Published at 6th of March 2023 07:25:08 AM

Chapter 2113

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After he came out of the ancient ruins, the only thing Yang Si Lang felt sorry for was that he did not take the opportunity to kill Guo DA and Li Hu, the city masters of Xuanfeng city.

This Xuanfeng city and Haotian city between the city master's house, there is endless hatred.

If you can take the opportunity to kill Guo DA and Li Hu, the two city lords of Xuanfeng City, among the ancient ruins, you can understand the gratitude and resentment between Haotian city and Xuanfeng city.

The last leader of Haotian city died at the hands of Guo DA and Li Hu. Yang Silang always wanted to help revenge.

But now, sitting on the tree to rest, Xiao Han accidentally saw two figures approaching in the air. Xiao Han grinned.

This is not the original price.

Aren't the two here Guo DA and Li Hu from the master's house of Xuanfeng city?

"Lao Yang, the opponent you're thinking of is coming. Should we have some activities?"

After hearing Xiao Han's words, Yang Silang, sitting under the tree, was slightly stunned, and then his eyes showed a trace of excitement.

It's really hard to find a place. It's easy to get here.

Yang Silang just talked about this matter in his heart. He thought he would go back to Haotian city and find a way to let Xiao Han, the Duke of en, take them to Xuanfeng city.

But now, Guo DA and Li Hu have come to the door like this. How can Yang Silang be unhappy.

"Benedict, please give me a hand?" Yang sirang stood up solemnly and bowed to Xiao Han on the tree.

Xiao Han smile, stretch out his hand gently lift, a soft breath will Yang Si Lang to hold up.

"Lao Yang, why are you and me so polite? You have a grudge against the Xuanfeng city. It happens that I don't like the master's office of Xuanfeng city. Let's join hands. " Xiao Han laughed.

"Eugong, please leave the life of that old guy Guo Da to me." Yang sirang said with a dignified face.

"Ha ha, don't worry. I will not only leave Guo Da's life to you, but also Li Hu's life to you."

Yang Si Lang nodded heavily.

On that trip to Xuanfeng City, if Li Hu didn't do something bad in it, I'm afraid Yang Silang's lover would not have died, and Haotiancheng would not have lost so many good hands.

Yang Silang will not be as miserable as Guo Da's defeat.

If it hadn't been for meeting Xiao Han and Yumei's mother, Yang Silang would have been found out and killed by Guo da.

So Yang Silang also hated Li Hu.

On hearing that Guoda and Li Hu, the city masters of Xuanfeng City, actually bumped into each other, and Yumei Niang and others also had a smile on their faces.

Why is it so coincidental that Xiao Han and they are resting here, and Guo DA and Li Hu, the city masters of Xuanfeng City, bump into each other like this?

Is it fate?

If you want to say that Guo DA and Li Hu of the Lord's mansion of Xuanfeng City, they are really in bad luck.

After coming out of the ancient ruins, Guo DA and Li Hu decided to flee to Xuanfeng city overnight.

Among the ancient relics, Guo DA and Li Hu did not have no harvest. They still got several high-grade treasures. Even if they were useless, taking them to the auction house for auction was not a small fortune.

Guo DA and Li Hu feel that Xiao Han's whole body retreats this time, but he has successfully broken the mirror. Maybe they will find a chance to intercept them and kill them.

Therefore, Guo DA and Li Hu decided to go all night in order to leave the people in Haotian city behind.

As long as they run fast enough, Xiao Han and Yang Silang can't catch up with them.

As long as they run back to Xuanfeng City, they are generally safe.

At least in the future Haotian City attack, they can also rely on Xuanfeng city to defend, or have a chance of life.

But if they meet on the way, or are stopped by the people of Haotian City, then Guo DA and Li Hu will know how lucky they are.

Therefore, after they came out of the ancient ruins, they could be described as fleeing desperately.

They didn't even have a breath, so they ran directly from the ancient ruins to here.

After a night's journey, even Guo DA and Li Hu were in a bit of a mess.

"Brother, let's catch up a little longer, and we can have a rest. It's been one night. Even if those guys in Haotian city want to catch up with us, they can't catch up with us." Li Hu stepped on the fairy sword, some breathless said.

Guo Da nodded happily and said with a smile, "it's said that if we didn't run fast, maybe we would have been caught up by those guys Xiao Han and Yang Silang. We ran so far. We can't find any trace of us in Xiao Han's family. Let's go to the mountain ahead and have a rest."

With that, Guo DA and Li Hu lowered their flying speed and gradually approached the resting place of Xiao Han and Yang Silang.

"Hoo Hoo..."Guo DA and Li Hu stood firm on the ground, and both breathed a long sigh of relief.

Can run here, also almost will Xiao Han and Yang Silang and others to get rid of.

Without waiting for Guo DA and Li Hu to sit down, several figures came out of the woods, which just surrounded Li Hu and Guo DA in the middle.

Xiao Han, Yumei Niang, Luoluo, and Zhou Min each occupy a position, while Yang Silang slowly appears in the air, obliterating Guo DA and Li Hu's escape routes.

"Xiao Han? Yang sirang? You... You? "

When they saw this, Guo DA and Li Hu could not react. Xiao Han and Yang Silang were waiting for them here.

Both Li Hu and Guo DA were shocked.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "ha ha ha, heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you break in, two old men, surprise is not surprise, meaning is not unexpected, thorn is not exciting?"

In this scene, Guo DA and Li Hu are about to cry.

Of course the surprise, the surprise, the excitement.

After a night's driving, I still knocked down the gun of Haotian city.

Guo Da looked at the crowd gradually surrounded by him and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Han, Yang Silang, you are really good at calculating. You can calculate ahead of time that we will pass here. It's really powerful."

"You think too much." Xiao Han rolled his eyes and said, "what is good calculation? What is fierce? It's your own misfortune to get home, OK? Yang Silang and I are really resting here. We are just thinking of visiting you Xuanfeng city that day. Who knows, you two will arrive. You say that life is full of surprises from time to time. This is really a duckweed returning to the sea. Where can we not meet in life? "


How about a fright?

Hearing this, Guo Da's ugly face said: "Xiao Han, be a man, why do you want to kill all?"

Guo knows that with Xiao Han's current lineup, he and Li Hu have no chance of winning.

Don't be the other people around Xiao Han. Xiao Han, who has already broken the state, has no difficulty in killing Guo DA and Li Hu with his cultivation in the early stage of the robbery period.

What's more, Li Hu and Guo Da have been on the road for a long time. The consumption of one night is also very terrible.

At present, Guo DA and Li Hu's real combat effectiveness is only 80% of the peak state at most.

"Why kill them all?" Xiao Han laughed and pointed to Yang Silang, who was so murderous in the air, he said softly with a smile: "it's no use saying this to me. If you want to say something, you can tell Lao Yang to see if he is willing to let you go."

Looking at the two enemies below, Yang sirang's eyes are about to touch the fire.

"To be the front line of people flow? How ever did you ever want to be a man? At first, our Haotian city was weaker than your Xuanfeng city. You Xuanfeng City wanted to annex our Haotian city. At that time, why didn't you know how to be a man and stay on the front line? "

"When we Haotian city went to your Xuanfeng city to participate in the annual auction, we just wanted to bid for something. You Xuanfeng city had to resist and intercept. My beloved Yang sirang died in your hands. Many of our Haotian city's good hands were damaged by your ambush. At that time, how could you not know how to be a human being A line? "

"A few days ago, because we Haotian city occupied a good position with a broad vision, at the foot of dangmo mountain, you Xuanfeng city came to rob our camp with two running dogs of the Xuantian clan of Heishui, and injured our disciples of Haotian city. At that time, why didn't you want to be a human being?"

"Now you are surrounded by our Haotian City, but you are putting out a lot of empty words here. Don't you think it's ridiculous for us to be a person in Haotian city?"

Yang Silang asked a series of rhetorical questions. Guo DA and Li Hu were speechless.

No matter how skillful Guo DA and Li Hu are, there is no way to answer them.

Li Hu, the second city owner of Xuanfeng City, said in a deep voice: "Yang sirang, the contest between our two families was originally a life and death outcome. You Haotian city lost hands. It can only blame your poor strength. What's the matter with Xuanfeng city?"

"It's reasonable. What the two city lords said is reasonable." Yang Silang nodded and said with a soft smile: "yes, since the contest between our two families had come to an end even if it was a life and death affair, then today you two old friends died in our Haotian city. It can only be attributed to your poor strength, which has nothing to do with our Haotian city."

Hearing this, Li Hu and Guo Da's faces turned blue.

It seems that Yang sirang is not going to let them live today.

For Yang Silang, Guo DA and Li Hu are not worried.

Under the joint efforts of the two, Yang Silang will surely die.

But what Guo DA and Li Hu really care about is not Yang Silang, but Xiao , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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