Published at 6th of March 2023 07:54:14 AM

Chapter 1718

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One thing Xiao Han can be sure of is that under the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, an ancient dragon was indeed suppressed.

So for Xiao Han, it is important for Xiao Han to have a month's practice in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, but finding a chance to conquer the dragon is the most important thing.

Therefore, by contrast, Xiao Han wants to know every detail of the heaven and earth holy spirit tower, not just how to find the best practice for it.

Xiao Han, with Chen Xiao and Lu Xuan, is walking in the tower behind elder Li. At this time, Xiao Han reluctantly understands some information about this mysterious black tower.

Most of this area is deep buried in the ground, only a small section of the tower of heaven and earth Holy Spirit is exposed. After walking in the tower, Xiao Han found that the area of this tower is quite spacious.

Just now Xiao Han and his colleagues were standing at the door of the first floor. Now Xiao Han followed elder Li along the way. He found that the first floor space of the holy spirit tower in heaven and earth can only accommodate two or three hundred people to practice at the same time.

The outside of the tower looks like an octagon, but when it comes to the inside, the space inside is basically like a circle.

In the corner of the first floor, it is used to go up and down the stairs of other floors.

As for the middle of the tower, there are rooms one by one, which seems to be small compartments for cultivation.

I don't know what kind of material is used to build the holy spirit tower. The whole body is dark and has no luster. It seems that it is not an ordinary construction material.

However, Xiao Han thought of the battle that could break out anytime and anywhere in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth. He also knew that the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth must be extremely strong.

The most central area in the tower should be the training room specially used for cultivation, but now these training rooms are basically occupied by people.

At this time, Xiao Han noticed that there was a small sign at the door of these training rooms, and the words of each brand seemed different.

Before going downstairs, Xiao Han stopped to have a look and almost laughed.

At this time, Chen Xiao and Lu Xuan also noticed that there were three kinds of words on these small red signs, which represented the first class, the second class and the third class. Therefore, these words should be what the three elders Zhen Jia said before. All the training rooms in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth have different levels.

The difference between first-class, second-class and third-class seats is just like the difference between train seats in the secular world.

The first class seat is equivalent to a business seat, which is spacious and comfortable, but the price is also the highest. The second class seat is equivalent to the comfortable seat, and the location is relatively crowded. As for the third class seat, which is equivalent to the economy seat, it is not very comfortable, but can only meet the basic needs of passengers.

Even if it is understood from the literal meaning, we can only understand the differences between these workshops.

With elder Li walking slowly, Xiao Han found that almost all the first-class training rooms were close to the center of the tower, while on their periphery, there were second-class training rooms and more peripheral third-class training rooms.

In addition to these training rooms, there are some open spaces around the tower, which look like places for practice and competition

elder Li pointed to a training room with a first-class sign, and said with a faint smile. "In the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, these high school and low-level training rooms generally have to rely on their own strength to compete. If the strength is strong, they can only get the best training conditions. If the strength is poor, they can only go to the outer low-level training room for training. If there is no one to rob, it is first come and then come. If someone grabs, then in addition to giving up the position obediently, only Can rely on thunder to defeat the challenger, or be driven out

When everyone gets to the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, the first thing is to find out that it is worth the elder to get a training card. Each training card has 60 days of cultivation qualification. No matter who wants to enter the training room, he must swipe the card. According to the corresponding training room, Xiao Han's practice days in each level of the training room are different.

That is to say, no matter which floor you are in, for example, in the first floor, the first-class training room needs to consume three days' cultivation qualification, while the second-class and third-class seats need to consume two days and one day respectively. In other layers, the first-class training room needs Xiao Han's cultivation qualification, and the number of days consumed by second-class and third-class seats is on each floor It's all the same. "

Xiao Han asked suspiciously: "the number of practice days spent on the first-class seats of each floor is the same, but the training effects obtained are vastly different. In this way, will not everyone crowd to a higher level.

Elder Li said with a smile: "it's not so simple. It's not easy for anyone who wants to enter the tower. In fact, you may not be clear about it. The pressure you face when you practice in each layer is different. For example, just after you enter the tower, you are burned by the invisible flame. The higher the number of layers, the more you will be burned by the invisible flame Fierce, not everyone can bear this invisible flame for a long time. For example, the strength of you new elders may still be struggling to enter the sixth level. But if you want to enter the seventh level, the burning of the invisible flame is basically the same as the burning feeling when you enter the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth for the first time. "It turns out that, it seems that we don't want to go to several floors. If the burning of invisible flame is more severe when it reaches the lower floor, the degree of endurance varies from person to person according to different strength.

Hearing this, Xiao Han and Lu Xuan, Chen Xiao and others have roughly understood the rules in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth.

It's no wonder that even Xiao Han, in the first layer, felt more or less the burning of some invisible flame, but this feeling is not very obvious.

When the first floor was about to go downstairs, Xiao Han found that the elders on duty on the first floor were giving training cards and explaining the rules of the tower to some disciples who had entered the holy spirit tower for the first time.

In this world, the number of practice days consumed by the first-class training room on each floor of the holy spirit tower is the same. That is to say, if they need to practice in the first-class training room, the cultivation days in the cultivation card can only be consumed for 20 days.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han asked in a low voice: "elder Li, if the training days in the first-class training room of this cultivation card are only enough for 20 days, then what about the time left?"

Elder Li laughed, and then said, "it depends on their own abilities. Tell you the most cruel rule in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth. If you lose, the winner will mark off three days of cultivation days from the cultivation card. In this way, as long as you can defeat more opponents, you can get more practice days. ”

Xiao Han, Lu Xuan, Chen Xiao and others looked at each other, and then they understood why everyone said that the holy spirit tower in heaven and earth was cruel.

If the skill is not as good as the person, then not only lose face, the most important thing is that the days on the practice card will be deducted for three days. If you are defeated several times, the cultivation days will be deducted more, which will cause a consequence.

The weak, once they find that their strength can not beat the other side, then there are only two ways to choose, or is to stay obediently in the lowest third-class training room, or they can only find the opponent with lower strength to challenge and obtain the training days of the opponent's card.

In this way, all people in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth should try their best to increase the number of days in their practice cards. Otherwise, the training days in the practice cards will only be enough for them to practice in the second-class training room in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth for one month.

What's more, even if you want to practice quietly, there will be challenges. Since you have practiced in this tower, don't want to be alone.

According to Xiao Han's estimation, the time in the previous few days may be better, and everyone is practicing at ease. However, the turbulent heart may break out in a few days, when all kinds of battles will break out in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth.

At this time, Chen Xiao, standing next to Xiao Han, suddenly asked, "elder Li, in the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, you can find those weak people to challenge and earn the days of practice among them. Will this result in the situation that the strong become stronger and the weak weaker and weaker, so that it is difficult to catch up with them in the end?"

Elder Li shook his head and said with a smile: "you're right. This is the living rule in the holy spirit tower. You know, without facing difficulties, human potential will not burst out completely. What the sect needs is this kind of alternative repression. As long as such alternative repression reaches the extreme, there will always be some people who break out completely Try your best to catch up with those who were hard to reach before. In the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth, this kind of thing happens almost every year, and there is more than one. "

Xiao Han nodded. He agreed with the rules of the holy spirit tower of heaven and earth. Only under such rules can we cultivate more strong people.

This kind of rule may sound cruel, and it does not inspire all people to become stronger all the time.

However, the more cruel the rules are, the more likely it will be for all personnel to enter the tower. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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