Published at 6th of March 2023 09:21:57 AM

Chapter 63

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Chen Zihan was stunned, and Li daphou was also stunned. Yang Xiaoyan widened her eyes and looked at Xiao Han with an incredible look.

They may have never thought that Xiao Han should be able to say such a heroic words.

Perhaps, behind these heroic words is a great ambition. Xiao Han's family is poor, only rely on a mother to support the whole family, feed Xiao Han. Now, Xiao Han has finally grown up and matured.

"Xiao Han, I'm sorry!" Chen Zihan bit her lips and said, "I just

"No need to say I'm sorry." Xiao Han said with a smile: "this is just a word from my heart."

"I always thought that a real man is a man with manliness." Yang Xiaoyan said with a smile.

"Masculinity can be achieved by dressing up. But a real man is a man with a sense of responsibility, a sense of justice and a sense of responsibility. " Xiao Han laughed, and then said, "a man with manliness may not be a man with dignity. A real man has nothing to make him bend his knees and bow his head, and a man with manliness may not be a man with blood, and a man without blood is not a real man at all. Blood is the comprehensive embodiment of courage, courage, integrity and justice. It is also the male's wild nature and fighting spirit, and the spirit of never being discouraged and never admit defeat; a man with manliness is not necessarily a man with wisdom and thinking. He has rich experience, careful thinking, magnanimous mind, has his own views on life, has his own understanding of society, does not extreme, does not complain, is not negative, always pursues the enterprising, this is the real man; A man with manliness is not necessarily a man with a sense of responsibility. He has social responsibility, family responsibility, fraternity among friends. He has the courage to bear the consequences of his own mistakes. He does not make excuses for his failures or give reasons for his mistakes. Do not ask everyone to understand, but to be worthy of the heart, never explain. Good faith will lead to success. "

"Xiao Han, what you said is very good!" Yang Xiaoyan's eyes are bright.

"Xiao Han, how can I find out that you are talking about me?" Li Da Pang said with a smile.

"Fuck you!" Yang Xiaoyan glanced at Li daphou and said, "I find Xiao Han more and more male."

Chen Zihan looks at Xiao Han with a complicated look.

I don't know when, Xiao Han changed, and he didn't know. The first time I met Xiao Han was at the awarding ceremony of the Olympic Games. He was deeply impressed by Xiao Han at that time. Otherwise, there would not have been so many complicated stories. Later, Xiao Han's father died, which was a great blow to Xiao Han, so that Xiao Han had been depressed, as if he had changed into a person who was isolated from the world and did not associate with others.

Chen Zihan thought Xiao Han would never come back from now on. However, he did not expect that after two years, Xiao Han came back miraculously. Instead, he became a mature, steady and mysterious man. It's just amazing. Chen Zihan felt extremely surprised and strange.

On the way back, Chen Zihan hung her head.

"Zihan, don't you think Xiao Han is strange?" Yang Xiaoyan asked curiously.

"What makes you wonder?" Chen Zihan asked curiously.

"He was not such a man before." Yang Xiaoyan more and more feel strange, she said curiously: "before I hate Xiao Han, but now I find Xiao Han more and more strange to me. I don't hate him at all now. On the contrary, I think he is a very attractive man. Even more charming than some men who have worked for ten years. Don't you think so? "

"Well!" Chen Zihan nodded and said: "I also feel strange, why did Xiao Han become so?"

"I don't know!" Yang Xiaoyan shook her head and said, "I feel puzzled, too. Xiao Han is becoming more and more invisible to people. "

"Yes. I can't see him Chen Zihan nodded and then said with a bitter smile: "I always thought that the person who knew Xiao Han best was me. However, I now find that the person who does not know Xiao Han is also me. Do you think I am contradictory? "

"Contradiction!" Yang Xiaoyan nodded.

"But I don't know why I feel like this." Chen Zihan sighed helplessly.

She was riding an electric car and could not feel the cold wind coming.

Xiao Han's change is obvious to all. People around him feel Xiao Han's change, but everyone can't guess why. Why has Xiao Han changed so much. It even makes people feel extremely curious.

Xiao Han is an incredible person. From a worst student, he became a bully in Linjiang No.1 middle school.


School was over at noon the next day.

Chen Zihan was just about to talk to Xiao Han, but Liu Jinmei suddenly began to shout, "Xiao Han!"

"Yes Xiao Han looked up at Liu Jinmei in a hurry.

"You go to the headmaster's office." Liu Jinmei said: "the headmaster seems to have something to look for you!"

"Yes Xiao Han nodded quickly.

Liu Jinmei said, holding the handout out of the classroom. As soon as Liu Jinmei left, the classroom immediately exploded. Many people are very curious and have a lot of private discussions."What do you think headmaster Li is looking for him for?"

"Who knows."

"Maybe I'm going to be dropped out of school?"

A group of people were talking in private, and everyone was laughing. Jiang Xiaoliang took people to watch the excitement. In the third grade of senior high school, there are only two kinds of people who can be found by the principal, one is to recommend students, the other is to be dissuaded.

Xiao Han is obviously not the first one. How valuable is the qualification of the student? I'm afraid there are only one or two places in Linjiang No.1 middle school. What qualifications does Xiao Han have to be escorted? His whole high school career is almost countdown, even crane tail, oil bottle. Although the last test hit a high score accidentally, but most people regard this exam as an accident. No one will believe that Xiao Han's next exam will still be so excellent.

People are very accustomed to think that Xiao Han must be in trouble. Because Xiao Han has been absent from class a lot recently. Especially last week, there was no class for two consecutive days. Later it was said that it was because of illness. However, the theory of illness was later denied.

"Now he's finished." A boy sneered: "dead, do you say?"

"Not really." Jiang Xiaoliang said with a smile: "this boy must be in trouble."

"What can I do?" The boy asked curiously.

"It's none of our business." Jiang Xiaoliang sneered: "go better, after Chen Zihan no one with me to rob."

"Yes Several people on one side laughed one after another.

From the classroom, Xiao Han walked all the way to the office building behind. The headmaster's office is on the second floor of the office building. There is a small sign at the door, which says clearly: the headmaster's office.

There is also a golden sign on the door.

Xiao Han knocked at the door.

"Come in." Li hengzhong's voice is full of air.

Xiao Han pushed the door in.

The office is very large. The decoration is not luxurious, but it is not simple. Behind a magnificent desk is a row of bookshelves. The bookshelves are full of all kinds of books, from the spring and Autumn period to the Warring States period, to the spring and Autumn period of Jane's family, to modern history, modern history, and even letters from Zeng Guofan's family.

It can be seen that Li hengzhong has a wide range of books. It's not easy.

"Headmaster Li, do you want me?" Xiao Han looks at Li hengzhong.

Since Xiao Han came in, Li hengzhong has been staring at Xiao Han, with a smile in his eyes. He said with a smile: "are you here?"

"I..." Xiao Han is a little timid. Looking at Li hengzhong's eyes, Xiao Han seems guilty. Therefore, after entering the office, his pace even slowed down, people are also a little guilty, timid face.

Seeing this, Li hengzhong immediately laughed: "Mr. Xiao, I haven't seen you so timid on the stage."

"Don't make fun of me, headmaster." Xiao Han looks at Li hengzhong awkwardly.

"I really didn't find out that there are talents like you in our school." With a smile, Li hengzhong said, "it's true that there are many talented people in the country. You've covered me up. "

"I I didn't mean to. " Xiao Han was embarrassed.

"Nothing. I think it's interesting." Li hengzhong stood up from his chair and said, "your poor training class is very good. The leaders of several education bureaus think it is very good. Several leaders of the Education Bureau also specially counted the results of more than 80% of the 100 students in poor schools. There are dozens of people in Linjiang No.1 middle school, so I should be proud of you. "

"This..." Xiao Han didn't know how to answer.

"Of course, you should rest assured of me." Li hengzhong said with a smile, "I'm sure I will keep a secret for you, and juedou won't tell you about it."

"Thank you, headmaster!" Xiao Han nodded quickly.

"But I have good news for you." Li hengzhong said with a smile.

"What's the good news?" Xiao Han asked in a hurry.

"The list of recommended students from Tsinghua University has come out." Li hengzhong said with a smile, "I intend to escort you."

"Ah?" Xiao Han was stunned and said: "headmaster, I Did I hear you right? "

"No Li hengzhong shook his head and said, "your excellence is obvious to all. I checked your file, you used to be the No.1 student in Wangjiang district. And then your father died, and that's why you're down. Now, I'm glad you've finally come out of the haze. "

"Headmaster, I..." Xiao Han said embarrassed: "in fact, there is no need to take care of me like this. I'm just an ordinary student. I know many people are fighting for this place. You can give them the place. I don't need it! "

"No!" Li hengzhong shook his head and said, "since it's a escort, I'll take my character as a guarantee. I don't want to send someone who's not worth the walk. Since it is a walk, it must be the best, the best. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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