Published at 6th of March 2023 08:26:11 AM

Chapter 1249

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If the powerful demons can drive the magic spiders in Penglai fairyland, then both the first-order and the second-order magic spiders will appear on the battlefield today, but there is no second-order magic spider from the beginning to the end of today's battle, which makes the people on the scene a little confused.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that everyone's faces were a little dignified, and then he said with a smile: "I guess today's strong demons just appeared in Penglai fairyland, so it's normal that the second-order magic spider hasn't appeared. It's estimated that in the battle tomorrow, the second-order magic spider will appear."

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang said, "well, after you go back, count the fighting situation today. After dinner, the person in charge of each mountain will go to the hall in the middle of Lingxiao city to summarize it."

People nodded, which slowly spread.

Xiao Han left the mountain in charge of the burning heaven palace and returned to his own mountain. At this time, all the disciples of the sect cleaned up the battlefield and almost ready to return to the city.

Seeing Xiao Han coming back, Huafeng and others from Huashan gate surrounded him.

"Boss Xiao, what did Zhang Xiaoqiang tell you to do in the past?"

"Yes, why come back so soon?"

Xiao Han waved his hand and whispered, "there's nothing to do. Let's make statistics of the battle situation today. After dinner, all the leaders of the mountain will go to the hall in the center of Lingxiao city to gather. OK, if there's nothing wrong, we'll quickly clean up. Let's go back to Lingxiao city and have a rest first."

Finally, Xiao Han took all his disciples to the direction of Lingxiao city.

Today, the battle situation of Xiao Han and his disciples on the mountain is actually very tragic. Nearly one tenth of the disciples of the clan have been damaged. This is only the first day of fighting.

It's certain that Xiao Han's mood is a little heavy. Anyway, although the disciples of the following clans are not Xiao Han's own, they choose to follow Xiao Han, and they are at least some of his comrades in the trenches.

Dozens of disciples of the sect were hanged and killed by the first-order devil spider in the battle. It's a pity to think about it.

Although there are a large number of first-order magic spiders killed today, no matter how many inner crystals of first-order magic spiders can't make up for the lost hands.

At this time, Xiao Han took the team to the gate of LingXiao City, and just met another team to enter the city.

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Han's team at the top of the mountain? Why do you look a little depressed? Is it because there are too many people injured and there is a deep sense of frustration? "

It was Xie Jianyun of the sky snake League.

In other words, compared with the team behind Xiao Han, the team of Tian she League is much stronger in terms of both lineup and morale. Moreover, compared with Xiao Han's team, the team of Tian she League has more strong players in transforming the spirit period into the realm of cultivation.

Xiao Han's team has only six masters in the transformation period, while there are at least more than ten experts in the sky snake League. In this way, after one day's fighting, the team of the sky snake League has not lost many hands, but the number of first-order magic spiders is not too many.

Not only Xie Jianyun of the heavenly snake League was looking at Xiao Han and others, but also the disciples of the sect behind Xie Jianyun were smiling at Xiao Han and his team.

Compared with the team of the sky snake League, Xiao Han and his team really look like a mixed card army. Now that the two teams have come together side by side, the gap is even more obvious.

Although Xiao Han and his team are large in number, their costumes are very miscellaneous. After a day's fighting, most of them are covered with the blue blood of the first-order magic spider. After all, not every disciple of the sect has the powerful strength of Xiao Han, the high hands who transform the spirit period into the realm. They can only rely on the spirit in the body to make the clothes on All the blue blood is evaporated to dryness.

Moreover, in the battle, clothes and other things will inevitably appear some damage. In addition, after a day of fighting, everyone's face is deeply tired, and everyone's look is also a little depressed.

However, the team of the heavenly snake alliance is much better. Among the disciples of Xie Jianyun's sect, there are several times more masters who transform Shenqi into the realm than Xiao Han's. during the battle, there are so many masters who transform the divine cultivation to the realm to support them. In the battle, the disciples of other Yuanying cultivation realm will be much easier.

Moreover, it is not only Xie Jianyun's personal hostility to Xiao Han. Even the disciples behind Xie Jianyun are laughing at those disciples behind him. In their opinion, although there are a lot of people here, their strength is not so good. What's the use of relying on more people? Didn't you lose one tenth of your men in the first day of the battle?

Xiao Han was in a bad mood at first, but now Xie Jianyun answered it with words, which added fuel to the fire. Moreover, Xiao Han also noticed that the disciples behind Xie Jianyun were laughing at each other, which made Xiao Han very angry again.

Originally, Xiao Han didn't intend to target the sky snake alliance and Xie Jianyun himself so quickly. However, Xie Jianyun repeatedly challenged Xiao Han, which made Xiao Han feel it necessary to beat Xie Jianyun. Otherwise, this guy thought he was a bully.Thinking of this, Xiao Han coldly looked at Xie Jianyun of the sky snake League, and then said without any politeness: "why, you people in the sky snake League rely on more masters to transform the spirit period into the realm, so you think you can underestimate the strength of my mountain?"

Xie Jianyun has not seen that Xiao Han has moved the real fire, he said with disapproval: "I did not say so, of course, you can understand that!"

Although Xiao Hanhu's overall strength is higher than Xie Jianyun's, and Xiao Han's ranking in the battle effectiveness ranking list is also one higher than Xie Jianyun's, now Xie Jianyun and Xiao Han are not just a comparison of their personal strength.

To talk about the strength of the disciples, Xie Jianyun's team here is much less, but the overall strength is not inferior to Xiao Han's team.

At least one master of transforming the spirit period into a realm is equal to more than a dozen disciples of Yuanying period. In this way, a dozen or twenty masters in tianshe league are basically equal to the strength of Xiao Han's disciples.

So although Xie Jianyun's strength is not better than Xiao Han's, Xie Jianyun's ranking in the battle effectiveness ranking list is indeed inferior to Xiao Han's. However, Xie Jianyun's face to Xiao Han is not empty at all. According to Xie Jianyun, it's just the time to fight with the powerful demon clan and the magic spider army. Does Xiao Han have this mind to challenge him?

Even if Xiao Han, like Xie Jianyun, really launched a challenge, Xie Jianyun can also find a reason to refuse Xiao Han's challenge.

Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "even if you are more masters in the transformation period of the heavenly snake alliance into the realm of cultivation, how about more? Do you want to kill more evil spiders than to see whose mountain top they kill? "

Xie Jianyun laughed. Although he said that Xiao Han had more disciples than Xiao Han, how could the mountain top of Tian she League be less than Xiao Han's?

"Do you think that if you have more people, you will kill more evil spiders? I really don't believe in this evil! "

Xiao Han nodded and said with a smile, "OK, this is what you said. After going back for a while, count how many first-order magic spiders have been killed, and then we will gather in the hall with those magic spider inner crystals!"

Xie Jianyun sneered: "yes, I want to see how many first-class magic spiders you can kill in one day!"

With that, Xie Jianyun took his team into Lingxiao city.

At this time, Xiao Han's disciples all looked indignant.

Just now Xie Jianyun's look of speaking was in everyone's eyes. Xie Jianyun didn't pay attention to their disciples at all.

"Boss Xiao, all the magic spiders killed by our group today are here. We all compare them with the heavenly snake alliance. I don't believe it. The first-order evil spiders killed by so many of us are not as many as those of the heavenly snake alliance!"

"That's right. We really can't swallow it!"


Xiao Han waved his hand and said calmly, "don't worry, let's go back first!"

With that, Xiao Han returned to the station with all his disciples.

Xiao Han didn't interfere with the final allocation of all the first-order magic spiders. After all, Xiao Han has divided all his disciples into more than ten groups, and each group is responsible for the custody and distribution of the final harvest of the first-order magic spider Neijing.

However, we all saw the scene just at the gate of Lingxiao city. As a result, all the groups took the initiative to deal with Xiao Han's hands with Neijing, the first-class demon spider they killed today.

Xiao Han asked Zhong xuanhai and Tian Daren of the demon killing team to be responsible for the registration, and then put those bags filled with inner crystal of the first-order magic spider into the heaven and earth bag, and then went to the hall in the middle of Lingxiao city.

When Xiao Han arrived at the main hall, other mountain leaders had already arrived at the hall. When Xiao Han entered the hall, he just saw a large number of first-order magic spider crystals in cloth bags on the ground.

Xie Jianyun of the sky snake alliance stood in front of that pile of first-order magic spiders.

After seeing Xiao Han coming in, he said with a soft smile: "Xiao Han, do you see that these are all the first-order magic spider inner Crystals I harvested from that mountain top today, a total of 608300! What about? Take a look at your harvest today and see if there is so much? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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