Published at 6th of March 2023 08:57:05 AM

Chapter 602

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"Wow, Xiao Han and Li daphou are here."

"This Is this a robbery? "

All the people were busy, and everyone was talking about it.

Xiao Han's sudden arrival has caught everyone off guard. Everyone has received news that Xiao Han will not come today, but the reality is quite the opposite. Xiao Han not only came, but also brought Li daphou.

Liu Jinmei saw Xiao Han coming, and hurriedly met him and said, "Xiao Han, can you be regarded as coming?"

"Miss Liu, long time no see." Xiao Han looks at Liu Jinmei with a smile.

"Yes, long time no see." Liu Jinmei seemed a little excited.

Xiao Han's cold door training class has given Linjiang a lot of face, but also to Linjiang No.1 middle school. Liu Jinmei came to Xiao Han this time with the mission of Li hengzhong. Thanks to Xiao Han.

"Miss Liu, are you ok?" Xiao Han asked.

"Good, good!" Liu Jinmei nodded and then said, "thanks to you, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have today."

It's no wonder that Liu Jinmei is so happy. She can be today's grade director. She can become a national excellent teacher and become one of the top ten teachers in China. If Xiao Han didn't get a full score in the college entrance examination, Liu Jinmei would not have such a high honor today.

Now, Liu Jinmei has gone out and is loved by her parents.

Because everyone knows that Liu Jinmei has trained a student with full marks in the college entrance examination. How attractive this honor is. Everyone wants to put their children in Liu Jinmei's class. However, there is only one Liu Jinmei, and there are only 45 people in her class. This is strictly regulated.

Liu Jinmei raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"That's good." Xiao Han nodded.

Seeing that his proposal ceremony was destroyed, Jiang Xiaoliang was not angry.

"Light, what's going on?" Jiang Xiaoliang roared at the top of his voice.

"Coming, coming!" The lighting master quickly focused the light on Jiang Xiaoliang and Chen Zihan.

All of them focused on Jiang Xiaoliang's marriage proposal ceremony.

Jiang Xiaoliang once again knelt down on one knee and said affectionately, "Zihan, marry me."

The scene was silent, and everyone seemed extremely quiet. Everyone looked at Chen Zihan curiously, as if expecting her to say that I would. As long as she spoke, there would be a burst of warm applause. Everyone's heart is up to their throat. They are so excited that they are ready to clap and shout.

Chen Zihan has been silent.

In the face of Xiao Han, let oneself agree to the proposal of a person you don't like. It's such a tormenting thing.

Chen Zihan looks up at Xiao Han not far away. Although the light is on her body, she can still clearly see Xiao Han outside. Still can see Xiao Han standing beside Liu Jinmei, a face of indifference looking at himself.

When she saw Xiao Han's cold look, she had a kind of cold from the heart.

"If you tell me within ten seconds, I will refuse Jiang Xiaoliang's proposal! I will be desperate, duty bound to go with you, even the ends of the earth, even if it is a life of poverty. I have nothing to fear

Chen Zihan's heart suddenly had a fierce idea.

At this moment, she forgot her responsibilities, her family, her father who lost her labor force, and her mother who had just come down from the operating room. All of them have been forgotten. There is only one person in her heart, that is Xiao Han.

Her eyes are very firm looking at Xiao Han.

"As long as you take one step, I'll finish the remaining ninety-nine steps!"

Chen Zihan's inner crazy cry. How she hoped that Xiao Han could step out at this time, but he was indifferent.

"Xiao Han, are you really so disappointed in me and so desperate for me?"

Chen Zihan's heart is very sad, it seems that all love has turned into a bubble. Her eyes looked at Xiao Han, full of grievances, full of reluctance and despair.

"If you don't come again, I promise to marry him."

Chen Zihan had a crazy idea in his heart.

If Xiao Han doesn't stand up, he will agree to Jiang Xiaoliang's proposal. She wants to see what kind of performance Xiao Han will have. Maybe he will be disappointed, maybe he will be sad

The scene was terrible and quiet.

Jiang Xiaoliang has been kneeling on one knee, holding a wedding ring in his hand, and looking up at Chen Zihan. However, Chen Zihan's eyes are not on him, but on Xiao Han.

Jiang Xiaoliang is not a fool. How can he not know that Chen Zihan's eyes are on Xiao Han at this time. Therefore, Jiang Xiaoliang was very upset. He should not let Xiao Han in. His proposal ceremony was almost destroyed by this boy. If it were not for him, Chen Zihan would have promised to marry himself.

"Zihan!" Jiang Xiaoliang called out.

Chen Zihan still did not respond, that pair of beautiful eyes staring at Xiao Han, how she hoped, how eager Xiao Han could step forward to himself. However, I waited for a full few minutes, from expectation to disappointment, from disappointment to despair, from despair to light out."Good!" "I promise you, I will marry you!" said Chen Zihan


Scene, applause, shouts, cheers All the sounds are mixed together.

Jiang Xiaoliang immediately relaxed, there is no so-called happy, there is no so-called excitement. It's just a heavy vomit. He has just made even the worst plan. If Chen Zihan refuses himself, what should he do? How to find a good step for yourself?

However, fortunately, Chen Zihan agreed to himself, so he can also be regarded as having passed this pass.

Jiang Xiaoliang put on a proposal ring for Chen Zihan, then gently held Chen Zihan and said, "Zihan, you are mine at last. Thank God, thank you for coming to me. Please don't leave me again

Chen Zihan closed her eyes and let her tears flow down. She was silent.

The cheers at the scene never stopped.


Suddenly, someone shakes a bottle of champagne and opens it violently.

The champagne spouted out. The scene was full of cheers.

"Congratulations on Jiang Xiaoliang's beautiful home."


The crowd cheered.

Xiao Han has been indifferent, not that he does not want to move, but Chen Zihan's words have deeply hurt himself. I came here today because I heard that Jiang Xiaoliang would propose to Chen Zihan. So he came to see the situation.

Of course, he had a last glimmer of hope.

In fact, when Jiang Xiaoliang kneels down to propose marriage, Xiao Han seems to have 10000 grass mud horses crazy passing by.

"If you refuse him, promise to go with me. I would like to fight against the whole world for you. "

When Chen Zihan looks at himself, Xiao Han has a firm voice in his heart.

However, Chen Zihan did not seem to open his mouth, nor to his own.

When Jiang Xiaoliang said, "marry me.".

"No, don't promise him. Come with me. I am willing to give up everything, give up everything, even if I give up my life for you

However, after Chen Zihan's standoff for a moment, she chose to accept Jiang Xiaoliang's proposal.


At that moment, a sharp stabbing pain stabbed Xiao Han's heart, as if a sharp knife stabbed him in the chest. At that moment, he felt that his whole person was almost crazy and would collapse.

Blood pressure is soaring

Breathing crazily

My eyes are ferocious

At this time, Li daphou patted Xiao Han on the shoulder and said, "since there is no her, let her go. Is it not a kind of happiness to let go

Li daphou's words let Xiao Han immediately spit out the pressure and magic in his heart.

Maybe, Li daphun is right. It is a kind of happiness to let go?

"I let Yang Xiaoyan go, and I still have a good time." Li daphou chuckled and said, "when we broke up, everyone thought that they might not be able to live on any longer, but in fact? In fact, there is no one in the world who can not let go, and no one can not give up who. In fact, they are just wishful thinking. When two people really want to break up, no one can stop them, can't they? "

Liu Jinmei seems to understand the current situation.

"Xiao Han, don't be sad." Looking at Xiao Han, Liu Jinmei said, "study hard and start a business hard. Compared with Jiang Xiaoliang, I am more optimistic about you. If I were Chen Zihan, I would definitely choose you instead of Jiang Xiaoliang! "

Xiao Han looked up at Liu Jinmei and said, "Mr. Liu, thank you for comforting me!"

"I'm not comforting you." Liu Jinmei laughed and said, "I'm telling the truth. You are the real potential stock. You can rewrite the fate of the college entrance examination in one year, but how can you not rewrite your destiny in ten years


Liu Jinmei's words seem to be a thunderbolt, which awakens Xiao Han.

Yes, I am better than Jiang Xiaoliang. There is no doubt about it. Change fate with ten years. How challenging is this?

"Thank you, Miss Liu." Xiao Han bowed deeply to Liu Jinmei.

Then turn around and go.

No one stopped it, no one knew.

All the people are immersed in the scene of cheers, they cheered heartily, indulgent shouting.

With Chen Zihan in his arms, Jiang Xiaoliang and Chen Zihan became the center of everyone and the center line of everyone. Everyone seemed extremely cheering, extremely excited and excited. It was as if this was not the scene of the proposal, but the scene of the marriage.

The banquet hall on the top floor is flashing with lights. Everyone is relaxing themselves and venting their inner depression.

The Lampman saw Xiao Han and Li daphou go out, and he ran after him.

"Fat man, fat man, give me the money!" The Lampman hurried over."Here it is." Li Da Pang took a thousand yuan from his pocket and handed it to him, saying, "thank you for your help today." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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