Published at 24th of April 2022 06:58:19 PM

Chapter 2512

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Lingzhi is provided by the military headquarters. Talented people buy food and produce star coins themselves.

Don't think about anything else. It's good to refine and extract the materials provided by the military headquarters for you. Meals are also subsidized for spiritual plants. In this way, it's discontent to think about something that some don't have.

The military headquarters is not used to this problem, so they weigh what they eat.

Most talented people eat low-level nutritional and energy ingredients. Two fried vegetables and animal jerky, one fried vegetable and one green vegetable, how rare it is.

Luo Bi wanted to laugh. She was angry and funny. She didn't want to fry vegetables. She chose a small roasted crucian carp and tasted it fresh. The price is not expensive.

Roasted crucian carp is two inches long, and there are larger roasted fish, mainly pepper, which is more expensive. Luo Bi looked angry. It's so expensive. It's better to catch River fresh by herself.

The price of grass carp is lower. Luo Bi didn't buy it after reading it. The native crucian carp is flat and the roast is burnt yellow and crisp. It's not comparable to other fish. She likes crispy roast fish.

Zhang wu'er also leaned over: "I also want a roasted crucian carp."

After that, she picked the grilled fish on the grill. Luo Bi moved a little place for her to choose. Zhang wu'er could choose such expensive ingredients. She didn't stop. Whoever bought it would spend starcoin anyway.

Zhang Wuer's little sister couldn't afford it. She greedily swallowed her saliva next to her. She was really worthless.

He Xiang and Wei Peng discussed. They bought a roasted River fresh string to satisfy their cravings. One bought a string and tasted it. The two people want to roast a string of river fresh food, which is the most tricky among the river fresh food ingredients. Two river clams and a bean sprout like green vegetable are called a string of roast River fresh food.

Luo Bi looked at it for several times and immediately felt that the roasted crucian carp was not expensive. She suggested: "you might as well buy a roasted fish. There are too few roasted River fresh strings. There are only two river clams."

River clam meat is so small that you can't eat meat.

He Xiang shook his head: "roast fish is expensive. Just eat a string and taste it."

Xue ya, Jiang Qianran and Bai Yuan came over with a smile. They exchanged greetings and chose River delicacies. Xue Ya and Jiang Qianran were very successful in refining in the morning, so they planned to eat a good meal. Bai Yuan should keep healthy and naturally eat a good meal.

Jiang peng'er and Zhang wu'er were quite familiar. After two words in the past, everyone got together. Luo Bi didn't want to talk nonsense and greet each other, so she quickly called He Xiang and Wei Peng to leave.

There are affordable and promising River delicacies.

It's much better to buy a bunch of roasted River delicacies, especially the young talented girls, who are greedy for face. How can we see if people buy a bunch? bought

She chose a table with good scenery and sat down. Luo Bi poked a two inch long roasted crucian carp. Both sides were burnt yellow and smelled of roasted fish. She was not rare before. Now she can eat it.

Luo Bi tasted a small bite, and the small fish were fried. There were too few such delicious ones. Luo Bi smiled and asked he Xiang and Wei Peng: "just such a small local crucian carp, 200000 star coins?"

Say that and laugh, 200000 star coins, a small roasted crucian carp, can't it be funny?

He Xiang and Wei Peng ate the roasted River fresh string and then laughed. LAN Qiao saw the roasted crucian carp and shouted, "Oh, Luo Bi, you ordered the roasted fish? You can't live."

Nima, you can't control it. Robbie wanted to order another roasted crucian carp, Qi Lanqiao, but she didn't spend so much. She spent another 200000 star coins for Qi Lanqiao.

It's not cost-effective. It's not the same with star coins.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!