Published at 6th of March 2023 08:48:17 AM

Chapter 814

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Xiao Ruyue hugs Xiao Han tightly and doesn't dare to make a sound.

A hundred miles away is the battlefield.

The ghost king has already thought about it. Since he wants to fight, he must fight without reservation. Therefore, he decided to take the lead in killing the enemy camp with a vanguard force, and take the lead to go to the head of the commander-in-chief of the enemy camp.

As long as you kill the commander in chief of the opposing army, the enemy will naturally be defeated.

"Xiao Han, the troops will be handed over to you first!" Chen Jin opened his mouth.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Immediately, Chen Jin, with a group of thousands of elite, galloped all the way. More than 1000 high headed horses galloped at a fast speed. Dust was rising.

Chen Jin is indeed worthy of being the king of ghosts. With more than 1000 people, he went into the hostile camp crazily, which immediately brought great morale to the soldiers in Wenchuan Prefecture. The soldiers of Wenchuan government, who were supposed to be unable to resist, immediately rose up and opened a road to kill.

After Chen Jin went back to hell, his strength rose.

Even if the distance is dozens of miles, Xiao Han can also feel the energy fluctuation not far away. Mushroom clouds rise one by one in the sky, which is extremely crazy, and the ground has bursts of shaking.

Soon, under the leadership of Chen Jin, the soldiers of Wenchuan government attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold all the way, and soon defeated the other party.

This is just a short period of more than an hour, the battlefield forces change rapidly.

When Xiao Han arrived at the battlefield with his troops, the other side had already retreated, while Chen Jin was pursuing madly with a large group of people.

Xiao Han said with a bitter smile: "it's true that there is hatred in my heart. All of them burst out at this time."

Xiao Han was happy to be at ease. Chen Jin took a large number of men and horses in front of him to attack the city and pull out the stronghold all the way. Thousands of kilometers away, all the way running. It takes about half a month for the world to get to dujiangfu. It's a long way to go.

Chen Jin's strength is very ferocious. With one move of blood mist, he can wipe out thousands of ghost soldiers. Therefore, Chen Jin's advance speed is very fast. Xiao Han with a hundred thousand soldiers and horses all the way to chase and fight, very fierce. Xiao Han is basically picking up leaks in the back, but he is idle all the way.

Xiao Ruyue is willing to accompany Xiao Han. Although Xiao Han asked her to look for her relatives several times, she was not willing to. It's hard to find a strong supporter. How can she leave easily? She now wants to be with Xiao Han all the time. Xiao Han is a very decent man. He doesn't touch himself and gives him a full sense of security. Therefore, she would rather follow Xiao Han.

If she goes home, if she is caught by other people, she may fall into the hands of thieves again. She would rather not go back.

"Master, look at the front, there seems to be a lot of people!" Xiao said.

"Well?" Xiao Han was stunned for a moment. He frowned and took a look not far away. Sure enough, a dark crowd came like a tide.

At this time, the ghost soldiers on the front line rushed to report: "my Lord, hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers in Dujiang Prefecture are found ahead."

"Oh?" Xiao Han hesitated for a moment and said, "hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers?"

"Yes Ghost soldier nods, way: "dare to ask adult, how to handle?"

"Line up!" Xiao Han sneered and said, "isn't it a simple thing to deal with these people?"

Who is Xiao Han?

Sun Tzu is a master of the art of war. Any means, you can easily beat the other side. At Xiao Han's command, 100000 ghost soldiers immediately arrayed.

Waiting for work with ease is the strategy in Sun Tzu's art of war.

They are naturally tired when they rush for thousands of miles. They take a leisurely walk all the way. In addition, they can line up in advance and accumulate morale. They can kill each other easily. Xiao Han was standing on the coach with the flag on his head. Xiao Ruyue is around him.

Far away, can see the scene of dust rising.

"How much more time will it take?" Xiao Han asked.

"It will take about half an hour to get to the battlefield!" Said the soldier.

"Good." Xiao Han nodded.

After that, Xiao Han immediately ordered the Deputy generals to lead 20000 people around and ambush them. Once the other side enters the battlefield. The first army can go out to battle. Once the other side goes to war, it will certainly make the other side unable to defend itself.

Therefore, Xiao Han is sure to win a battle.

For these soldiers in hell, their fighting methods are relatively simple, almost straight to the front. When the two armies fight each other, they completely rely on hard power. Of course, it has something to do with too many hellos. Hell is short of material, so war is the best way to consume population.

However, when Xiao Han comes, everything will change.

Half an hour later, the soldiers of Dujiang government rushed to the battlefield. There were more than 100000 ghost soldiers in the dark.

The leader was a armored ghost soldier, wearing dark red armor and carrying a long knife.

"You and other Wenchuan house scum still don't surrender and die." Roared the leading soldier.

"Hum!" The soldiers of Wenchuan government snorted coldly and said, "if you want us to surrender, you should take your life first!""Three orders, attack!" The leading soldier ordered.

However, before the other party orders, Xiao Han has let people raise a red flag.

It's news, it's a call.

As soon as the red flag is raised, the ambush soldiers will rush out. It shows the situation of three sides attack. Even though the other side has more than 100000 troops, it will not be able to withstand the situation of multi line operations. What's more, the battlefield is changing rapidly. No one knows what it will turn out to be.

Facing the attack from three sides, the soldiers of the other side didn't seem to care, but launched a crazy attack towards the front.

The front of the battlefield was suddenly in dire straits, and the killing was inspired.

Xiao Han is in the front of the battlefield, on the battlefield, both sides fight very fiercely. This is a little different from the age of cold weapons. The strength of these ghost soldiers is extremely fierce, and they are very lethal in fighting. It seems to uphold the purpose of killing one for nothing and killing two to earn one. In short, the posture on the scene was very fierce and fierce, which made people dazzled.

Especially in the front-line battlefield, skeleton soldiers are extremely popular.

In a battle, the dust rises a hundred feet high. Behind, there are countless soldiers killing.

Xiao Han looked at this scene leisurely, as if for him, such a killing is not affected. On the other hand, Xiao Ruyue was frightened. She looked at the front of the battlefield, scared pale, face appeared a trace of delicate sweat. There was also a touch of fear in his eyes.

"Master, our numbers are not equal to each other!" Xiao Ruyue was surprised.

"In war, we don't care about the number of people." Xiao Han shook his head.

Xiao Ruyue listened and said, "how can we not care about the number of people in war?"

"You see the ghost king, he took tens of thousands of people and horses all the way to attack the city and pull out the stronghold. He has almost killed Dujiang Fu!" Xiao Han said with a smile: "therefore, fighting does not care about the number of people. What matters is ability. As long as the ability is strong, everything will stop talking. "

"Is it?" It is the first time Xiao Ruyue has heard such remarks.

"We'll see if we don't believe it!" Xiao Han said with a smile.

At this time, the men and horses who were in a few kilometers away had already rushed to the scene and were fighting with each other's men and horses.

The other side was besieged on three sides.

For a while, it was hard to give up. And the other side seems to have more people, but on such a battlefield, they are obviously more vulnerable. It's a multi line operation, and it's flanked by the enemy. Even though ghost soldiers are brave, they are hard to be attacked by such tactics.

"No, my Lord!" The ghost soldiers came and said, "we have enemies behind us, enemies on the left and enemies on the right."

"Hum!" The ghost soldier led by the other side snorted coldly, and then said: "don't pay attention to it, continue to attack!"

"Yes Ghost soldier nods.

Then they ignored the enemy behind and on the side, which they had never encountered before. Generally speaking, when the two armies engage in a war, they basically start a bloody battle immediately.

The scene is a bloody battle.

The skeletons and skeletons were destroyed and all kinds of ghosts were fighting together. On the battlefield, dust rises and limbs fly.

The other side is numerous, but Xiao Hansheng is scheming.

Soon, under the attack of many sides, the other side soon disintegrated.

"No, someone's coming from behind!"


In addition to the skeleton soldiers have no sense of escape, they are still fighting in the corner, but other ghost soldiers have self-consciousness. When they realize they are in danger, they run.

"Bastard, don't run!" Roared the leader.

Unfortunately, the gaffe has developed to the point where it is almost irreparable. They can only watch their soldiers escape, and watch them leave a figure behind, raising a few feet of dust.

"It's over, it's over!" The leader of the team looked at this scene with disappointment.

As the river goes eastward, the trend is gone.

"My Lord, let's go." The soldiers on the side were scared to death.

"Withdraw!" The leader waved.

Immediately, the other side immediately withdrew.

For a moment, the scene was chaotic. Although the other side wants to withdraw its troops, under the attack from many sides, is it so easy to withdraw? Xiao Han sneered, his mouth raised a strange smile.

He grinned and said, "don't let them run! Take their leader

"Yes The herald immediately waved his flag.

Information is the most important when the three services meet. Xiao Han took the flag as a signal and immediately conveyed it to the three armies.

Soon, a few wrong immediately began to encircle the scene.

Those who did not have time to escape were immediately surrounded and the whole army surrendered.

More than 50000 enemy troops were captured.

Xiao Ruyue is surprised to see this scene, she and Xiao Han stand on the stage, can see most of the scene. Therefore, she was very excited: "master, great, they are all captured, great!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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