Published at 5th of October 2022 08:12:34 AM

Chapter 87

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The words of the king of North War in the hope building were soon spread privately, and simultaneous interpreting his fame.

it is not known what the officials of the former dynasty thought in their hearts. Only the female family members in the back house were angry, envious and sour. The anger is that the plan of going to the palace to send people off first is lost; What I admire is that the notorious king of Beizhan is so considerate to the princess. When you look at the concubines in the back house, you will not be angry

they are both young couples. How can the gap be so big

it happened that the manager of Chengnan bookstore was coming to deliver the books today, so he rushed to the mansion

the Royal study

"the new story book is so strange that no one doubts it?"

"there are some. It's nonsense to say that a man is pregnant." The steward bowed back and said, "but more people think that they are all immortals, and it's not unusual that they can get pregnant, so it doesn't hinder us. On the contrary, many of the customers who have bought storybooks come back to ask when the houchuan will come out."

"almost done."<

Xiao Zhige sat down next to him, took the account book and looked through it, listening to an Changqing's orderly arrangement of follow-up matters. When he finished his explanation, the steward saluted him and retired<

without outsiders, Xiao Zhige put down the account book and said, "I said it won't be a problem. You don't believe me."<

an Changqing said: "the people can accept the story in this book, but they may not accept it as true.""I've seen a lot and heard a lot, and those who don't believe it believe it by three points." Xiao Zhige said: "as long as they follow the plan step by step, they will have to believe it in the future."

His words were firm, and the shaking that appeared in an Changqing's heart dispersed again. Turn to talk about another thing with him: "the Crown Princess sent a post and invited us to have a wine party tomorrow."

The relationship between them and the crown prince has never been harmonious, and they have only met a few times with the crown princess. The other party suddenly under the post, afraid that there is no good banquet banquet, drunk meaning is not in the wine.

But the prince is the eldest brother and the crown prince of a country. Although they knew it was a Hongmen banquet, they could not refuse it.

Xiao Zhige narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "if you can't refuse, go. Now you don't have to be afraid of him."


the next morning, they went to the east palace for a banquet.

The eastern palace was built outside the Forbidden Palace. The carriage went east through the outer gate and arrived.

At the main gate, there was a servant waiting for him. Seeing that the car of the Northern Warlord's house had arrived, he came to meet him in a hurry. After getting out of the carriage and entering the house, he was led to the front yard Pavilion by the guide servant.

The banquet is set in the octagonal pavilion in the garden. There are delicate tables in the pavilion, with plates of exquisite snacks on the table. Besides, there is a small red clay stove with wine on it, and the white fog is floating. The prince and princess had arrived first. Seeing that they were led by the waiter, they called them to their seats.

The crown princess said with a smile: "because it's a family dinner, it's not too solemn. Don't feel shabby."

"Such a unique banquet, how can you say poor." With a smile on her face, the Crown Princess pretends to be familiar with her. Naturally, an Changqing is not willing to fall behind, and her expression is flawless.

When the four of them sat down at the table, the maid in waiting began to make a cold dish. Not far away, there was a musician playing the piano. The sound of the piano was quiet and poetic.

The princess waved back the maids and cooked the wine herself. She took the warm wine out of the bamboo tube and poured it into the glass cup. Then she added a green plum and whispered with them in a low voice: "this is the green plum picked last year and pickled with wine. It's the right time to take out the wine. The snow plum wine specially made in the palace, together with a green plum, tastes wonderful. "

"I vaguely remember that the princess loved this Xuemei wine, so I specially asked the Guanglu temple to reserve two jars for me. Today, you will have a good time."

She had a very gentle smile on her face, and her every move was dignified and elegant. Only by looking at her bearing and manner, she would not disgrace the name of the Crown Princess - if she hadn't mentioned the Xuemei wine again.

When an Changqing first attended the Palace Banquet, he drank Xuemei wine. At that time, he drank a few more because he liked it. But I didn't expect that the crown prince would send wine to him in the name of the Crown Princess and disgust an Changqing.

I didn't expect that two years later, the old story would be brought up again.

Looking at the perfect smile on the crown princess's face, an Changqing couldn't understand what she was trying to do for the crown prince.

Drooping eyes to see a clear wine liquid, an Changqing curled his mouth, only feel nausea.

"Even if it's going to disappoint the crown princess. Last year, Changqing went to Yanzhou and fell in love with local liquor. If you meet this refined Xuemei wine again, it's hard to avoid feeling dull and boring. It's not as pleasant as drinking ordinary tea. "

He refused mercilessly, not to mention the crown princess. Even the crown prince's face changed slightly. He said with a smile: "the crown princess has spent a lot of effort to beg for this snow plum wine."

An Changqing did not smile and looked at Xiao Zhige.

Xiao Zhige's deep eyes swept over the prince, directly picked up the wine pot on the small stove, discarded the cup, poured a bowl full of wine, and held it up: "I'll laugh at my brother and sister-in-law. Changqing has always been taken care of by me. He doesn't like to drink. I'll take his place. I don't think she would mind such a trifle. "

The crown princess began to smile again: "naturally I don't mind

The prince beside her was gloomy, but he didn't say anything more.

Because of this, the atmosphere was not harmonious. The four no longer talked, but used food in silence.

Princess Yu Guang looks at the two people on the other side and sees that although they don't speak much, they have a tacit understanding between their actions. For the sake of elegance, the dishes for the banquet are all exquisite cold dishes, most of which are dim sum. An Changqing each clip on a piece, if do not like to eat, just taste a small mouthful, then put back to his plate. Xiao Zhige would eat it naturally and give him another one.

Just as she watched for a while, she saw that an Changqing had tasted five or six kinds of snacks, but only two of them were really eaten. The rest of them only tasted one mouthful, so Xiao Zhige ate them.

Sure enough, he is very cunning.

The Crown Princess thought: not only is the mouth Diao, also has no rules. That is to say, the Northern Warlord was born in the army, so he could bear such a style. If you want to be a particular person, as she is today, she will be reprimanded by her elders and learn the rules again.

With emotion in her eyes, the Crown Princess remembered the purpose of today, pressed her lips with a handkerchief, and said, "once upon a time, I heard that the second younger brother indulged the princess very much, but I still don't believe it. Today, I saw it with my own eyes, and I realized that what was written in the script outside was true. "

It's for this An Changqing quietly exchanged a look with Xiao Zhige, embarrassed to smile: "the crown princess also saw those storybooks? It's all made up by scholars. How can we take it seriously? ""I'm looking at the people. They're really happy." The prince sipped the wine lightly, looked at him inquisitively and said, "it's said that the imperial concubines of the Northern War are immortals. They can protect the people of Daye. A pair of children are born with auspicious omens, which is a great omen. "

"Yes, I also heard that there are many folk people who want to offer incense to the Royal concubine's ancestral hall." The Crown Princess stroked the sideburns, and the gold hairpin took over the conversation and said to Xiao Zhige like a joke: "even your majesty and the crown prince are not as popular as the princess. It's no wonder that the prince will indulge the princess like this... "

This remark can be described as killing without blood.

The four of them have been pretending with each other for so long that the grand gate banquet has finally come to an end.

"The common people are uneducated and short-sighted, so they can be excused for taking the story seriously. Why does the princess believe it? " An Changqing looked innocent: "I've read the story book, and it says that I know how to do magic. I gave birth to a pair of twins as a man."

He deliberately turned his head and winked at Xiao Zhige In this way, the little prince and the little princess happen to be a pair of twins, which should come out of my stomach. "

"The princess said Is Chang Qing right? "

The princess obviously didn't expect that he would be so clever and sophisticate. Her face changed for a while, but she couldn't pick up the words.

But Xiao Zhige nodded and said, "you gave birth to the two children. I'll teach anyone who dares to say they're not your own in the future. "

"That's nature. Brother Heng and sister Zhu are going to call me father An Changqing answered with a smile.

The two of them sing in unison, and their words are true and false. It fell into the ears of the prince and the princess, but the husband and the wife were really cunning. When they caught the leak, they deliberately argued.

However, this time they just wanted to take the opportunity to find out about Xiao Zhige. The ancestral hall of the princess of Northern War is almost up. They don't believe Xiao Zhige and his wife don't know anything about it. Even he once doubted whether the current situation was planned by Xiao Zhige. After all, the imperial concubines of the Northern Warlords are immortals who come down to protect the people. Isn't the Northern Warlords chosen by heaven?

If it's unintentional, it's OK, if it's intentional The prince's eyes are fierce and fierce. He is bound to win the dragon throne. If Xiao Zhige wants to grab it, don't blame him for starting first.

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