Published at 5th of October 2022 08:11:45 AM

Chapter 93

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"But what did you find?" Xiao Zhige asked

the detective bowed slightly and said the clues he had found in these days

there are not many living people in the Yizhuang, but many corpses. The daily work is to count the corpses or bury the unclaimed corpses that have begun to rot seriously. Because the detective is stupid and dumb, he is not clever and does all kinds of dirty work. This simple and heartless appearance soon eliminates the vigilance of the steward and starts to ask him to do things with him

this steward is sun Xinshi, the steward who dealt with the corpse of the unknown woman in the East Palace in the middle of the night. After the disguised spy gained his trust, he didn't act rashly and had been waiting for the opportunity

sure enough, half a month later, sun Xinshi took him to meet his elder brother sun Xinmin

after returning to the Yizhuang, the sisters were locked up in an empty morgue in the corner. Usually there is a lock. No one is allowed to step on it. After the people were shut down, the spies went to deliver meals every day. The food was filled with medicine, but the two sisters were in a muddle all the time

after about five days, another midnight, a carriage quietly arrived at the side door of Yizhuang. The spy was ordered not to sleep by sun Xinshi this morning, and he was waiting in the room in the middle of the night. Sun Xinshi, carrying a lantern, called him to the Guanren house

the Scout carried the two sisters out and sent them to the carriage. The driver's face was full of wrinkles, but his chin was smooth. Although his voice was deliberately lowered, it still showed a sense of delicacy. The Scout could see at a glance that he was a eunuch, and most of them were eunuchs of the eastern palace

while the spies took advantage of the night, they sneaked out of the Yizhuang and followed the carriage. As expected, the carriage entered the east palace through the side door. The eastern palace has become more and more vigilant recently. He dare not follow in rashly. The next day, he could only find a way to send a letter to the other spies who were lurking in the east palace. After confirming that the East Palace and Fangyuan really had two new beauties, he did not dare to delay and immediately found a reason to leave Yizhuang and report back

"my subordinates guess that the nameless woman's corpse is mostly from the same origin as the sisters."

it is the best to control these good women from the folk. They are helpless and can only rely on the prince. Even if they die, no one will care

"can there be other discoveries in the Yizhuang?" An Changqing asked again

"never. Sun Xinshi is very cautious in his work. Other people in Yizhuang do not know that he is acting in private. My subordinates have also looked at the body burning stove. The bones are completely burnt, leaving only ashes. "

"if you walk too much at night, you will always meet ghosts. He won't be around for long Xiao Zhige said: "I summon Kui Er to pay attention to the two sisters. If they are really fierce women, they can help, and then take the opportunity to poke it out..."***

after returning from Yuzhou, Emperor anqing waved his hand and asked Xiao Zhige to have a good rest on the ground that he was involved in the long journey. Although Xiao Zhige didn't go to the court, the news in the court couldn't hide from him. For example, Emperor an Qingdi was still thinking about the benefits of Xi dung's promise, and brought it up at the court meeting.

Of course, the officials on the side of the third prince are in full support, but the remaining half of them are against it with one voice.

The crown prince's party members didn't want to make the third prince too proud. After Shu lingting was cleared of the accusation, the imperial concubine Shu regained her favor again, and the third prince was often called by anqing emperor to teach political affairs.

There are also several senior officials headed by Ji Anmin and Shen Tu Bo, who are dedicated to the interests of Daye and anqing emperor, and do not agree with the hasty dispatch of troops.

It is said that emperor anqing lost his temper on the spot at the court meeting, and then left. I don't know if I was angry. The next day I got sick. Several doctors took care of me for many days before I got better. But when they saw him goodbye, they found that his face was much older than before, and he became more and more gloomy.

Xiao Zhige, who doesn't have to go to court, is happy and at ease. He accompanies an Changqing and his two children to enjoy the scenery every day, as if he doesn't know anything about the affairs of the court.

It was so hot that they didn't go out. An Changqing and his brother and sister were sitting in the pavilion to enjoy the cool. In the open space in front of the pavilion, the king of the Northern War changed into a rough cloth short fight. His narrow sleeve rolled up to his elbow, and he was fighting against the hot sun with an axe against several logs.

Last time they went out to play, they saw a simple swing in the courtyard of an ordinary family. The child was sitting on the swing, and the father was pushing it behind. When Xiao Zhige saw it, he came back and said he would make a swing for his brother and sister.

An Changqing said that he would ask the craftsman to do it, but he was not willing to do it. He tossed all the wood and tools and prepared to do it himself.

He insisted on doing it himself, and an Changqing was too lazy to stop him. The king of Beizhan was sweating in the scorching sun, and the princess of Beizhan was sitting in the pavilion eating melons and fruits to watch him busy.

Brother and sister have been able to climb everywhere, small arms and legs move up quickly. Although the speech is not clear, it has been able to vaguely call dad. At this time, seeing her father working outside and staring at her with black eyes, Xiao Anzhu was even more excited and rowed hard, almost turning over from the cot to the ground.

Xiao Zhige chiseled the wood into a groove, wiped his sweat at will, and subconsciously turned back to an Changqing's eyes. He slightly narrowed his eyes, left the wood in his hand, strode to the pavilion, and sat down next to an Changqing on purpose.

An Changqing disgusted to move away some: "a body sweat."

After a pause, he said: "fortunately, it's in his own house. Otherwise, outsiders would have seen it. They would have thought that the emperor of Northern War was reduced to a long-term job."

For the convenience of work, the man wore a rough cloth, and his sleeves were rolled up. The lines of the exposed forearms were firm and smooth, and there were tiny beads of sweat that had not been wiped clean in the prominent throat And wild.

It's like a beast that has untied the shackles of etiquette and rules. It's full of aggression.

An Changqing couldn't help looking more. The tip of her ear was a little hot. She looked back calmly, raised her chin and said, "come on, pour me a cup of tea first."

Xiao Zhige poured tea for him with kindness. After that, I looked at myself again. It was really a success. He said vaguely, "if you are in a big house, such as me, you should be the most popular young master."

"Why?" An Changqing had never heard of such a statement. She was a little alert and a little curious.

Xiao Zhige's eyes flashed over, attached to his ear and whispered: "because long-term workers are used to doing rough work, they have a good strength to serve the young master comfortably..."


An Changqing didn't say anything for a long time, but her ears were burning red.

Xiao Zhige laughed unkindly: "young master, do you want to call slaves tonight?"

An Changqing glared at him. When he looked back, he saw his brother and sister lying on the fence of the cot looking at them. He felt even more ashamed. He kicked his calf with a straight face, and said fiercely, "go to your work, and then you'll be lazy. I won't give you dinner at night!"

Xiao Zhige couldn't help laughing and looked very happy. The two children didn't know what their fathers were doing, but they giggled when they saw their father laughing.


After working in the pavilion for a whole noon, Xiao Zhige finally got rid of all the wood. The rest is to splice the wood together and fix it with ropes We can't do it in one day, we can only do it in spare time.

Xiao Zhige changed his clean clothes after taking a bath. When he came out, he saw the porter come in and spread that general Shu had come to visit.

"Why did he come all of a sudden?" An Changqing frowned. They were not close to the Shu family.

Xiao Zhige couldn't figure it out, but every move was a move. He asked the porter to invite people in and said, "I'll know when I see you."

Shu lingting was helped by his servants and walked in slowly. Seeing Xiao Zhige and an Changqing, he arched his luggage first and said with a loud smile, "this bold visit is for the help of Lord Xie." Then the servants of the same trade held up the gift of thanks.Shu Ling stopped talking without any strange meaning. He continued with a smile: "as soon as my injury is better, I can get up and come quickly. My Lord, don't blame me for visiting

Xiao Zhige didn't think he knew him very well. Shu lingting was not the kind of person who would be grateful. He always didn't get up early for nothing: "if you don't go to the three treasures hall, general Shu didn't seem to come here to thank you. I don't like to beat around the bush. "

Shuling stopped smiling, reluctantly took on the mood, and sighed: "the Lord has saved my life. I've been tossing and turning and suffering these days, but I still feel that I can't hide it from the Lord, otherwise I'm really sorry..."

He pretended to hammer his chest and carefully looked at Xiao Zhige's expression.

Xiao Zhige frowned slightly. He was a little agitated, and his tone became more and more bad: "what does general Shu want to say?"

Shu Ling stopped to look at an Changqing and hesitated: "it's all about Li pin. Does the princess want to avoid it?"

Li pin is Xiao Zhige's biological mother. As soon as an Changqing's heart jumped, she heard Xiao Zhige's voice sink: "no need!"

Shu lingting was hit by a snag, so he had to skip what he had just said and lamented hypocritically: "this matter has been hidden in my heart for many years. The Lord knows that when Li Pin It's not suicide. "

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