Published at 19th of January 2023 07:00:54 AM

Chapter 3418

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"How much interest?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"More than two centimeters." Wang Feiyan said.

"So low? It's good to have a relationship." Dongfang Herring said.

"Yes, if it doesn't matter, more than six per cent is considered cheap." Wang Feiyan said.

"If I go for a loan, how much interest can I give?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"Bali." Wang Feiyan said.

"Why so high?" Dongfang Herring was taken aback.

"In addition to qualifications, the loan also depends on the cooperation with the bank. It is the first time you deal with the bank. The bank does not know your repayment ability, so it is impossible to give too low interest." Wang Feiyan said.

"Where's Zhao Tianya?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"Someone is taking the blame." Wang Feiyan said.

"Anyway, the bank won't lose money no matter what, right?" Dongfang Herring said.

"Boss, the owner of the Gold Swallowing Beast has some clues." Wang Feiyan said.

"Speak!" Dongfang Herring sat in his boss chair.

"The owner of the Gold Swallowing Beast's surname is Lai, and his name is rather strange. It's called Lai Hulunbuir—" Wang Feiyan said.

"Five-character name?" Dongfang Herring was surprised.

"Yes!" Wang Feiyan nodded.

"Lai Hulunbeier? Can I get registered?" Dongfang Herring was curious.

"Our country has multiple surnames, three-character surnames, four-character surnames, and the longest surname has nine characters. As long as there are no violations of laws and regulations, a few more characters can be registered for household registration." Wang Feiyan said.

"I'm ignorant, but with a nine-character surname, how tiring it is to read the name." Dongfang Herring said.

"Foreigners still have more than forty characters in their names." Wang Feiyan said.

"You continue to talk about Lai Hulunbeier." Dongfang Herring said.

"Lai Hulunbuir is from Inner Mongolia, and he opened a fur processing factory. If he hadn't met the Tunjin Beast, his life would have been very happy. After getting the Tunjin Beast, his whole body seemed to be possessed, hugging the Tunjin Beast every day, All kinds of precious metals were fed to the gold swallowing beast. Soon, his savings were used up, and he used the company's money. The company had no money, so he simply bought the company. During this period, his parents, siblings, wife, His father-in-law and mother-in-law persuaded him, but he kept on going his own way. However, the Tunjin Beast is a bottomless pit. He spent tens of millions before and after, and the size of the Tunjin Beast didn’t seem to have changed. Lai Hulunbeier gritted his teeth, took a loan from the bank, and continued to feed the Tunjin Beast. Beast, he has paid so much, but has not been rewarded, and the gold swallowing beast has not grown up, and Lai Hulunbuir lost." Wang Feiyan said.

"In other words, what Lai Hulunbeier said is correct." Dongfang Herring heard what Lai Hulunbeier said in the yard.

"The bank came to collect debts, and the court seized the house. Lai Hulunbeier collapsed and gave up on himself. It has been several months. He is addicted to games and does not want to go offline. Every time he is kicked offline by the game." Wang Feiyan said.

"How many children does he have?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"Three, one is in high school, one is in junior high school, and the other is in the fourth grade of elementary school." Wang Feiyan said.

"What about her wife?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"With three children, I rely on odd jobs to earn living expenses, and the children's grandparents and grandparents will also help out." Wang Feiyan said.

"Is it possible to wake up Lai Hulunbeier by starting with Lai Hulunbeier's wife or child?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"I'm in contact with Lai Hulunbeier's wife." Wang Feiyan said.

"This Lai Hulunbeier is really worrying." Dongfang Herring said.

"People who are stimulated cannot be treated according to common sense." Wang Feiyan said.

"Did it cool down again?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"Yes, today's temperature is only 10 degrees." Wang Feiyan said.

"This game is getting more and more incomprehensible." Dongfang Herring said. Wang Feiyan curled her lips, don't understand? Play better than anyone else.

"Is there any news that I'm interested in?" Dongfang Herring asked.

"There is an old man who has a time stone in his hand. It's just a rumor. No one has ever seen it before." Wang Feiyan said.

"When's the news?" Dongfang Herring sat up straight. He may be able to remain indifferent to other natural treasures, but the Time Stone cannot. This thing is a great weapon for cheating and the basis for him to maintain his strength.

Speaking of which, the Time Stone contributed to his success today.

"The news came out three days ago. The old man is very stubborn and doesn't want to show it off. Not only us, but many people are confirming it, but the old man just doesn't show it." Wang Feiyan said, "The time stone is said by the old man himself. Yes, did someone see it?" Dongfang Herring asked again.

"Someone saw it." Wang Feiyan said.

"Let's go and have a look." Dongfang Qingyu said, Wang Feiyan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, someone asked her to meet, and now she can only turn it down.

The location is in "Qingsha City", but it's not a grass market, it's a residential area. The old man's surname is Jin, Jin's Jin, Uncle Jin, a retired local cadre. He is not a big official, but has a big temper and likes to be comfortable. He is practicing Zhang Xu's wild grass.

Wild cursive is the most indulgent type of cursive script. The strokes are connected and rounded, and the shape of the characters is wild and changeable. On the basis of the current cursive, the dots and paintings are written continuously to form a "one-stroke script", which is in the same line as the current cursive. Someone once said: "When you come to the pool, you can learn from the reason, you can learn from things, you can get from the heart, and you can understand from the image, and then you can enter the wonderful world of cursive script."

Mr. Jin naturally couldn't reach such a state, otherwise, he wouldn't be cynical. In addition to liking calligraphy, he also likes to play chess. Chess is very stinky, and he often regrets playing chess. In the end, no one wants to play chess with him.

When Dongfang Herring and Wang Feiyan came to the courtyard where Mr. Jin lived, they found that there were already many people standing in the courtyard. Dongfang Herring glanced around, and most of them could call out their names. Three wives and four concubines seven times a week When Jin saw him on Saturday, his expression was not very good.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to gain something today." Dongfang Herring said into Wang Feiyan's ear.

"I trust the boss." Wang Feiyan whispered.

"At this time, there is no need to wear a hat." Dongfang Herring said.

"Grandpa Jin is over there, playing chess with others." Wang Feiyan said, the yard is quite big, with several big trees planted, under one of which there are chess pieces placed on a chessboard. Play chess online.

Charging without a cable showed an angry expression, and Mr. Jin was triumphant. From the expression, it can be seen that Mr. Jin has the upper hand.

"You must count your words. You said that you only regretted your chess three times. Now it's the fourth time. You always regret your chess. How can you play this chess?" I've never seen such a rascal before. It is said that there is no regret in making a move, but Mr. Jin regrets repeatedly, which is worse than a child.

"Just this time, it won't be an example!" Mr. Jin didn't show any shame on his face. My chest heaved and I almost vomited blood. Mr. Jin has said this sentence three times, and now it is the fourth time.

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