Published at 6th of March 2023 09:21:13 AM

Chapter 75

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"Boy, you are too arrogant." The burly man sneered and said, "how dare you be so presumptuous in our territory."

Xiao Han was not afraid, carrying a bloody iron bar, stepping on Chen Ming's chest, said: "this dog bullies my mother. As a son, shouldn't I help her out? Otherwise, what kind of son am I? "

Several security guards looked at each other. In fact, they knew more or less about things in the morning. However, they are also in a dilemma. After all, they are paid by the company, so they should work for the company. Now, the leader of the company is beaten, how can they not stop it?

"We don't care about that." The security guard said, "but we can handle it. Boy, if you are really good for your mother, you'd better stop immediately, or the consequences will be very serious! "

Security is also a kind reminder to Xiao Han. After all, excellent labor dispatch company has a strong and profound background. In LJ, no one dares to offend. Xiao Han is only a half year old child. Although he is riveting, he is not Chen Ming's opponent at all. Behind Chen Ming is Liu Si. Liu Si is the target of Wangjiang district. Who can afford it.

"What if I don't stop?" Xiao Han sneered.


As he spoke, he picked up the iron bar again and smashed a stick on Chen Ming's arm.

"Ouch Chen Ming's painful scream made the assistant cry and ran out quickly.

At this time, Chen Ming was covered with blood, lying on the carpet, unable to groan and scream. At this time, the security guard immediately said: "little brother, if you don't get caught, don't blame us for being rude!"

"You trash, come on, move!" Chen Ming roared with his last strength.

"Go on The leading security guard finally lost his breath.

Subsequently, three security guards immediately toward Xiao Hanwei in the past. Several people are ready to take encirclement tactics to put Xiao Han down.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the three men approached, Xiao Han rushed over like a fierce lion. What's more, the iron stick in his hand seems to have no rules, but in fact it has profound meaning. Three security guards were entangled by Xiao Han.

"Fuck, hurry up!" Cried the leading security guard. He held a plastic stick to fight Xiao Han.

The leading security guard rushed up at once.

The plastic stick in his hand almost locked Xiao Han's head and knocked it down.


However, this stick went down, but fell on Xiao Han's iron stick. Xiao Han looked at each other with a cold smile and said: "want to win me? It's not that easy. "

Finish saying, Xiao Han raised a leg toward opposite party to kick past.


The other side on the spot back, people heavily fell down.

Xiao Han's physical fitness is good, coupled with a history of martial arts practice. As a child, Xiao Han's constitution was not good. Later, his father sent him to the factory to learn some Kung Fu from a teacher. His body gradually improved. He didn't practice martial arts until the second grade of junior high school. After practicing martial arts for several years, although he didn't become a martial arts master, Xiao Han's body and physical fitness have improved a lot. Those fists and kicks that followed the master's study also gradually became Xiao Han's ability to protect himself now.

At this time, two men immediately rushed up behind him.

Xiao Han turned around and smashed the iron bar in both hands. One of them was hit in the arm, and the other rushed up with a baton. Xiao Han stepped back two steps, and then he made up for it with the speed of lightning. In order to advance, he beat the other party on the spot.

The three big men couldn't deal with Xiao Han, a weak scholar.

"Quick, quick!" Cried the captain of the security team.

Then, the security guard near the door grabbed the walkie talkie and yelled: "ask for support, ask for support."

Xiao Han walked slowly towards the security guard and sneered, "do you dare to ask for support?"

Bang Dang!

The walkie talkie was smashed and exploded by Xiao Han. Then, he went to the security guard. The security guard was frightened by Xiao Han's skill. Although Xiao Han's Kung Fu is not good, his reaction speed and agility are very frightening. He can accurately judge his attack position, and can be very agile. Each attack doesn't kill you, but it can knock you to the ground.

"You What are you going to do The security guard was terrified.

Xiao Han sneered, and then said: "on the ability of you people, dare to be so arrogant?"

"Boy, I tell you, we are Liu Si's people, you can't afford to be provoked." The security captain snorted.

Xiao Han turned to look at the other side, the other side was hurt by himself, and there was blood on his forehead. Blood flowed out of his fingers. Xiao Han said scornfully, "what about Liu Si? Even if he comes, I can still be afraid of him? "

The security captain's face was very bad, he said with a smile: "boy, you don't know how you died later."

As they spoke, more than 20 security paramilitaries poured in from the outside. The huge office was quickly occupied by a group of people. More than 20 people surrounded Xiao Han alone. Even so, Xiao Han did not feel any fear.At this time, Chen Ming got up from the ground. His face was pale. He gritted his teeth and said, "catch him. I must catch him. Don't let him run away."

More than 20 people gathered around Xiao Han, and the expression on each face was very dignified. When they first came in, they had already found Xiao Han's fierce. Xiao Han this guy even beat the security team leader and two colleagues to the ground, but he did not get any damage. From this, we can find that the strength of the other side can not be underestimated.

The captain of the security team waved: "let's go together. We can't give him any chance."

"Yes A group of security guards are very dignified.

Three security guards led the front line, followed by a second attack echelon of five security guards, and finally a large wave of round up forces. If the first three security guards can subdue Xiao Han, then the security forces behind can immediately take down the other party.

The security guards are very dignified, especially the first three. These three people are stronger among the security guards. From the moment I entered the security team, I showed a strong strength. This time, Xiao Han was arrested, and they took the lead. Nevertheless, they are still very cautious.

Three security guards waved batons at Xiao Han almost at the same time.


When the stick fell, Xiao Han took the iron bar and picked up their attack. The attack of the three security guards was very sharp, and it was also extremely fierce. Almost everyone's moves are deadly. And it's deadly.

Xiao Han repeatedly stepped back a lot of steps, watching the whole person will be forced to the corner, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid they will be taken down. Therefore, Xiao Han decided not to continue to retreat like this, but the other side's attack was so fierce, and also appeared to be so sharp. I'm afraid it's hard to escape from each other's hands alone.


All of a sudden, Xiao Han ran back a step, one leg to the windowsill behind him a little, the person quickly soared into the air.

Bang Bang

In the process of this leap, the iron bar in his hand pounded fiercely on the other side's skull.

"Ouch Among them, the most ferocious security guard fell down with his head on the spot.

Xiao Han fell into the encirclement of the other party immediately after landing. There are three security guards on the left and five on the right. In the direction of the door, there are still more than ten security guards who are eager to try and rub their hands. It seems that they are ready to catch Xiao Han at any time.

"Shit!" Xiao Han bit his teeth.

"Boy, you can't escape!" The security captain snorted coldly and said, "you'd better be caught with your hands tied, or you'll die miserably."

"Ha ha..." Xiao Han disdained to smile and said: "I really think you are very powerful, now look, but also so."

Just as this group of security guards is ready to attack like crazy.

Suddenly, from outside the door came a roar: "fuck, who dares to move my brother!"

Outside the door, a sound of steel knife impact came in. Then, Li daphou came in with a group of people.

Twenty or thirty people, with a steel knife in each hand, were extremely fierce. Of course, there are some immature faces, although these people look ferocious, but the eyes are always with a kind of green.

"Xiao Han, how are you?" Li daphou said in a hurry.

"I'm fine." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "these people are not my opponents at all."

Li Dazhou was stunned for a moment. He swept the scene in a hurry. Sure enough, there were many people lying on the ground. All of them were lying on the ground with their heads broken and bleeding. Xiao Han is carrying an iron bar in his hand. The iron bar is also stained with dark red blood, which makes people look very creepy.

"My God!" Li daphou exclaimed. He looked at Xiao Han in dismay and said, "you When did you get so bad? "

"Who are you?" Chen Ming stares at Li daphou and others.

"People who want your lives!" Li Da Pang is 1.8 meters, and looks very frightening.

Chen Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the situation at the scene was somewhat sticky. He gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Han, what do you want?"

"Cut off one of your hands!" Xiao Han said with a cold smile: "say it, which hand do you want to keep?"

"You're crazy!" There was a flash of fear in Chen Ming's eyes. If you lose an arm, it is a disabled, I am afraid that his life will be destroyed. All of a sudden, Chen Ming felt a little more annoyed. Why didn't he control the guy in his crotch this morning? I thought I could sleep with a mature woman, but I didn't expect to become like this. If you know it will be like this, I dare not kill him. Chen Ming said in a hurry: "little brother, do you think this is a success? I I'll let your mother get a promotion and a raise, and I'll never do anything in the future! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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