Published at 5th of October 2022 08:14:31 AM

Chapter 68

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The carriage stopped at the door of the workshop. Without waiting for Xiao Zhige to help, an Changqing got out of the carriage by himself. Xiao Zhige looked at his back as he walked quickly in. He shook his head helplessly and could only follow him in.

The workshop was built next to the weapons. The front is the porter and the front hall, the middle is where the craftsmen live, and the innermost backyard is where the craftsmen work. The first version of the developed bobbin car was placed in the backyard.

When an Changqing went in with the principal, he saw a drum car standing quietly in the yard. The big round wheel was connected with a water intake cylinder, and there was a water trough at the bottom. It's almost the same as what he saw in his last life.

"But have you tried it in the water?" An Changqing asked.

The principal said respectfully, "it's not in the water yet. We made a smaller one before. We tried it in the water, but we got too little water, so we changed it to a larger one. "

An Changqing looked up and thought that when he saw the bobbin car in the last life, only the ordinary bobbin car could irrigate two acres of land. If it could be developed in advance

"When can I get into the water?"

"Get ready to go into the water today." The steward said: "so I specially invite the princess to come and see if there is anything to be improved."

An Changqing was very satisfied with the speed of the craftsman's workshop. He nodded and said, "go ahead. If you can make it, you'll get a great reward."

As soon as the principal heard this, he was even more excited. He called someone else to deliver the bobbin.

Craftsmen earn hard money by their craft. Nowadays, the princess not only gives a high monthly salary, but also is polite to the craftsmen. What's more, he can often put forward many new ideas, so the craftsmen in the workshop respect him very much.

The craftsmen simply disassembled the bobbin car, then transported it to the riverside by ox cart, and then reassembled the bobbin car and put it into the current. The current is fast, but it drives the bobbin car to rotate slowly in a moment. The water intake barrel on the bobbin car turns to the high place after it is filled with water. The river water is poured into the sink and sent to the ditch continuously.

An Changqing breathed out a deep breath, and his eyes looked like never before: "it's really done!"

Xiao Zhige didn't agree with him to go around with the craftsmen. However, he was deeply touched by the fact that he saw the drum car start to run. No one knows better than him the significance of this tube car to Yanzhou and even to the people of Daye.

In the future, we only need to excavate the river channels and ditches extensively, and then use the tube car to carry water for irrigation. In the past, it would cost countless manpower to irrigate, and a lot of effort would be saved. If there is enough irrigation, the crops will grow well, and the crop yield will increase. But the common people don't have to work for irrigation any more, they can spare their hands to do other things

Maybe in a few years, Yanzhou will not be so poor.

Xiao Zhige's eyes were slightly warm, and he looked down at the man beside him: "the successful development of the bobbin car is of great benefit to the people in Yanzhou. The craftsmen have a reward. Here, what do you want? "

"Me?" An Changqing tilted his head to think about it, and gave a sly smile. "I want the Lord to leave me alone in the future."

These days, Xiao Zhige is afraid of falling when he takes a big step. It seems that he is still a toddler, which is too much for an Changqing.

“……” Xiao Zhige was silent, but he compromised and said, "I don't care about you. You should be careful yourself. Although you can't see it for the moment, it's different from before."

With a smile, an Changqing took the initiative to hold his hand and shook it: "I have a sense of propriety. How long have you not had a good sleep? " With that, he poked his finger at the black and green spot of Xiao Zhige.

Xiao Zhige is always full of energy. He never sleeps during the war, and he doesn't show fatigue. However, after confirming that an Changqing was pregnant, he never had a good night's sleep. He often couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so he stared at an Changqing without blinking. He looked happy and worried. When he got up in the daytime, he pretended to be nobody and took care of him carefully. Even many military affairs in the army, he took them back to the government to deal with, just to accompany him more.

An Changqing looks in the eye, but does not know how to persuade.

He can probably guess a man's mind, but there is no better way to make him feel at ease. He can only make himself look more mentally healthy, so that at least his worries will not be so deep.

At this time, an Changqing finds the reason by playing jokes and mumbles: "look at you, I don't know, I think there are some goblins at home."

Xiao Zhige chuckled, understood his meaning, followed his words and nodded solemnly: "there is a demon hidden at home." It's just that I haven't absorbed his essence for a long time.

He meant something. Naturally, an Changqing recognized it, glared at him, and hummed, "I'll go to see the bobbin car. It's different from you."

Then he shook off his hand and went to the side of the bobbin car to look at it with a good eye.

Xiao Zhige, who had been thrown away, had a deeper smile in his eyes and followed him step by step. The road by the river is slippery so that he won't be able to stand and fall.


after five days of trial use of the first bobbin car, the news was officially announced to the people.

The silos were made by the government and craftsmen, but the people had to dig the rivers and ditches in the fields by themselves. In order to show you the effect of bobbins, the first three bobbins have been put into use.When the people saw the effect and marveled, the original complaints about the need to excavate rivers and ditches gradually faded away. Instead, they became more active one by one. It's all the farmers who plough in the fields, and no one will not know how important water diversion irrigation is. Now the government builds the bobbin car for them. They just need to work hard. That's a great thing.

So in the summer of this year, the people of Yanzhou began to dig ditches in the busy time of farming.

By August, more than half of Yanzhou's outer city had been built, and thousands of mu of wasteland had been reclaimed. Canals crisscross, widening the drainage of the river, with a large drum car, with the flow of water, the transport of water, along the vertical and horizontal canals, into the reclaimed fields.

Although it is still improving everywhere, we can see the prosperity of Yanzhou in the future.


at the beginning of August, several carriages, escorted by guards, slowly entered Yanzhou City and drove towards the general's mansion.

An Changqing had already received the news and looked up at the door. When he saw the coming carriage, he couldn't help trotting for two steps. Yu just lifted the driving curtain and looked out. Mother and son looked at each other. An Changqing called "Niang" in a trembling voice.

Ye Jing farewell, mother and son have not seen each other for half a year.

Yu answered, and without waiting for the servants to move the horse stool, he lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage. He walked quickly to an Changqing and looked at him with good eyes. When he saw that his face was ruddy and mellow, he began to laugh and touched his face lovingly: "he was a little fatter and taller than when he left Beijing."

An Xianyu got out of the car a little slower and came to see him with a smile: "my mother is always worried about your bad life in Yanzhou on the road, so I said she is worrying."

Yu glanced at her, but he couldn't tell her what he was worried about. Instead, he said tentatively, "what's wrong with the letter you sent back last time?"

Seeing her worried face, an Changqing knew that she must know something, but now was not the right time. They welcome people in first.

Because it was announced that they would live in Yanzhou for a while, the mother and daughter brought all the luggage they could, and the carriages were full. The servant girls brought along with the servants of the general's house move their luggage into the yard for settlement, while an Changqing and Xiao Zhige accompany them to the front hall for dinner.

If you travel a long way, you have to take the wind and wash the dust first. After the meal, Xiao Zhige suggested to go to the study.

Yu's heart already know, know an Changqing body must have something unusual, sighed to go with them. An Xianyu knew nothing about it. Originally, Yu didn't want to ask her to go with her. Instead, Xiao Zhige said, "it's all a family. Sooner or later, they should know about it." so they went into the study together.

Although an Xianyu didn't know what had happened, seeing that all three of them were dignified, she knew what must have happened. She restrained her expression and sat in front of them to listen.

Xiao Zhige asked the guard to guard outside the study and closed the doors and windows. Just sat down beside an Changqing.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little calm, but Yu said first: "but here, what's wrong with you?"

An Changqing's eyelashes trembled: "is my mother hiding something from me?"

Yu was silent and nodded for a long time: "I wanted to take it into the coffin, but nobody said it."

But last month, an Changqing's letter to her family suddenly mentioned the chimpanzees and red lines, which made her think more. She seemed to think about the wording, and then slowly said: "you have scales and red lines?"

"Scales?" An Changqing suddenly grasped the key point, opened his eyes and looked a little confused: "what scale? I only have scaly red lines behind my ears. "

Then he turned his head and put his long hair aside, revealing a fish scale red line.

Yu's eyes trembled and his fingers fell on the red line: "it's this How can it grow again... " Then he went to see an Changqing's face and neck. Seeing that there was nothing else, I was a little relieved.

"Do you know what's wrong with the red lines?" Xiao Zhige asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know." Unexpectedly, Yu shook his head slowly and said, "but here it is, it's more than once when I was four years old. It's much more serious than this one. There are large red lines on the face, neck and chest, and mottled scales on both legs. "

An Changqing was surprised. He never knew that he had grown such a thing when he was a child.

Yu was surprised to see him, a wry smile: "at that time you were young, still with a high fever, should not remember. Don't you always wonder why your father suddenly rejected our mother and son? That's why... "

She hung her eyes, no longer see sad, just calm about a period of the past.

At that time, an Changqing was only four years old, and an Xianyu was just one year old. Yu and an Zhike are still harmoniously singing. Although they are only concubines, they are not greedy for more. They just want to live a good life with their own son and daughter. But such a simple wish collapsed when an Changqing was four years old. That year, an Changqing suddenly fell into a coma and developed a high fever. Yu invited a doctor to come to see him. An Zhike worried that his young son would be with him, but as soon as the tent was opened, he saw that little an Changqing's face was covered with strange red patterns. The doctor was startled and said it was a monster.An Zhike managed to stabilize the doctor and strictly forbid him to talk outside. Yu checked his son's body and found that it was not only red lines on his body, but also small scales on his legs. She was afraid. Subconsciously, she seeks her husband's help, but an Zhike seems to be a different person and wants to take an Changqing out to death.

Although he didn't say it, he obviously agreed with the doctor and thought that an Changqing was a monster. At that time, he was about to be promoted to prime minister. He would never allow evil in his family to ruin his reputation and his good deeds.

Love the young son, which has his future important.

In the end, Yu's death forced him to protect an Changqing. Because of this, an Zhike hated their mother and son, or he was really afraid that an Changqing was a demon. He moved the mother and son to the most remote courtyard, and was not allowed to ask for a doctor again, and was not allowed to step out of the gate of an's house. I haven't seen it again.

"At that time, there was no doctor. I had to wipe your body with clean water again and again. I boiled rice soup and poured it down hard..." Fortunately, the emperor did not let down the people, an Changqing's high fever gradually subsided. After half a year, the red lines on the face gradually subsided, and the scales on the legs also fell off.

Yu did not dare to make a public statement. Apart from the doctor and an Zhike, no one knew that an Changqing had ever had such a strange disease. Although an Changqing is well, an Zhike loses patience with his mother and son. Yu is not a man who loves to fight. He was hurt by an Zhike, who did not hesitate to change his face. He simply took his children to a corner.

Later, a pair of children grew up. If she didn't think about it, she almost forgot that an Changqing had such a strange disease when she was a child. It was not until an Changqing and Xiao Zhige got married that she thought of it again and worried that the strange disease would recur after marriage.

However, the one who should come could not escape. Yu looked at his silent son and said with a forced smile: "fortunately, there is only a small piece of hair, and you can't see it when you cover it with your hair."

Then he looked at Xiao Zhige and said gently, "thanks to the Lord, I don't mind."

Since receiving the letter from her family, she has been worried about the recurrence of an Changqing's strange disease. She has not had a good life in Yanzhou and has been treated coldly. But the first time she saw her son, she knew that an Zhike, a coward like that, could not compare with the mind of the king of Northern War.

The love in his eyes can't be false. Xiao Zhige doesn't mind an Changqing's strange disease, and doesn't treat him as a demon. Instead, he carefully protects him.

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