Published at 6th of August 2022 05:18:07 AM

Chapter 1372

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"How... Can this be?" Lang Yimo took two steps back, as if he had suffered some major blow, and shook his head as he said, "how can you... Marry him?"

What kind of things?

The two girls beside were stunned there, looking at Lang Yimo blankly, "sister Yimo, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Lingling had already seen it when Lang Yimo came in.

She naturally won't take care of her arrogant desire to try on her wedding dress.

I didn't expect that she would become like this in a short time.

"No, there must be something wrong. How can she marry Yang Yunhai? How can Yang Yunhai marry at this time?" Lang Yimo didn't answer the concerns of the two girls and was still immersed in his own world. "He hasn't changed his job yet, he won't."

It is she who is reborn, and she is the mistress.

In her previous life, she has read many online novels, and the rebirth and passage in the books are all female owners.

Obviously, the woman who met the person she loved in her previous life after her rebirth is the man.

Therefore, Lang Yimo has always believed that the person Yang Yunhai finally married is her since her rebirth.

And she has been making various preparations.

Prepared a family worthy of Yang Yunhai and herself.

Therefore, in this life, she sent Lang Lang's annoying abroad early. She didn't believe that Lang Lang could still meet Yang Yunhai at such a distance?

But I didn't expect that Yang Yunhai had nothing to do with Lang Lang in this life, but Gu Lingling jumped out.

Yang Yunhai's wedding was obviously several years earlier than his previous life.



Lang Yimo patted his forehead.

In her previous life, when Yang Yunhai was in the army, she didn't know anyone at all. Naturally, she didn't know about him in the army.

Knowing Yang Yunhai is also his skill and ability after he switched to business. He did a lot of business and quickly became a leader in a few years.

It must be when she knew Yang Yunhai that Yang Yunhai had repented of marriage with Gu Lingling, so she didn't get married in a few years.

Of course, it also makes Lang Lang that bitch cheaper.

"This wedding is impossible." Lang Yimo comforted himself in a low voice.

The two girls beside looked at each other.

Lang Yimo's voice is low, but it doesn't mean they can't hear it.

This... How stunned must it be to curse others for failing to get married?

Gu Lingling didn't hear the words behind Lang Yimo, but she heard the words clearly.

What did Lang Yimo just say?

She said that Yang Yunhai will get married after he changes jobs.

How did she know?

Gu Lingling frowned and looked at her. The girl seemed to be different from before.

Moreover, looking at the situation just now, she recognized herself because of Wang Shuyun, and even knew the relationship between Wang Shuyun and Yang Yunhai.

This knowledge seems to be deeper than she thought.

However, Gu Lingling was sure that Wang Shuyun did not know Lang Yimo.

"How does this girl come?" Sure enough, Wang Shuyun said, "how can I feel God talking when I'm young, and I can't say anything strange."

"What does it mean that my Yunhai will not get married until I change my job? Are you a fortune teller? Can you still predict?"

know without consulting an oracle?

Gu Lingling's body froze.

She seemed to think of a possibility.

Is this Lang Yimo, like her, also reborn?

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