Published at 6th of March 2023 08:53:28 AM

Chapter 677

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That's what I said, and then I was in a coma again.

By the time she woke up, the corpse team had cleaned up the scene, and the blood on the ground was basically cleaned up.

Police wake up the woman.

"Are you all right?" Asked the police in a hurry.

"The devil There are demons. " The girl is insane.

"Captain, it looks like she's freaking out." One side of the young police officer helplessly said: "it is not easy for her to tell the situation at that time."

"Well, all the cameras in the building are broken." Middle aged male police helplessly said: "can't find any clue at all."

"What about that?" The young policeman asked in embarrassment.

"Go and get the front desk staff!" Said the man.

"Yes The young officer nodded immediately.

Then, the young police officer immediately left the bloody place and found the front desk.

At the front desk of Zhang Wannian's office, the woman found a place to hide. At the moment of the murder, she immediately ran out. Then she hid in a dark corner, and because of this, she became the only one alive on this floor.

However, when she saw the scene, people almost did not collapse.

"A man and a woman!" The girl at the front desk said in a hurry: "it must be them. They forcibly broke into the general office of Zhang. That's them!"

"Well, speak slowly." The policeman nodded quickly.

She was the only one who survived. She was also the only witness.

Soon, the male police took out all the surveillance around the building, and then began to look for clues about a man and a woman. Soon, from the opposite bank monitoring to find the relevant clues, the male police quickly get out the video, and then show her.

When she saw Xiao Han and Lvyin, she was shocked: "yes, that's him, yes, they are!"

"Good!" The male police officer laughed and said, "order to go down immediately and investigate the identity of these two people."

"Yes The young officer nodded immediately.

After the criminal investigation team members work overtime, the girl's information was quickly found out.

"Team Zhang, we found her!" Young male police through information comparison, through continuous face recognition. Soon the message was sent to the leader of the criminal investigation team.

The captain took a serious look and said, "it's her!"

"Do you know her?" Asked the young policeman curiously.

"It has something to do with a case last year!" "Do you remember a murder case in the night market last year?" Zhang said

"Remember, didn't the murderer get it?" Said the young policeman.

"You are too simple." Zhang team shook his head and said, "the two people who surrendered themselves are Zhang Wannian's younger brothers. I have seen the video of the scene of the crime. In fact, the real perpetrators are Zhang Wannian and his two company executives. "

"Ah?" The young policeman was shocked and said, "why don't you say that?"

"Well, the director said it was almost OK." With a wry smile on his face, Zhang team said: "it's just to protect Zhang Wannian. Therefore, this matter can't be continued. The two guys who surrendered themselves were put in prison and sentenced indefinitely. They can be commuted in a few years at most. And now they're on bail. "

"Ah Surprised, the young policeman said, "this This is also... "

"Alas, this is the justice of our country." Zhang team sighed and said, "the law is used to protect the rich and the powerful, and the people at the bottom are the real damned ones."

Hearing this, the young police also felt that they had refreshed their three views.

However, the young policeman asked in a hurry: "so, this time the emergence of the green grass, is to revenge?"

"Yes Zhang team nodded.

"How do you look into this case?" Said the young policeman hastily.

"It has to be checked!" "Acting according to law is our criterion," Zhang said with a wry smile

"Why can't Zhang Wannian kill people according to law?" The young police officers are somewhat impulsive and do not understand the market situation of domestic laws.

"That's because..." Zhang team laughed and said, "because we have to obey the orders of our superiors!"

"When the truth is in front of us and comes at the same time as the orders of our superiors, we choose to obey the orders!" The young policeman shook his head helplessly.

"What can I do?" Zhang gave a sneer.

The young officer laughed and said, "yes, work is like life. Sometimes there is a lot of helplessness."


However, the next day, the relevant leaders came.

"Team Zhang, what progress has been made in this case?" Looking for is the director of the public security department, the position is old.

"Report to Director Liu that the case has made great progress." Zhang team quickly nodded and said: "through the description and evidence of on-site authentication, we have locked two suspects. Right now on the hunt. It shouldn't take long. It'll be OK. ""Oh?" Liu Ting Chang laughed and said, "show me what the suspect looks like!"

"Yes Zhang immediately nodded.

Soon, two photos were sent up.

Director Liu glanced and seemed to be a little worried. He took out the photos and compared them. He made sure that the photos of Zhang team were the same as the people in the photos he had brought. Director Liu's face was dignified and he was silent.

"That Liu Ting, is there any difficulty? " Zhang asked curiously.

Hesitating for a moment, Liu hall director laughed and said, "Zhang team, this case need not be investigated."

"Ah?" On hearing this, Captain Zhang asked in dismay, "why?"

"Message from central logistics." Liu Ting Chang laughed and said, "if you are involved in these two cases, don't continue to investigate deeply. What's more, this case has a lot of wrongs and debts. It's a write off. Don't make trouble for the country any more. "

"Yes Zhang immediately nodded.

Director Liu patted the team on the shoulder and said, "do well, the country and the people need you!"

"Yes Zhang immediately saluted, and then watched director Liu leave the Public Security Bureau.

Until director Liu left, the Criminal Investigation Team Office has been silent.

"My aunt, the relationship between these two people is hard enough." The young policeman was stunned and said, "did it disturb the central government?"

"Ha ha..." Zhang team's face was dignified. He held a cigarette in his mouth and said, "check this man specially to see what he's coming from."

"Yes The young policeman nodded immediately.

Subsequently, the Criminal Investigation Brigade office began to investigate files. Xiao Han's news was quickly retrieved.

"Very ordinary." Everyone looked puzzled.

"Yes." The young police also looked surprised.

"It's very common!" Zhang team dragged his chin with one hand, and then said, "however, the way of killing people on the scene is very cruel. There are only two of them, but they can kill people like Zhang Wannian. This Is it a little bit Weird? "

"Quite strange!" The young policeman nodded hastily.

"Forget it. I don't want to." Zhang team laughed and said, "this case, I'm afraid, is headless injustice."

"Captain, as soon as you say it, I suddenly remember something." Said the young policeman hastily.

"What's the matter?" Zhang asked curiously.

"Logistics team, it seems to be linked with some weird things!" Said the young policeman quietly.

"Where did you hear that?" Zhang team frowned.

"One of my classmates told me that his family is in Beijing, and his parents seem to be senior officials." Said the young policeman hastily.

"Well, just know." Zhang took a deep breath and his eyes became more complicated.


After killing people, Lvyin is paralyzed. When he left, Xiao Han carried him.

Looking at the green, it is estimated that there is no way to take care of yourself alone. Therefore, Xiao Han decided to stay for the time being, and then he would leave Huangshan City after she woke up and sent her to the maze gate.

Xiao Han found a hotel and checked in.

The green grass was paralyzed. In the past year, she almost lived on this resentment. If it were not for this resentment, I am afraid she would not have lived to this day. To live is to revenge, to live is to kill Zhang Wannian.

Now, the big revenge, the heart of that breath finally released. And the beliefs that supported her were broken.

"Shizu..." The green tone is weak.

"Don't talk." Xiao Han put her on the head of the bed and said, "have a good rest. I'll get you some food."

"Well." The green grass was pale.

Xiao Han turned out and went to the restaurant to pack some food. After a killing, the most consumed is physical strength. Not only the green grass is hungry, but also he is. Xiao Han is also careful to go out. When such a big thing happened, I don't know whether the police have found their own news. Once they find the news, it will be troublesome.

Didi didi

At this time, a phone call came.

"Zhou Jiansheng, what can I do for you?" Xiao Han is a little annoyed, this time suddenly comes a telephone, the person will be scared to death.

"Shizu, I want to tell you something." Zhou Jiansheng laughed and then said, "because you took the green grass to kill people, in order not to be interfered and wanted by the police, I specially looked for the old man Wan Zhangfeng to say hello, don't trouble you, so, don't hide and hide, you can walk on the road openly and honestly!"

"I see!" Xiao Han was relieved.

Although he said his strength is strong, but he absolutely does not want to be the enemy of the whole world. You know, killing people is a taboo. It's enough to kill bad people. If you kill innocent people, it will damage your morality. This is what the ghost king told himself. That's why some killers are prone to accidents.

"But..." Zhou Jiansheng secretly said: "the logistics group is afraid to have included you in the file of key observation. Maybe someone will talk to you soon. ""What are you talking about?" Xiao Han asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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