Published at 6th of March 2023 08:06:08 AM

Chapter 1563

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On the surface, Zhao Wuji is trying not to take advantage of Xiao Han. However, as a disciple of the clan, Zhao Wuji challenges Xiao Han, who has no background, and takes advantage of Tianda.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "look at your confident appearance, it seems that you will win without doubt?"

"Yes Zhao Wuji admitted directly.

"I, Zhao Wuji, never fight unprepared battles. Since I have agreed to exchange three fists with you, I will not cheat. I hope you will not cheat. Besides, I was born in xiaoyaozong and practiced in Xiaoyao secret place for many years. I don't believe it. My physical strength is not as strong as you, an unknown pawn."

Xiao Han said with a playful face: "just before you used the sword, I hit you Two punches. Now I won't let you think I'm taking advantage of you. In this way, you'll hit me three fist first, and then I'll punch you three more. "

Zhao Wuji whispered with a smile: "boy, are you afraid I'll kill you?"

"If you can kill me, I'll have to wait for it." Xiao Han restrained his smile, and then said, "since you have agreed, we will not waste time. You should punch first, and I will follow."

Zhao Wuji raised an eyebrow, "good!"

Xiao Han unexpectedly let the other side first punch, let Zhao Wan'er face puzzled.

The first one must have taken advantage of it.

As long as the first punch can seriously injure the opponent, the power of the next blow will be greatly reduced.

Just now Xiao Han said that let Zhao Wuji take three punches first.

Xiao Han did this, not in vain will not have many advantages handed over to each other?

Xiao Han's choice seems irrational.

Don't say Zhao Wuji, even Zhao Waner is very puzzled.

Xiao Han let Zhao Wuji play three fists first, which is not Zhao Wuji's absolute advantage?

To know Xiao Han's strength, even if it is strong again, Zhao Wuji makes all-out efforts. After three punches, Xiao Han's body inevitably appears some injuries.

After that, when Xiao Han made his fist again, whether he could give full play to his greatest power when his body was injured was a problem.

Even if Xiao Han still punches, the power is definitely greatly reduced.

Therefore, Zhao Waner thinks Xiao Han is a fool.

Zhao Waner can see that, of course, Zhao Wuji is the same.

Xiao Han didn't know whether he was tuoda or extremely arrogant. He actually chose to let him fight first, and he still used the three fists at one time.

Zhao Wuji's mouth finally showed a trace of smile.

I've been holding back all the way to fight with this guy in black. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if they are good at swordsmanship and all kinds of skills, but Zhao Wuji can be the strong one among the disciples of Xiaoyao sect. How can his physical strength be poor?

It can be seen from the process of Xiao Han's boxing before.

Although Xiao Han said that he had just hit Zhao Wuji with two fists in succession, he didn't do much harm to Zhao Wuji's body.

Xiao Han, of course, is ready to do it.

Let Zhao Wuji punch first,

wave to Zhao Wuji in the distance, and signal him to let his horse come.

Zhao Wuji's mouth with a smile, ready to show his divine power, let Xiao Han see his power.

Xiao Han is also gradually convergence on the face of the smile.

Zhao Wuji's strength in the same realm is indeed good. Since Xiao Han suppressed the overall strength in the cultivation realm in the early stage of the tongxuan period, if he wanted to deal with Zhao Wuji's all-out efforts, he had to be cautious.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then his Qi sank into the elixir field. His whole body was full of brilliance. In an instant, his aura reached the peak.

Although there was no movement, the ground under Xiao Han's feet actually showed a cracked situation.

We should know that the ground under Xiao Han's feet is not the stone floor, but the soil.

Xiao Han's whole body Qi strength emanates, can actually let the soft ground crack.

Xiao Han, like a mountain, stands tall in front of Zhao Wuji.

Within ten meters around him, the cracks in the ground spread rapidly.

Zhao Wuji took a deep breath and began to move forward in an inch.

After that, every step he took was bigger and bigger.

Finally, he took a few tens of meters away. He came to Xiao Han's front and back, and hit him in the chest.

There was a big bang.

Such as the Hong Zhong Da Lu, in the surrounding empty space in the ring through the earth.

As most people know, first out boxing is cheap. How can Xiao Han not know.

He just wants to see it.

How strong is the overall strength of the xiaoyaozong disciple in the middle of tongxuan period.

Xiaoyaozong is really good at swordsmanship and magic, and there is no advanced body training method in the sect.

However, how could the power of a fist, which was a master of the realm in the middle of the period of enlightenment, be small.

What's more, the so-called three fists for each other means standing still and letting the other party make a free hand.It's good for punching, but it's not good for defense.

How much do you think you're going to suffer if you stand still and get beaten?

Before hitting Xiao Han's chest, Zhao Wuji's fist burst out with pride.

After Zhao Wuji made his fist, a golden dragon appeared behind him.

Zhao Wuji can transform his whole body into a dragon shape. The boxing meaning of Zhao Wuji's fist has been extremely strong to the point of being unimaginable.

Xiao Han was still, and the air around him seemed to be solidified.

When Zhao Wuji's fist was close to his eyes, Xiao Han's hands suddenly clenched, and a turbulent and majestic air machine emanated from his body.

"Tear pull..."

before the two people collide, the surrounding air is torn to pieces.


there was a loud noise, which was very enlightening.

At the moment when Zhao Wuji's fist touched Xiao Han's body, the shadow of the Golden Dragon behind him disappeared instantly.

Xiao Han fell back to seven or eight steps, step by step, his feet deep into the ground.

Steady body shape, Xiao Han looked down at the chest, clothes broken, revealing a stone chest.

In the sun, Xiao Han is bare chest dew.

Xiao Han called out angrily, "Zhao Wuji, did you mean it? I've broken my clothes. You see, I'm dew point. "


Zhao Wuji's words stopped instantly.

Zhao Waner's face was red.

Why is Xiao Han so shameless?

Zhao Wuji's mouth twitches.

He punched Xiao Han in the chest, where is so much like?

Xiao Han patted his chest and said calmly: "the strength of this fist is OK, but its power is not so strong. Otherwise, you should make a fist as soon as possible for the remaining two fists."

One side of Zhao Wan'er opened her mouth wide and did not relax for a long time.

Is Xiao Han really arrogant?

It's enough to let Zhao Wuji show his fist.

Now Xiao Hangang has just received a fist, but he has no breath. He urges Zhao Wuji to make a fist. Is this for death?

If you let Zhao Wuji fight down three times in a row, Xiao Han's body will certainly suffer from serious injuries. When it comes to Xiao Han's turn to fight, his strength will be greatly reduced.

Such contempt for opponents, generally only appear in their own strength can crush each other's time.

But does Xiao Han think he can crush Zhao Wuji of xiaoyaozong?

The strength is equal enough to make people surprised, crush Zhao Wuji?

Zhao Waner couldn't believe it.

I always think Xiao Han is taking the enemy lightly this time.

It seems that Xiao Han's strength is very good.

Zhao Wuji is very pleased to be able to meet a master with similar cultivation level and similar strength.

He felt that Xiao Han, who inadvertently broke in, could make him fight back.

Xiao Han laughed, and then said, "punch quickly, don't waste time."

By the opponent so despised, Zhao Wuji's face difficult to see the pole.

Zhao Wuji did not say a word, but suddenly he was hunting.

There is no wind around him, and there is no fan behind him. We can imagine how angry Zhao Wuji is now.

Anger to a body cultivation to the extreme.

Step out, a roar, Zhao Wuji is a fist handed out.

The momentum of this blow is very weak. Compared with the previous one, it seems that the power is weak and explosive. There is no movement.

Compared with the last time, the Golden Dragon shadow is the sound of breaking the air, which is absolutely calm to the extreme.

However, Xiao Han, who was standing in the same place, showed a dignified look for the first time.

It seems to have deliberately avoided Xiao Han's rags, and the blow hit him on the forehead.

The punch, whether it was a punch or a blow on the forehead, was silent.

However, such a calm blow, if there are other people around watching the war, will certainly let all around the people like a heavy blow.

Even Zhao Wan'er, who watched the battle not far away, felt that her eardrum was shaking and her Qi and blood were hard to level.

Xiao Han was smashed by Zhao Wuji and flew out. The whole person was smashed and flew out several tens of meters and fell into the flowers beside the path.

The flowers and plants collapsed all the way, and finally stopped.

But soon, with his hands on the ground, he walked from the Bush to the small square.

The power of Zhao Wuji's fist just now is astonishing.

Even Xiao Han was beaten by Zhao Wuji and flew several tens of meters. We can imagine how powerful Zhao Wuji's fist is.

The two Qi refiners who were in the state of cultivation in the Xuanqi period did not sacrifice their magic weapons or use them to fight against each other. They actually chose to fight hand to hand and compete with brute force. If other gas refiners were present, they would be very sad.Xiao Han stretched out his hand to remove the flowers and grass scraps on his body and grinned: "you have the last punch left. You can continue to punch. At the same time, I will fight immediately. Is this not illegal?"

Zhao Wuji took a deep breath and called boldly: "come on."

There is the last punch, Zhao Wuji's three punches are finished. At this time, Xiao Han's attack is not illegal at all.

And Zhao Wuji is very clear, Xiao Han is not trying to make a trick, but to play the feeling, he wants to move as soon as possible to meet his high spirited fighting spirit.

There was a flash in Xiao Han's eyes.

Zhao Wuji is really strong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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