Published at 6th of March 2023 09:07:28 AM

Chapter 434

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"Why?" Liu Si asked in surprise.

There is no problem in dealing with Meida group. At first, what is Xiao Han's motive? Meida group is one of the leading enterprises in Linjiang City, and it is also a benchmark enterprise in Linjiang city. It is not easy to make his idea. Even if his own tetragonal technology wants to fight against him, it seems not so easy.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Si didn't come up with a reason.

"No, why not?" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I don't need to explain to you. I'm just reporting to you."

"You Liu Si is a little angry. Isn't this guy too polite? Looking at himself so tolerant of him, the boy actually some inch.

"Besides!" Xiao Han took a look at Liu Si, and then said, "the shares of Hanmen group must be readjusted. The main purpose of my coming today is to discuss with you about the shares. You own 49% of our Hanmen technology and Hanmen catering company. "

"Yes Liu Si nodded and said, "what do you want to say?"

"Because now I have a big project on hand." Xiao Han took a look at Liu Si and said: "this project is independent relative to Hanmen. If he is merged into Hanmen, your shares must be reduced. Otherwise, I will separate this project and Hanmen group will take this project as the core. As for Hanmen catering and Hanmen technology, there will be no change. "

"What do you mean?" Liu Siyi's face changed slightly. The boy's wings were hard, and he even began to discuss terms with himself. Liu Si gave a cold smile and said, "Xiao Han, did you start to get carried away with yourself after making a few money? I don't know how much I'm getting? "

Xiao Han laughed and said, "fourth master, don't worry, I will never forget. I'm here to talk to you today, just hope you agree. And if you agree to reduce the shares, it will be absolutely good for you

"Tell me about it!" Liu Si took a look at Xiao Han and said, "how much do you want to reduce my shares?"

"From 49 percent to 10 percent." Xiao Han said.


Liu Siyi heard this, and immediately became angry: "good boy, you really dare to joke!"

"No, it's no joke!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "it's because the project is really big and I've got the investment myself. I hope you understand. "

"How big is this project Liu Si smiles coldly. Obviously, he doesn't think that Xiao Han can get many projects. Even if there are projects, it is estimated that they are only tens of millions. With Xiao Han's ability, can we still get hundreds of millions of projects? This is obviously unrealistic.

"The conservative estimate is about 500 million!" Xiao Han immediately said.

"Ah Liu Si was stunned, 500 million? What is the concept? At least now Sifang technology's valuation is about 500 million yuan, and Xiao Han has got a 500 million yuan project. Is this too surprising? Liu Si looked at Xiao Han in amazement and said, "Xiao Han, you won't cheat me?"

"Of course not Xiao Han shook his head and then said, "don't worry, fourth master. I will never pit you. You once gave me an investment, and an investment made me leap into the sky. I will never forget this kindness. So, this time, I didn't seriously reduce your shares. 10% of the shares, at least in the future, the market value of the 10% shares should be about 100 million, so you won't suffer losses! "

"If it is, I can agree!" Liu Si nodded.

"Don't worry, it's no problem!" Xiao Han laughed and said, "what is the most abundant in our Z province?"

"Copper mine!" Liu Si immediately said.

"Yes Xiao Han nodded and then said, "this time, I just want to get a copper mine. And it's all right. "


Liu Si suddenly took a breath of cool air, a copper mine! That means a steady stream of resources and money. What is the most valuable thing now? It's not house, it's not land, it's resource. Copper mine belongs to metal resource. Unfortunately, this kind of thing has always been in the hands of a small number of people. When Liu siduo wanted to get involved in it, it was a pity that his strength and background were not enough. If he wanted to build a copper mine, at least the relations and channels in the province were needed. Although Liu Si has, this relationship is not many. After all, there are too many people who want to control the copper resources. There are also many people in the province.

"You won't lie to me, will you?" Liu Si looks at Xiao Han in amazement.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I will send someone to take over the copper mine in the next year. At that time, I may have to re register a mining company. Fourth master, you have a way. The sale of copper mine should not be difficult for you? "

"No problem, of course." Liu Siyi listened, patted his chest and said, "I have a lot of customer resources in my hand, and I am very interested in this kind of copper resources. I'll introduce them then

"That's not enough!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "this kind of person has a small demand for mineral resources. What is the annual output of a copper mine? I'm afraid it's hard to digest just a few customers. I think we should expand the overseas market. So we can make money! ""No problem!" Liu Si hastily said: "the Japanese need this kind of resource most. Japan's local area is too small, and various mineral resources are also very poor, so they want to be able to quickly import some minerals. I'm sure they'll be interested. "

"Yes Xiao Han nodded and said, "the four masters will wait for my news!"

"Well, if you can really get a 500 million copper mine, I'd like to reduce my stake to 10 percent." Liu Si said quickly.

"Then I won't disturb you." Xiao Han got up and left.

Looking at Xiao Han's back, Liu Si quickly called the military division.

Liu Si's military adviser is resourceful. Hearing this, he was skeptical at first, but when he thought of Xiao Han's manner of conduct, he was still somewhat skeptical. He said with a smile: "fourth master, we are not in a hurry to sign an agreement, so we will wait and see what happens. If he can get a copper mine, it's not a bad thing for us. But if he can't get it, he's in bad luck

"Hehe, that's right." Liu Si nodded.


Chen Zihan appears to be a little sad in this winter vacation. Family mutation, father's career, which has brought a great blow to the family's financial resources.

"Mom, or I won't study abroad!" Chen Zihan said.

"No way!" Chen's mother shook her head and said, "even if we sell blood, we will let you graduate from Harvard University. When you come back from abroad, you will find a job as a master in China, and you will be able to take on the responsibilities of this family."

"Mom Chen Zihan is a little sad.

The family has become so, but my mother still insists on letting her study abroad. The hatred for her was gone. The coat of a wanderer's body, the thread of a loving mother's hand

Chen Zihan is extremely sad.

"I've packed everything for you." Chen's mother laughed and said, "my dear daughter, this time I will not accompany you to America. Mom is going to stay for work. After you arrive in the United States, take good care of yourself. Try not to go out at night. Try to protect yourself, you know

"Well!" Chen Zihan nodded.

I'm leaving tomorrow. This time, my mother didn't accompany me because my father was unemployed.

Dong Dong Dong

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Chen mother Leng for a moment, she quickly opened the door, the door, several familiar figures. It was Mrs. Jiang standing outside the door with Jiang Xiaoliang. There is also a driver and bodyguard outside.

"Aunt Chen!" Jiang Xiaoliang said hello very politely. His arm was broken and he was in plaster.

"Ah, it's you?" Chen's mother was overjoyed. "Here comes the distinguished guest, please come in quickly."

Mrs. Jiang said with a smile, "I'm really sorry to visit in the middle of the night."

"It doesn't matter!" Chen's mother shook her head in a hurry, and then said, "you are a distinguished guest."

After the three came in, Mrs. Jiang took a look at the Chen family and said, "this house is really small enough."

"Ah Chen's mother heard that such a big house is too small? "There's another floor upstairs with a big sun terrace," she said hastily

"This kind of penthouse duplex..." Mrs. Jiang just wanted to lose a few words, but she changed her tone and said, "you are really wronged. My villa is more than 300 square meters, with front and rear gardens and permanent property rights, covering an area of more than 1000 square meters... "

"Yes, yes, yes!" On hearing this, Chen's mother said, "Jiang's family is rich and noble, so it's right to live in that mansion."

"Mrs. Chen." Mrs. Jiang laughed, and then said, "today, the main purpose is to book a marriage."

"Ah!" Chen's mother was shocked.

"Aunt Chen, I like Zihan very much." Jiang Xiaoliang hurried over and said, "I heard that uncle Jiang is unemployed, so I specially sent a million yuan. I hope to support Zihan's studies, but don't let her drop out of school. "

"Don't worry, I won't let her drop out of school even if I sell iron in a pot!" Chen's mother shook her head.

At this time, Mrs. Jiang took out a check from her purse and said, "this one million yuan is the dowry money of our Jiang family. Look..."

"No way!" At this time, Chen Zihan strongly opposed.

Although Chen's mother wanted to agree, her daughter objected so much that she could not say anything. She said in embarrassment: "Madam Jiang, although I like Xiaoliang very much, Zihan is still young..."

"I know!" Mrs. Jiang nodded and said, "I mean to settle this marriage first."

"Yes Jiang Xiaoliang nodded in a hurry and said, "besides, this one million yuan is only a temporary dowry gift. When we really get married in the future, I will give 8.88 million dowry. Then take Zihan back in a luxury motorcade, auntie. What do you think? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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