Published at 6th of March 2023 08:29:42 AM

Chapter 1198

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So after receiving Xiao Han's hint, Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren called all the sects below to a place to stand to prevent Yan Wushuang and others from attacking them suddenly.

Yan Wushuang first took a look at the night rain beside Xiao Han, and then said with a grim smile: "yo! I didn't expect that this little beauty also stepped into the realm of cultivation in the early stage of transforming God. It seems that your talent and bone are also good! "

At this time, before waiting for Xiao Han and others to talk, Yan Wushuang immediately turned around and said with a smile to a Qi practitioner who had been behind Yan Wushuang: "Hui Shao, you see, this little beauty named Yeyu is the beauty I mentioned to you. How about it? Isn't it good? "

At this time, the guy named Hui Shao slowly came to Yan Wushuang's side. Yan Wushuang seemed to control the flying sword to retreat a little bit in order to show respect, and put Hui Shao in the middle of the first position.

When Xiao Han took a close look, he found that he was in a gray robe, and at his feet was a very strong sword. Among all the flying swords, this kind of long and wide Epee is generally rare.

In addition, the most frightening thing for Xiao Han is the breath of this incarnation, which is obviously the strength of the peak state in the transformation period.

Before, this man hiding behind Yan Wushuang was not very conspicuous. Xiao Han just glanced at him in a hurry, and he didn't focus on investigating him. Originally, he thought that this man was the strength of the middle period of the transformation period, just like Yan Wushuang and others. However, he didn't expect that this guy named huishao was actually an expert at the peak of the transformation period.

What's more, to Xiao Han's surprise, there should be some hidden breath skill or magic weapon on huishao's body. Otherwise, Xiao Han could not have discovered that this guy was actually an expert in the peak state of transforming spirit.

At least when huishao came to Yan Wushuang's side, there was no doubt that the breath from his body was the peak of the transformation period.

After hearing Yan Wushuang's introduction, the master named Hui Shao flashed a ray of light in the eyes of the night rain.

Hui Shao nodded and said with a grim smile, "Well! Yes, it's really good. Her figure, appearance and accomplishments are all first-class. Especially her cultivation realm makes me excited. I have seen many women who can practice to the early stage of transforming spirit, but I really haven't seen such a beautiful woman like her! "

In Yeyu's opinion, this guy named huishao is actually very handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and fair skin, but he has a palpable evil spirit on his face, which makes Ye Yu very disgusted. In particular, the look he looks at himself is not like Yan Wushuang, but as if he is not looking at a living person, but a dead thing The night rain is particularly uncomfortable.

At this time, Xiao Han's figure flashed. He manipulated the sky sword to block directly in front of the night rain. Looking at Yan Wushuang and the guy named huishao, he said, "why, some people came from afar, but they didn't want to talk in the air?"

Yan Wushuang didn't pay attention to Xiao Han's inquiry. Instead, he pointed to Xiao Han and said to Hui Shao beside him: "Hui Shao, this guy is the Xiao Han I told you about!"

"Oh?" Hui Shao looked at Xiao Han with great interest and said with a smile, "this is the guy who can defeat you in the cultivation realm in the early stage of transforming spirit period into the realm of cultivation in the middle period of transforming spirit period?"

Yan Wushuang said with a bad smile: "yes, Hui Shao is him. Moreover, Xiao Han seems to have a relationship with that little beauty named Yeyu. It's a small couple relationship! Hey, hey

Huishao and yanwushuang are talking together here. It seems that Xiao Han and ye Longxuan are masters of the secular world.

Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren and others looked at the crowd in the air, and they knew that today's affairs would be very troublesome.

Yan Wushuang, who burned the heaven palace, didn't know where to invite the five masters from the middle of the transformation period, and one of them was the master at the peak of the transformation period.

Not to mention the secular world, in addition to the night dragon Xuan of Wudang school and Xiao Han of the demon killing team, the other several God transforming masters are still in the early stage of the transformation period.

And Yan Wushuang over there is a master in the middle of the period of transforming God.

What's more, Yan Wushuang also has a master at the peak of the transformation period, and the highest cultivation level in the secular world is just Xiao Han and ye long Xuan.

Even if Xiao Han can cross the border and break through the border, Xiao Han will come forward to resist the brilliance of the peak state of the Huashen period. Then Yan Wushuang, who burned the heaven palace, has six masters in the middle of the transformation period. Night dragon Xuan, Wang Mang, Huafeng and others in the secular world can't resist it.

"Well, your name is Xiao Han, aren't you?" Hui Shao said with a smile: "I heard that you can cross the border to defeat the enemy, that is to say, although your strength is only the cultivation level in the middle of the transformation period, but you have a competition with the strength of my peak state in the transformation period. But you should be very clear that my strength is the top in the same realm. Even if you can cross the border to break the enemy, you can't be my opponent. Do you think so?"

Xiao Han gently nodded and said, "yes!"Xiao Han also knows that this guy named Hui Shao is talking about trying. Judging from the breath from Hui Shao, although his cultivation level is still only the peak state of spiritual transformation period, the breath from this guy can be seen. He is about to touch the opportunity of breaking the state. It is estimated that he will be able to break the state smoothly soon.

That is to say, even if the strength of huishao is only the peak state of the transformation period, his combat effectiveness is absolutely the top of the peak state of the transformation period.

Even if Xiao Han has the strength to cross the border and break the enemy, the possibility of Xiao Han's victory in front of Hui Shao is very low. After all, Xiao Han is the first in the cultivation realm than Hui Shao.

Hui Shao nodded his head and said with a satisfied smile: "yes, since you are still quite sensible, I Hui Shao is not an inhumane person. So long as you people take out 100000 first-order magic spider inner crystals, and then give this woman named Ye Yu to me, today's affairs will be so settled. I promise that in the future, whether it's huishao or the people who burn Tiangong, they won't do it again To trouble you. "

"What? One hundred thousand first-order spider crystals? Where do we have so many first-order magic spider crystals

"You can't give him elder martial sister ye, you can't!"

"That is to say, you are really deceiving people."


the ordinary disciples of the sect below jumped at him with such a strong voice.

Even if so many people present can really make up 100000 inner crystals of the first-order magic spider, if this thing spreads out, the Qi practitioners in the whole secular world will not be able to raise their heads.

As for the night rain, it is even more impossible.

Not waiting for Xiao Han and others to talk, the man named Hui Shao looked impatiently at the disciples of the sect below, and then said faintly, "irritable!"

With a wave of his hand, Hui Shao's aura flew directly to the top of the crowd and exploded. The breath that Hui Shao sent out was like a thunderbolt, which exploded on the heads of Zhong xuanhai, Tian Daren and others. All the people present were shocked and speechless.

Not only the ordinary disciples below were very indignant, but also ye Longxuan and Wang Mang of Wudang sect glared angrily at huishao and Yan Wushuang.

Yan Wushuang and huishao, who burned the heaven palace, are really deceiving people. They not only want to extort the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider from all the people present, but also have a total number of 100000. This is really a lion's big mouth.

In addition, this Hui Shao also wants to take the night rain away, how is this possible?

Hui Shao shows his hand at will and frightens Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren from below. After that, huishao doesn't pay attention to the reaction of those people below. Instead, he looks at Xiao Han.

What's strange is that Hui Shao finds that the people around Xiao Han are all angry. The beautiful girl named Ye Yu can stare at him with evil eyes, but only this guy named Xiao Han is calm. It seems that he doesn't pay attention to the threat of huishao and others.

Yan Wushuang looked at Xiao Han triumphantly and said with a sneer: "Xiao Han, Xiao Han, I advise you to have a better understanding of each other. Although you say that you have six masters in the period of transforming the spirit into the realm of cultivation, but the two masters in the middle of the period of transforming the spirit into the realm of my burning heaven palace, together with the other five high hands I invited, the overall strength can definitely crush your practitioners in the secular world. How about it? I don't need to say any more about it

For Yan Wushuang, it's still quite painful to spend a lot of money to invite several masters in the middle of the transformation period to help Yan Wushuang.

As for the less brilliance of the peak state in the transformation period, the cost is even greater.

However, these costs are worth it in Yan Wushuang's opinion. After all, if we can get 100000 first-order magic spider inner crystals from the Qi practitioners in the whole secular world, it is still very cost-effective.

Before he came, Hui Shao had already made it clear that the beautiful girl named Ye Yu would eventually belong to him. In addition, he would take out 20000 first-order magic spider inner crystals.

As for the remaining four masters in the middle stage of transforming gods into the realm of cultivation, it was agreed that each person should have 10000 first-order magic spider inner crystals. In this way, there are still 40000 first-order magic spider inner crystals from Xiao Han and his disciples.

In this way, they still make a lot of money by burning Tiangong.

In Yan Wushuang's opinion, even if Xiao Han can cross the border to break the enemy, so what?

Even if Xiao Han has already stepped into the realm of cultivation in the middle of the period of transforming God, then what? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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