Published at 6th of March 2023 09:21:53 AM

Chapter 65

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"What do you want?" Chen Zihan jumped out. She glared at Liao Zhijie's gang and said, "this is a school, not a place for you to mix with."

"Chen Zihan, I'm not afraid of you!" Liao Zhijie stares at Chen Zihan and grins: "I won't beat you if you look good. Let me have a good time."

"You Chen Zihan was red with anger. She said to Xiao Han in a hurry: "Xiao Han, we Let's run. "

"No use!" Xiao Han shook his head in a low voice, and said: "they are prepared, so we can't run today. Besides, even if this kind of thing can run for the first day of junior high school, it can't run 15. Since we have come, we will have a good meeting with them."

"But there are so many of them!" Chen Zihan was a little anxious.

"Many people are not afraid!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "you are standing behind me. Let me deal with them. "

"Well!" Chen Zihan nodded.

Xiao Han sneered, he looked at each other and said: "Liao Zhijie, you say it, how to play!"

"I won't play with you anymore." Liao Zhijie sneered: "today I want to break your leg, a snow before shame."

"Good." Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han glanced at each other. There were more than ten people on the other side. It seems that these guys are all kids from other schools. Liao Zhijie has a good time in the neighborhood. Many students are afraid of him and will sell his face. Therefore, most people will be afraid of him.

However, Xiao Han is not afraid of such people. Because Xiao Han has confidence in his own strength.

Xiao Han raised his mouth slightly. Liao Zhijie turned to look at the two students behind him and said, "you two, go and beat him."

"Yes Two younger brothers came over, each of them is 1.8 meters, and the weight is estimated to be at least 200 Jin. Two people add up to 400 Jin. Very strong.

Seeing this, Chen Zihan was in a hurry: "Xiao Han, OK?"

"No problem." Xiao Han nodded.

At this time, Xiao Han broke a branch from one side of the tree. This kind of branch is very tender, even if hit a person, also won't break easily. And it hurts. Xiao Han is holding a branch to meet the enemy. At this time, Liao Zhijie said with a smile: "fuck, you boy that branch wants to fight?"

"Just try it." Xiao Han said with a smile.

At this point, two tough guys have come over. Their faces were ferocious, and a strange smile rose from the corners of their mouths.

"Boy, if you want to blame you for offending our boss!" One of them grinned, "so you're going to die today."

Chen Zihan anxiously said: "Xiao Han, or I call the police?"

"No!" Xiao Han shakes his head, way: "deal with what kind of person, should use what kind of method."

At this time, the two big men had already rushed over. Xiao Han gave a cold smile, his toes leaped, and the man had already rushed out. The branches in the hand were drawn towards each other.


At that moment, the branch in the hand was on the other side's face on the spot.

"Ouch The other side screamed, his face felt a burst of hot taste. It was a painful feeling for him. He touched it with his hand, but he still felt a sharp pain. Moreover, his face immediately swelled up. He roared, "boy, I'm going to kill you today!"

"Come on Xiao Han disdains to say: "I pour to want to see, who died today in the end."

"Go to hell!" Another strong man had already rushed over.


Xiao Han threw his back hand, and the willow branch in his hand pulled hard in the past.

This time, the branch hit the back of his hand. He can clearly see the back of his hand a piece of red, that branch down, on the spot on the other side of the hand back beat up. His whole person is almost all angry, he stares at Xiao Han with a pair of red eyes, way: "son of a bitch, I will kill you!"

These two guys are big and tough. Although they are powerful, they are not agile enough. Moreover, they are relatively weak in terms of speed. Two or three hard work on the other side of the pain. The branch in Xiao Han's hand seems to be a sharp blade cutting on each other's skin. Every time I smoke, I almost draw out a red mark on the other side's skin. Draw each other's skin and flesh, draw each other almost to collapse.

"Brother, this guy belongs to monkey. We We can't catch up with him at all. " "One side of the fat man panting said:" not only can't touch him, but also he hit a few times, the pain killed me. "

Xiao Han's strength is very clever, almost every time hit each other's pain point. Face, hands, back. These are very painful places. Every puff almost made him cry. Those two guys were slapped five or six times on their faces, just like a big cat.

More on the back of the hand, because every time Xiao Han pulls face, almost habitually uses the hand to block. The two men were sniveling and tearful.

"Shit, useless thing!" Liao Zhijie was very angry and said, "useless things, let's go together."Wow

After that, more than a dozen people went up.

Xiao Han squints his eyes and looks at each other coldly. When the other party is about to rush up, Xiao Han leaps up, and the branches in his hands are fiercely drawn towards the guy who rushes up first. This time, Xiao Han broke out a lot of arm strength. This whip goes down, on the spot let the other side avoid the meat bloom.

"Ah The other side screamed and fell down heavily.

The person behind quickly made up, Xiao Han's wrist a shake, is again.


The branch drew on each other's eyes.

"Ah! I My eyes, my eyes The other party rolled on the ground with his eyes covered.

The people behind are still desperate to rush up. I don't seem to be afraid of death at all. Xiao Han has some admiration for Liao Zhijie. This guy has been able to gather so many young brothers who are not afraid of death. This is also a skill. Xiao Han raised a strange smile, he said with a cold smile: "good guy, continue to come."

Xiao Han is not afraid to deal with so many people, his eyes are like scanners, and his brain is a computer. The other party's movement track is swept into his own brain, according to the other party's action track, Xiao Han calculates the other party's landing point, and he can attack the other party according to the other party's landing point.

Bang! Bang!

A few crisp sound, on the spot hit each other howling. Several guys fell down on the spot. People are breaking down.

Looking at the people around him one by one, Liao Zhijie feels that Xiao Han is just like a monkey, jumping up and down, and he can't catch the trace of each other. Liao Zhijie's eyes soon locked on Chen Zihan.

From the behavior between Xiao Han and Chen Zihan, we can judge the relationship between them. As long as we catch Chen Zihan, then, Xiao Han has to obey obediently?

So Liao Zhijie decided to change his strategy immediately.

He bypassed Xiao Han and ran towards Chen Zihan with a fruit knife.

Seeing this, Chen Zihan ran away. But, where is Liao Zhijie's opponent, she was caught by Liao Zhijie without running two steps. Liao Zhijie grabs her long hair with one hand, and Chen Zihan screams. Liao Zhijie's left hand immediately hooks Chen Zihan's neck, and the knife on his right hand immediately rests on Chen Zihan's neck.

"Xiao Han, stop it!" Liao Zhijie roared.

At this time, the scene immediately quieted down.

Several of Liao Zhijie's younger brothers lean towards Liao Zhijie one after another. Xiao Han didn't dare to move and stayed in place. He stares at Liao Zhijie. This guy is really hateful. He even uses a woman to coerce himself. It really makes people feel shameless and abusive.

"Liao Zhijie, I didn't expect you to be such a person." Xiao Han looked at Liao Zhijie coldly and said: "all along, I think you are bad, but your character is not bad. Although you don't study well, you are not bad at heart. I didn't expect you to be such a rotten person. "

"Hey, hey..." Liao Zhijie grinned and then said, "you curse hard. Even if you break your throat, no one will help you. Xiao Han, you have to remember that Chen Zihan is in my hands now. Do you dare to mess with me? "

"Dare you kill?" Xiao Han disdains to ask a way.

"I..." Liao Zhijie was stunned. He raised his mouth and said, "of course I dare not kill people. But you're not afraid that I'll cut her face twice with this sharp knife. Haha, I'm afraid her beautiful little face will be completely destroyed. "


Xiao Han suddenly took a breath of cold air. Chen Zihan, who was struggling just now, was just like the ball that had let out her breath. The whole person is almost soft. Where does she dare to struggle? If Liao Zhijie is really on his face twice, his life will be completely destroyed. For a woman, face is a second life. Especially beautiful women like Chen Zihan. I pay more attention to my face. Face is even more important than her life. If you break her face, I'm afraid it's the same as killing her.

"You Don't mess with me Chen Zihan shivered with fear. She would rather have Liao Zhijie kill herself than cut her face.

"Be honest, or I'll make you look bad right away!" Liao Zhijie threatened.

"Liao Zhijie, if you let her go immediately, I'll think nothing happened!" Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "do you know that you have constituted an offence now?"

"Shit, stop scaring me here!" Liao Zhijie sneered: "I tell you, my father is a deputy to the National People's Congress. It's a member of the CPPCC municipal committee. I've got a lot of people in my way. Even if I kill you, you will die in vain. "

"Are deputies to the National People's Congress remarkable?" Xiao Han said with a smile: "even the son of the City Secretary dare not be so arrogant as you."

Liao Zhijie was stunned for a moment. He said with a smile: "don't talk nonsense. Get down on your knees and beg for mercy

Xiao Han took two slow steps forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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