thought for a second that there was a guy named Xiao Han among the eleven people in the demon killing team. Now he is an expert in transforming the spirit period into the realm strength. Meng Lei is not sure if he goes too close, he will be found by the guy named Xiao Han.

If it is found out, it will have some influence on the master Yan Wushuang's plan.

At this time, Meng Lei looked over and saw the fire from the cave. Meng Lei knew that it was the bonfire he had seen in the cave before.

Now Meng Lei looks around and finds that the bonfire in the cave seems to be burning more and more prosperous, which is much more vigorous than the previous time when Meng Lei went in.

In this way, it means that the guy named Xiao Han and his group of men should still be in the cave. Otherwise, the bonfire would not be more and more prosperous without any care.

Thinking of this, in order to avoid his whereabouts being found by the guy named Xiao Han in the Huashen period, Meng Lei decides not to approach the cave any more.

Standing in the same place to observe for a while, Meng Lei found that there was no movement in the cave, but the campfire was still vigorous, so he put down his mind.

Everyone in the cave should have started to rest.

Soon after, Meng Lei turned to leave and went back to report.


Xiao Han, with Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren and others, traveled more than ten kilometers in the night, and finally found a cave at the foot of a mountain that could barely accommodate more than ten people of the demon killing team.

After a night's rest in the cave, Xiao Han led Zhong xuanhai and Guo Zimo and his party to catch up on the journey of dozens of kilometers in the daytime, and determined that they were far away from the area where the burning heaven palace appeared last night. Xiao Han ordered to stop.

Now Xiao Han, with Zhong xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others, is in the opposite direction to the mountain where the human gas refiners from all over the world meet more than 20 days later. With the convergence day getting tighter and tighter, I believe that no matter which side of the world the team should choose as close as possible to the meeting position.

Xiao Han and the whole demons killing team went against their own path. As long as Xiao Han took the demons killing team and went deep into the line, he would only go more and more remote. The probability of meeting those people who burned the heaven Palace should be small and small.

Let's go. Now those who burn the temple of heaven can determine the route of the whole demon killing team and chase them all the way. Otherwise, it's very difficult to find Xiao Han and their whereabouts in the sand dunes.

Now, Xiao Han takes the whole demon killing team to rest in a valley. Before, in order to get on the way, many first-order magic spiders met on the road had no time to clean up.

Xiao Han now estimates that there should be hundreds of first-order magic spiders just chasing after them. It is estimated that it will not take long to get here.

As a result, Xiao Han took a big gulp of water from Li Jian, then looked at Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren who were sitting around and said, "attention, we are in a hurry all the way. We have no time to clean up the first-order magic spiders around us. Now there are at least four or five hundred first-order magic spiders following us. Let's take a rest and get ready to fight in a short time."

As soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, Li Jian asked, "boss Xiao, do you think we should dig some traps around here and set a little ambush?"

Without waiting for Xiao Han to reply, Zhong xuanhai, sitting not far away, said with a smile: "what other traps are you digging? Li Jian, you don't want to see what kind of lineup our demon killing team is now. There are five yuan infantile stages, three golden elixir peak levels, and an ambush is needed to deal with hundreds of first-order evil spiders? "

Tian Daren also stood up and said: "boss Xiao, we haven't had so many people fighting together for a long time. Since the group competition, we have been divided into two groups to fight. Today, the people of our demon killing team are all here. Is it a good ambush?"

Xiao Han said with a smile: "it's also true that our whole demon killing team hasn't been together for a long time. The number of hundreds of first-order magic spiders that happened to arrive today is large enough. Let's form a team of 11 people and try to fight directly. Just let me see how much our combat effectiveness has been improved recently!"

"Shua Shua Shua..."

Li Jian, Guo Zimo, Zhang Qiang, Yan sensitive and others showed their weapons one after another, and the war spirit in their eyes was very high. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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