Published at 6th of August 2022 04:55:34 AM

Chapter 2394

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Your secret? What secret?

She suddenly thought of a possibility and became even more flustered.

Xu Yuying shook her head at Liu Yan for help.

But Liu Yan ignored it directly.

She will teach Xu Yuying a lesson.

Betray her lesson.

Just when Xu Yuying was anxious to block Liu Yan's mouth with any method, she saw Liu Yan with a cold smile and said, "there is a plum blossom mark on the inner side of Xu Yuying's thigh."

"She must have told you it was natural?"

She said here with disdain and sneer, "I branded it when she was a child."


Everyone took a breath of cold air.

Inner thigh, how painful it is.

This is my mother?

Probably not.

Where is the mother so cruel?

"Am I cruel?" Liu Yan smiled twice. "It was her own request."

"No," Xu Yuying cried and roared, "it's obviously you. You made it for me. I'm afraid of pain. I cried and begged you not to. You just won't let me go."

"Why? Why did you do this to me?"

She said that she was almost shouting at last.

Because that experience made her too shocking.

That day, because she was not obedient, she ran out to play, and then came back in the evening, Liu Yan gave her this plum blossom brand.

Say that when she grows up, men will love her to death.

She's so scared.

The soldering iron was burning red. Once her hand burned and hurt for many days.

This thigh is the most painful place.

If she is affected by this brand, then she must not be disabled?

She begged Liu Yan bitterly, but Liu Yan didn't hear it at all.

Later, it was still hot.

She almost died of pain.

"You just want me to remember the end of not listening to you, don't you?" Xu Yuying thought of this, stared at Liu Yan angrily and said, "even if I grow up, you don't want to let me go, do you?"

How many meanings?

Is it really my mother?

How can this mother and daughter look so strange?

Hate and kill each other!

"So, are you finally willing to admit that I'm your mother?" Liu Yan said sarcastically.

Xu Yuying, "..."

So she is waiting for her here.

"Ah, ah, ah..." she was almost tortured by Liu Yan and went crazy. "Yes, you are my mother, but you don't see what you stink like now?"

"What? Are you my mother, and I will serve you all my life?"

"If you were better to me when I was a child, I could take care of you in the past, but how did you treat me?"

"I was beaten or scolded since I was a child. Now I'm a little famous, but you ran out and stirred me up."

"Are you satisfied that you want to drive me to death?"

"I was bad to you when I was a child. Can you live well until now?" Liu Yan looked at Xu Yuying like a white eyed wolf. "If it weren't for me, you would have been sold by your gambler father."

"My body stinks because I'm ill," Liu Yan said angrily. "You don't know to see a doctor for me, but you lock me up. What? Can't you wait for me to die quickly, so you can have fun with those bosses?"

"I tell you, no way“

"Xuyuying, I'm having a hard time. Let's not have a hard time."

"Then why don't you go to your son." Xuyuying shouted angrily, "in the final analysis, you are eccentric."

"I can't wait for you to die. When you die, my nightmare is over."

You don't have to worry about Liu Yan coming out to harm her anymore.

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