Published at 24th of April 2022 07:12:53 PM

Chapter 1544

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As soon as Fengling shot, he Yun, Wu Shao, Wen Xiao and other people, together with 106 thunder flame soldiers on standby, lined up in turn, holding a bifei sword with lightning attribute, and waved the power out.

One power after another touches a small basket as big as a palm, and the energy is instantly introduced.


The Lei Yan soldiers' pupils narrowed and stared at the small basket one by one. No wonder Wen Xiao couldn't import the power before. It turned out that it couldn't be opened without more people.

Luo Bi stood not far away, looked up and watched. Although she seemed to know how to command the thunder flame soldiers to open the small basket array, she was not very sure whether it could be opened or not.

Seeing that the small basket can import powers, Luo Bi put her heart down. As long as the small basket array can be turned on, her plan to catch the imperial concubine pig will be half successful.

At this moment, I saw the small basket that had absorbed the powerful power fly up, and the area gradually expanded. When it reached a certain height, the small basket hung in the air and continued to grow a little bigger.

"Is it really an array weapon?" Wen Xiao muttered to himself, surprised and delighted.

Fengling and he Yun are also happy. No one knows more than them how many small baskets and bamboo baskets Luo Bi has refined.

What if those gadgets are array devices?

I don't want to be okay. I take a breath when I think about it. I'm too excited and need to be slow.

In the three star galaxies in the future, array devices will be divided into treasures. Regardless of their lethality, as long as they are array devices, thunder flame warriors are rare, and the small basket that has just opened the function of array devices is no exception.

Although I don't know what function the small basket has, it doesn't affect everyone's excitement and joy.

The senior officers led by Feng Ling were surprised for a moment and soon calmed down. They had more knowledge of the array. At first sight, they were excited when they saw the new array opened. It was not a big fuss.

When the array grew to more than 100 square meters, it finally hung in the air and did not continue to grow.

"How does this work?"

Lei Yan soldiers looked at each other. If there were Warcraft and monsters, they could also take the opportunity to practice and test the function of the small basket array, but there were no monsters around, so we didn't know what to do.

Jiang Yixin shouted to Luo Bi, "Luo Bi, how do you use the small basket array?"

Luo Bi ran over and observed the small basket in the air with a happy face: "this is not an aggressive array device. Well, it seems that the small basket array device is so big. Put it down!"

As she spoke, she had looked at the place, raised her hand and pointed to the open flat ground with a slightly flat terrain: "just put it there. You can do it quickly."

Luo Bi said it easily, but everyone was stunned for a moment. One by one, holding Bi jade swords, looked up and saw that the small basket array was hanging in the air, which was as big as hundreds of Ping. How should we put it on the ground as Luo Bi said?

"How to put it down?" Jiang Yixin asked.

The thunder flame soldiers wanted to ask, they knew how to open the small basket array, but they didn't know how to use it. Even if it was simply put on the ground from the air, everyone didn't understand it.

"It's not easy." Luo Bi stretched out her hand and made a downward movement: "you press down with Bi Fei sword. If it deviates, push it. Remember, just put it on the ground slowly."

It's really simple to hear. The thunder flame soldiers act according to their words, adjust the angle, hold the sword and press down, and the small basket falls on the open ground with their efforts.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!