Published at 6th of August 2022 05:21:42 AM

Chapter 1138

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"No, Lianlian, I love you." Huang Yongqi squatted on the ground and cried, "forgive me. I really have difficulties. You should understand me."

His adoptive mother raised him. Now he needs his help, but he just can't help.

"Sorry, I think we are really inappropriate." Hao Lianlian said, "I can understand your difficulties, but I can't accept them."

"So sorry." Hao Lianlian looked at him and said.

Before, she had fantasies about this man, but now, she can only be happy.

Although at the moment, she felt very uncomfortable, as if she was about to suffocate.

But she knew that she would bear it.

Just wait this time.

Well, don't hurt any more.

Hao Lianlian lowered her head and whispered to her heart.

"You... Are so heartless." Huang Yongqi looked at Hao Lianlian with a self deprecating smile. "I'm really curious. Do you really like me?"

Hao Lianlian also laughed.

Yes, have you ever liked it? Didn't you like it?

But why is the heart so uncomfortable.

"Enough." Su ziqiao really couldn't stand it. "If it's a man, he should look for problems from himself, not blame others."

"Are you forcing her like this, or are you not a man?"

"She's heartless?" Su ziqiao looked at Huang Yongqi contemptuously, "she promised you this unreasonable request. That's insane."

"Don't pester him again in the future, or I'll hit you once I see you." Su ziqiao grabbed Huang Yongqi's hand and dragged Hao Lianlian from his side to his side.

"Who are you?" Huang Yongqi said angrily, "this is between me and her. You are so unqualified to manage."

"I'm her brother." Su ziqiao took out a handkerchief and wiped his hand.

It's disgusting to touch such people.

Oh, no, it must be the cleanliness addiction of his second child that infected him,

After wiping it several times, Su ziqiao stopped and threw his handkerchief into the dustbin not far away.


In three.

"Cut?" Huang Yongqi stumbled and almost fell down. He looked at Hao Lianlian with a mocking smile. "Has he found his next home long ago?"

"That's why I'm so determined to break up with me, I said."

"No wonder." Huang Yongqi looked at Hao Lianlian angrily, "thanks to my love for you, I'm really dazzled."

"It seems that you have climbed the high branch? Hao Lianlian, do I want to congratulate you?" Huang Yongqi was very angry and said with a counter smile, "I'm stupid. I begged you like that just now."

"You are so cheap."

A 'snap'.

Su ziqiao really couldn't listen anymore. It was a fist.

Huang Yongqi's life this week is actually not very good. The second sister kept whispering in his ear all day long about how poor his family was when he was a child, and how to feed him. If he could grow up alive, it was all the rations snatched from their sisters' mouths for him to eat.

And in order to adopt him, Huang's mother almost broke up with the family.

Now, she came to Kyoto to see a doctor when she was ill, and the people in the village were envied by Titus. They all said that she had vision in those days, and this son was not raised in vain.

"Anyway, the current situation is like this. Do you want your love or your mother's life?"

Do you still need to choose such multiple-choice questions?

Of course, the life of Huang Mu is important.

Therefore, Huang Yongqi thought of such a way.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!