Published at 5th of October 2022 08:07:29 AM

Chapter 136

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After the winter solstice ceremony, an Changqing changed from the king of geese to the king of Phoenix, and the plaque of the house of the king of geese also changed. However, in fact, except that an Changqing moved from the front of the court to Xiao Zhige's side, and listened to the government with him alone, the rest of things did not change much.

Still want to deal with many political affairs with Xiao Zhige every day, still want to sing when Xiao Zhige is angry. Red face to appease the anxious courtiers. And when the lower courtiers are not sure, they still like to come to him secretly to explore their attitude.

The only change was that many courtiers asked implicitly: what happened to the prince and princess?

At the ceremony, Xiao Zhige said that the prince and princess Suizhu were born to an Changqing. But at that time, everyone was too shocked about lifengjun and ignored it. Now it's not right to come back. Is Feng Jun a man? How do men have children?!

However, this group of courtiers did not dare to ask Xiao Zhige face to face, so they had to carefully ask an Changqing. After all, the royal blood can not be confused, and the origin of the prince and the princess can not be doubted. This time, even Ji Anmin, who has never been involved blindly, could not sit still. He went to the palace to ask an Changqing for a cup of tea.

Ji Anmin, an old minister, helped Xiao Zhige a lot when he ascended the throne. An Changqing was very polite to him and didn't tell him anything big. When he slowly drank two cups of tea and threw the problem out. An Changqing simply said: "the prince and the princess are indeed born of me."

After Fengjun was granted, an Changqing was Xiao Anheng, who said, "marriage depends on father and father."

After that, he got up and nodded to the crowd with reserve: "I'm still busy. Let's go first."

When he left, Hao Changfeng looked at Zhou Helan and tut tut said: "Your Highness, the bigger you are, the more elegant you are."

Zhou Helan is packing things ready to go back to the house, an Xianyu a few days ago diagnosed the pulse of joy, is the second child they got by accident. He didn't have the heart to gossip with his colleagues. He dropped the sentence "you haven't seen the power of Princess Suizhu" and left with a big stride.

Hao Changfeng, who was left behind, shakes his head. He is sure that the tiger father has no dog. Your Majesty's children will not be mediocre in the future.


Xiao Anheng walked out of the political affairs hall and then went to the back palace. Seeing that he was approaching Qiwu palace, he was eager to move into Qiwu palace. As early as a few years ago, an Changqing and Xiao Zhige moved into Qiwu palace.

An Changqing is talking with a middle-aged man, who is tall and handsome, and is accompanied by a bright girl.

Xiao Anheng's eager steps suddenly stopped. Standing at the door, he adjusted his appearance and went in calmly. He said in a loud voice, "I've seen my father, uncle Yuqiao and sister Xi."

An Changqing looked at him, his face immediately showed a smile, meaning to point out: "usually you don't come here at this time, how can you be free today?"

Xiao Anheng said, "Uncle Yuqiao seldom comes to Beijing, so I'm here to see you."

Mingyan girl beside Yuqiao looked at him askew and said with a smile: "Your Highness only wants to see my father. Don't you want to see me?"

Xiao an Heng once red ear root, but still pretend calm way: "nature is to see."

An Changqing and Yu Qiao looked at each other and laughed. Just at this time, Xiao Anzhu also came, and an Changqing sent them to play by themselves. I talk to Yu Qiao.

More than ten years later, both of them are nearly 40 years old, but they still remember the past.

When they got back to Yejing and settled down, they sent a sea going boat to Nanhai to pick up Yuqiao and his party. The chimpanzees have lived by the sea for generations. Worried that they were not used to living in Yejing, an Changqing discussed with huairuyu brothers and settled them in Fuliang.

It's just that they no longer regard themselves as chimpanzees, but as yujiacun.

The curse of the chimpanzees was broken, and the chimpanzees also suffered from the birth and death of ordinary people. They are no longer worried about their appearance which has remained unchanged for decades, but gradually begin to contact with the outside world, and even gradually break away from stereotypes, and begin to intermarry with foreign people.

In the first few years, they still held back, but after a long time, they were surprised that their worries were superfluous, so they began to try to go out of Yujia village to find their own world.

Yuqiao is the first one to leave Yujia village. He was smart and bold. He went out of the sea with huairushan's caravan and gradually started his own business on the sea. When he went back and forth to the sea, he met a woman. Later, he married her and gave birth to a daughter, Yu Xi.

One of their parents lives in Fuliang and only goes to Beijing to visit an Changqing once every two years. As a elder brother, Xiao Anheng naturally entertains his younger sister with Xiao Anzhu. However, they did not expect that when they came and went, the two children got the right eye. But Xiao Anheng was introverted and had a big idea. He never told them about his young Mu AI. Seeing that he had reached the age of discussing relatives, but he refused to do so, an Changqing wrote to Yu Qiao and asked him to take his daughter to Beijing. If it goes well, I can't say I can't, so I can decide the prince's marriage.

But the young man was thin skinned. The two adults could see it clearly, but they didn't say anything.Yu Qiao said, "I heard that the north is not peaceful recently. Is it going to war?"

An Changqing nodded: "the remnant of Beidi, who had been defeated and escaped before, unified other tribes and wanted to be shameful."

"I heard that the leader still has old grudges against you and your majesty?"

An Changqing recalled: "it seems that it was the Huyan brothers who fled. His majesty once led people to the court of Beidi and made a drastic move. The Huyan brothers saw that the enemy had fled into the depths of the northern desert. It's not surprising that they want to come back for revenge. "

Seeing that Yuqiao looked worried, he explained with a smile, "you don't have to worry too much. His majesty could defeat him at the beginning, let alone now? Daye state is rich and powerful with strong troops. Your majesty is not going to go to the battlefield in person. He wants to ask an Zhu to go to experience. "

Yu Qiao looked stunned, then laughed: "I heard that the princess wanted to fight to kill the enemy, but I didn't expect that it would come true."

An Changqing also nodded and laughed, and said, "her greatest wish from childhood to adulthood is to kill the enemy immediately like her father."

They sat chatting and had lunch together. After that, Yuqiao and his daughter went out of the palace.

During the night break, an Changqing mentioned it to Xiao Zhige again and said, "there should be no problem with an Heng's marriage, but an Zhu doesn't know what family to order."

Xiao Zhige rubbed his waist for him and said lazily, "let her decide the marriage of an Zhu. If we can't subdue her, we'll make up our mind. She says we have to fight her in the people's house. "

An Changqing laughed and glanced at him: "who said that his daughter was the same as Yasha?"

Xiao Zhige moved his hand, picked his eyebrows and said, "you don't know your own daughter."

He was right, so an Changqing stopped telling him about it and asked something else: "are you really going to fight in person?"

"Well." Xiao Zhige put his finger through his black hair and said in a deep voice: "now only the northern tribes have not recovered, and there are Beidi in the middle to pick things up. This battle will be fought sooner or later."

Although an Changqing had known for a long time, she was still worried: "is an Zhu going with you?"

"Go. She has been looking forward to this day for several years. If you don't let her go, she's going to turn the world upside down. " Xiao Zhige said and laughed, but he was proud.

An Changqing nodded: "well, I'll sit in Yejing with an Heng and wait for your triumphant return."

Xiao Zhige pinched his soft earlobe, bowed down and said in a low voice, "after I have leveled the northern tribes, I will give this position to an Heng. You and I will travel all over Daye River and mountain, and then go out to sea by boat to see overseas countries..."

An Changqing raised her eyes to see him, and pointed her fingers at the corner of his mouth: "an Heng is afraid that he will not."

"Then it's up to him," Xiao Zhige took a bite on his earlobe and hummed, "let's leave the imperial edict and walk quietly, so that he won't know..."

An Changqing wanted to say something more, but he was distracted by his actions. For a while, he couldn't remember what to say.


And one day after a long time, when Xiao Anheng saw the imperial edict of Zen left by his father, he would never think that his future decades would be set in his father's words.

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