The Lure from Ex-husband - Chapter 180

Published at 8th of March 2023 06:48:04 AM

Chapter 180

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Ji Ling Chen also saw Liu Xi's meaning, "Surely not?" Miss Liu, I can't even treat your friend's child to a meal because of fate? Anyway, I helped him back then, okay? "

Liu Xi Xi Xi was at a loss for words. Luckily the person An'an met at the airport was Ji Ling Chen, if he really met a trafficker, then the consequences would be unimaginable.

She could not reject this kind of situation. After all, Ji Ling Chen had helped both mother and son. Even if she wanted to leave, it would be hard for An An to explain.

While Liu Xixi was in a trance, Ji Ling Chen had already pulled An An away. Liu Xixi shook her head and walked in front of Shen Mo Chen, agreeing to this meal.

Ping City had always been known as the "Four Great Stoves" in the country. One could naturally imagine how hot the summer here was.

As soon as Liuxi walked out of the Zhiyuan group's hall, a wave of heat hit him in the face. It was so refreshing that it could even be described as roasting living people.

She racked her brains, but couldn't think of a suitable excuse to evade. Instead, she got into Ji Ling Chen's car in just a matter of seconds.

Ji Lingchen carried the three of them towards the proper restaurant. He probably went to a restaurant where children were not allowed to eat things that were too spicy or spicy, so he looked for a restaurant that was still acceptable to them.

Shen Jingchen sat in the front passenger seat, while Ji Ling's mouth chattered about his fortuitous encounter with An An, "Didn't I go on a business trip to Toronto for a week? When I came back, I told you that I encountered a strange matter? "

He was obviously talking to Shen Jingchen, who looked through the rearview mirror and casually placed his gaze on the two of them. He had a feeling that this kind of scene actually made him feel an inexplicable sense of warmth.

"I just ran into this kid. Just when we were waiting for the plane, An An suddenly threw herself at me and hugged me. He said something about making me pretend to be his father. But this kid is really amazing. He even brought his account book with him."

A hint of interest appeared in Shen Mo Chen's eyes, Liu Xi Xi Xi was also listening to Ji Ling Chen's words. Because An An was still young, some things weren't stated very accurately. Now that she heard it from another party, Liu Xi was both angry and helpless.

She lowered her head and said to An An An, "You must learn your lesson this time. Otherwise, if the one you meet isn't Uncle Ji, what will you do?"

An Xin was no longer the same as before. She lowered her head, humbly accepting the advice. Liu Xixi originally wanted to say a few more words, but upon seeing An Xin's appearance, she could only shut her mouth.

When the car stopped, Liu Xixi was the first to pull An An off the car, followed by Shen Mo Chen. She stood beside Liu Xixi, and from a bystander's point of view, she really did look like a talented, cute family.

Ji Ling Chen slowly drove the car into the parking space, and the three of them stood at the side waiting for him. However, the three shockingly chose to stay silent.

It was fortunate that there was still a place to hide. Otherwise, such a poisonous sun might have been scorched by the sun.

However, none of them noticed that the HD video camera was focused in their direction, and the person taking the photo had a smile on his face. Since this was done, the customer must have paid even more.

When Ji Ling Chen parked the car and the four of them entered the Min Lounge, an unremarkable car slowly left, unnoticed by anyone.

Minghu had always been a favorite cuisine of Liuxi. The favorite cuisine in the cuisine was not only the representative cuisine of the faun hopping wall, but also some common dishes that suited her appetite.

However, facing the table full of good dishes, she didn't even have the desire to pick up the chopsticks. She only wished that she could quickly end this meal.

Ji Ling Chen had always been looking for words, not knowing if it was because he was trying to liven up the atmosphere or something. He clearly didn't like kids, but he was trying his best to get close to An An.

However, An An was the same as her before, she didn't have any resistance towards beautiful things like handsome men and women, and in just a few moves she had become very popular with Ji Ling Chen.

"The cooperation with Zhiyuan Group is about to come to an end. What do you plan to do next?" Shen Jingchen paid no attention to the two around him as a sharp contrast was formed within the private room. There was also the commotion between Ling Chen and An Ran, as well as the silence between Shen Mo Chen and Liu Xixi.

Liu Xixi was counting the rice grains in the bowl. In reality, her attention was always on An'an and Ji Ling. She did not think much about it, "Let's take things one step at a time."

Shen Jingchen also fell silent. The two of them had been in a stalemate for a long time.

The meal had left Liu Xixi trembling. She was afraid that An An's mouth would be closed and she would say something good, but she was also worried that Shen Mo Chen and Ji Ling would see through him.

Other than Liu Xixi, no one could imagine how fast her heart was beating. Ling Chen continued to serve food to An Xin, who was unaffected, eating in peace.

Every time Ji Ling Chen opens his mouth, Liu Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi's heart would be in his throat. He really ate like a needle.

Finally, after everyone had finished their meal, Liuxi found a crappy excuse to separate from the two grown men.

Ji Ling Chen looked at the two leaving figures, "Chen, this child really does resemble you when you were young."

They had grown up together, so they knew each other's appearances very well.

Shen Jingchen treated it as a joke, "Haven't all the kids nowadays grown into their own appearances?"

He had hoped that she would be pregnant with his child, but how could she be?

Liu Muxin's recent days weren't too good, and ever since she had gone through the stream of people, her entire body had become even weaker. The kind of cold feeling that was stirring inside her vagina was something that she couldn't forget even now.

The nightmares from before didn't seem to ease up at all. Instead, they became more and more severe. Other than dreaming about the scene of the car accident, she would also occasionally dream about the unformed child crawling out of her stomach to steal her life.

Her child, her child's father, had all directly or indirectly died in his hands. When Liu Muxin was alone, she would often fall into deep thought. How did things become like this?

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