Published at 6th of March 2023 07:17:36 AM

Chapter 2201

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When the Guo family and the Zhao family started a war, they really had to worry about it. In fact, the Zhao family did not win much, and maybe they would suffer a great loss.

Therefore, Zhao Jin, the leader of the Zhao family, did not want to see a war between the two families.

But in this situation, if the Zhao family doesn't protect Xiao Han, I'm afraid it will become a laughing stock in the city of Tianlun. I don't want to look up in the future.

In fact, the Zhao family did not want to see the war.

But now, the Zhao family has no choice.

Xiao Han represents the Zhao family. If the Zhao family doesn't take a stand, who dares to join the Zhao family in the future?

If the Zhao family choose to retreat in front of the Guo family's threat, then their Zhao family's reputation will be ruined in Tianlun city.

In this way, the subordinate forces under the Zhao family will be divorced one after another, and it will be very difficult for them to have a foothold in Tianlun city in the future.

Because it is very clear about the connection, Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family, is very decisive and firmly believes that he will support Xiao Han in the end.

"Good job."

"Zhao family is good."

"That's right. Never mind."


Zhao Jin's attitude is very direct, which makes people applaud.

So when Zhao Jin's voice fell, the whole square suddenly rang out a burst of cheers.

However, after the Guo family glared around, the cheers gradually subsided.

Seeing Zhao Jin's resolute attitude, Guo Meng's face became livid.

Although he Guomeng cruel words said smooth, but Guo Meng is not a fool.

Guo Yi was wrong in today's affairs, and their Guo family was a bit unreasonable.

However, even if it is so, Guo Meng can't help but see that his son has been abandoned.

The importance of Guo Yi in Guo family is self-evident.

Guo Yi is the future of their Guo family. In order to cultivate Guo Yi, the whole Guo family has invested a lot of resources on him.

It was not easy to join xingyizong. Fortunately, he became a close disciple of the great elder of xingyizong. In the future, Guo Yi's future is limitless.

Guo Yi was highly expected by the Guo family, but now Xiao Han gave up Guo Yi in a fit of anger. The future of Guo Yi was unlimited, but now it has become a bubble.

How could Guo Meng forget it so easily?

Therefore, even if it is a war, Guo Meng will kill Xiao Han to vent his hatred.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect your Zhao family in Tianlun city to be so courageous. Not bad, not bad."

In Zhao Jin and Guo Meng two people in the heart are some uneasy time, the field suddenly remembered an old voice.

Everyone followed the reputation, which found that the person who had just spoken was the old man of xingyizong.

Zhao Jin and others actually noticed the old man before. Although he said that the old man had always been in the crowd of Guo family, Zhao Jin vaguely realized that the old man might be a member of xingyizong.

Zhao Jin arched his hand at the elder Chen and said with a soft smile, "this old gentleman, you are not Guo family. Why should you intervene?"

Zhao Jin, of course, knew why.

Although he had already guessed the real identity of the old man.

Although the star meteorite sect is only one of the three four sects, its strength is absolutely not comparable to that of Zhao family in Tianlun city.

So in front of this man, Zhao Jin did not dare to neglect.

Elder Chen said with a proud face: "if you don't change your name or sit down, I'm Chen huohuohuo, the elder of xingyizong."

Hearing this, Zhao Jin, the leader of the Zhao family, was shocked and said, "Chen Huo Huo? But elder Chen, who bought the seventh place by xingyizong

"It's my husband." The elder Chen rarely showed a smile: "it seems that you Zhao family still know something about our star meteorite clan."

Zhao Jin said with a smile: "elder Chen flattered me. It's really xingyingzong's reputation near the demon imperial city. Moreover, elder Chen's status is not low among the star meteorite sect. I've heard of it naturally."

Hearing Zhao Jin's compliments, elder Chen's face softened a lot.

Seeing that old Chen seemed to be a good talker, Zhao Jin said softly, "elder Chen, although Xiao Han really started a little hard today, it was also caused by Guo Yi's insidious stabbing. We Zhao's family can compensate Guo's family to a certain extent, but both sides are conceited of life and death. It's normal to be killed in the contest, so please ask elder Chen Haihan 。”

Zhao Jin naturally knew that the elder Chen in front of him had a strong voice in xingyizong, let alone in front of the Guo family.

Therefore, they were very polite and even took the initiative to say that Zhao family would compensate Guo family.

"I'm not that unreasonable person either."

Elder Chen just glanced at Xiao Han not far away, and said in a deep voice, "I have some friendship with the last head of your Zhao family. Today, I will give you a little face to the ancestors of Zhao family. I can not investigate Guo Yi's affairs, but it doesn't mean that the elder of xingmeteorite sect will not investigate. I will report what happened here truthfully to our elder It's up to him to decideHearing this, Zhao Jin couldn't help but look happy: "thank you very much

It's good news for the Zhao family to be able to deal with Guo family and xingyizong separately.

However, before Zhao Jin could speak, Chen huohuohuo's face was cold and he said in a deep voice:

"but there is one thing in front of him. This Xiao Han has to explain clearly where he got our star meteorite sect's changeable body cultivation method."

After hearing Chen huohuohuo's words, Zhao Jin and Zhao family's faces changed slightly.

Everyone on the field looked at Xiao Han in surprise.

Just like elder Chen said, how could Xiao Han change his body?

The changeable body is the top secret skill of the star meteor sect. Although it can't be compared with the body method of the wind chasing Qilin clan, they are different in their xingmeteorite sect.

Moreover, even among the star meteor sect, only a few of the best disciples are qualified to practice the changeable body.

It's not unreasonable that the star meteorite sect can roam around the area near the demon imperial city and become famous.

The star meteor sect is extremely strict in recruiting disciples. Even in Tianlun City, only Guo Yicai is lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple.

Guo Yi was able to make a name for himself in xingyizong, and his rapid progress in practice was also related to his rapid progress.

Although there are more than ten or twenty disciples of the star meteor sect who practice the changeable body, Guo Yi's achievements in cultivating the changeable body are among the top.

It is conceivable that it is very difficult for a person to succeed in practice.

In other words, for the cultivation of the changeable body, the star meteor sect naturally attaches great importance to it.

Don't say they are ordinary disciples. Even the core disciples are not qualified to practice.

But now, elder Chen has found that Xiao Han can actually use their xingyingzong secret cultivation skills.

Xiao Han, however, could not be a disciple of xingyizong. As a result, their changing bodies have been leaking out. No wonder the elder Chen of xingyizong is very angry.

No matter which school it is, the top-level cultivation skills are the core secrets of each sect, which is a matter of life and death.

Now, it's up to Xiao Han to give elder Chen a satisfactory answer. Otherwise, xingyingzong will not give up.

"I tell you the truth, but you don't believe it." Xiao Han laughed, and then said, "I have never been exposed to the practice of changing body skills. Just in the process of competition, I saw that Guo Yi used this changeable body, which was similar to the body method I had contacted before. In addition, I had some experience in controlling the ability of space recently. After reading it, I decided to imitate it. Who knows I don't know why it's a success. "

Xiao Han said this, but really can not be true.

When Yumei's mother practiced the body skills of angel wings of the wind chasing Qilin clan before, Xiao Han simply understood it. Although she did not practice, she still understood some key points.

As for the bird feather of the wind, which I saw later in the Golden Jade auction house, it is also a set of very profound cultivation methods.

Although Xiao Han didn't buy it at that time, when he killed Guo Chang, the young city Lord of Xuanfeng City, Xiao Han found the practice of wind bird feather in Guo Chang's bag of heaven and earth.

Xiao Han had enough confidence in his body method, so he didn't practice the bird feather of the wind again. So after a simple reading, Xiao Han put the bird feather of the wind on the shelf.

Later, Xiao Han learned some skills of controlling space energy from Princess nine. He also escaped from the space channel of space transmission array, and had a new height in the control of space energy.

In this way, Xiao Han can watch Guo Yi's changeable body, and imitate the wind and cloud changing body combined with the angel wings and bird feathers of the wind chasing Qilin clan before, as well as his own space energy situation.

It can even be said that as long as you give Xiao Han a day or two, Xiao Han can do it completely. When he displays his changeable body, he is more skillful than Guo Yi, and his figure is also hidden.

However, Xiao Han said so, how can people around believe it?

In particular, Chen huohuohuo, the elder of xingyingzong, would not believe Xiao Han.

If their high-level cultivation skills of xingyizong are easy to imitate, then aren't all the disciples of xingyizong become useless?

"Imitate it? It's a real laugh. " Chen huohuohuo sneered and said, "this changeable body was realized by an ancestor of our star meteorite sect in the peak state during the robbery period. Can you see through it?"

Chen Huohuo sneered: "for so many years, outsiders have coveted our star meteorite sect's changeable body in one day or two days. No one has ever mastered it. Can't you sneak into our star meteorite sect's treasure house and peek at it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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