Ultimate Gene Valkyrie - Chapter 0073

Published at 9th of May 2022 07:17:07 AM

Chapter 0073

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Of course, they will forget about it. Zhang lie will not talk about it for the time being.

After all, being able to air for a while is a short time, and the later you get, the more valuable these things will be.

Once upon a time, after seeing everyone off, Zhang Li immediately checked out and prepared to send it back to this world.

Everyone in the extreme team is about to find him. Naturally, he needs to be prepared.

Back in this world, Zhang immediately contacted the lawyer he used to buy his own house.

The lawyers in this era are no better than those in the old era. They can also be consulted for any design of contracts or even laws.

The acquisition of land use rights is naturally within the scope of their services.

Zhang Hong, a female lawyer, did a clean job of buying a house last time, which saved her a lot of heart.

It's also a familiar face. With this kind of business, Zhang lie naturally wants to use acquaintances.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. It's so late. Do you have something urgent?"

In the video communication device at home, Zhang Hongman smiles professionally and behaves appropriately.

It was Zhang lie who was used to being wild at home. He lit a delicate cigarette in his hand, and his legs were very high.

The speech is quite a bit rambling, "well, Lawyer Zhang, it's not urgent to say that it's urgent, but it's also urgent to say that it's not urgent!"

Zhang lie's tongue twister, in general, let Zhang Hong eyebrow instinctively stand, "Er, Mr. Zhang, it's very late now, it's not working time."

"If you really have something urgent, please make it clear. Then please hang up your communication. I'm going to have a rest. Would you like to have a rest early?"

Zhang lie's words before, change a lawyer to come, I'm afraid already direct hang up correspondence, how can be so polite.

"Well, Lawyer Zhang's professionalism is good, so I'll leave it to you."

"In short, I want to acquire the right to use the land with my family as the center and a radius of 1000 meters."

As soon as Lin Yu said this, he directly forced Lawyer Zhang.

What is it? Acquisition of the right to use square kilometers?

Although this is a slum, all kinds of facilities are very backward. Compared with the civilian areas and even the special zone, the land price is extremely low.

But this is also relatively speaking. The amount of money needed for the land use right of kilometers is definitely not a small number.

If you want to use the land freely, you have to collect the houses above.

It is conservatively estimated that at least 100 million people will win.

Do you remember that this house was just bought?

1.5 million or 2 million?

What's the situation at the moment? Are you paranoid?

If I remember correctly, there is only one sister left in the boy's family. How can I afford to buy the land with a radius of one kilometer?

Get drunk!

Zhang Hong make complaints about his occupation, but he still keeps a professional smile on his face. He said, "Mr. Zhang, did you drink today?"

"It seems that I'm not sober. Thank you for remembering me, but I'm sorry, I have to rest. I have to go to work tomorrow!"

Hearing Zhang Hong's words, Zhang lie didn't regret that the other side didn't hang up their own correspondence, which was already a face saving.

So instead of ink, he took out a black gold edged card and said, "Lawyer Zhang, I'm not joking. People in the empty world never joke."

With this, Zhang Hong's eyes almost didn't protrude, and her professional smile couldn't be maintained.

"My God, Mr. Zhang, this is... I'm sorry!"

"Before, I was blind. I apologize for my attitude."

I'm kidding. It's a black gold card.

The amount of points is at least more than one million, that is to say, the other party's assets must exceed 100 million.

Before the other party's words, it was not drunk at all. The young boy in front of him had the ability to take action.

The void world is worthy of being the largest gold mine of the earth and even more than ten other colonial planets. It seems that this little brother has made a windfall in the void world.

"It doesn't matter. I don't care. Let's talk about it then?"

For each other's attitude, Zhang lie naturally did not care, rather casual smile.

But that Lawyer Zhang, when he came across such a huge order, didn't dare to neglect him.

Even some of the original surge of sleep, but also almost instantly dispelled.

When he said impromptu: "Mr. Zhang, there are so many things involved in your level of appeal that you often need to talk about them face to face!"

"Just a moment. I'll come right over. Do you think so?"

Hearing this, Zhang lie naturally agreed, "yes, it's not too late now, so come here!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang. Just a moment, please. I'll be at your house in about 15 minutes."

Hearing Zhang lie's affirmative answer, Zhang Hong was naturally very happy and hung up the communication directly after she dropped her words.This kind of big order can be met but not asked. If we can't catch it in time, I'm afraid we'll even regret it afterwards.

As for Zhang lie, he was more relaxed. After taking a bath at home, he waited for his lawyer Zhang Hong.

The next thing, on the contrary, became extremely simple.

After Zhang lie briefly stated his demands, the two sides soon reached an agreement and even signed an appointment contract.

After that, Zhang lie plans to give it to Zhang Hong.

Of course, this kind of thing, of course, will not be indefinite, Zhang lie gave him a limited time of ten days.

Within ten days, he must see the land use certificate within one kilometer.

Money opens the way, Zhang Hong's side is naturally full of tickets.

I'm kidding. As Zhang Lieke said before, all the people living here are really poor. When they collect houses, they pay an extra 50% premium.

In each link, there should be no money greedy.

With such a good price, these poor people are lucky.

The 50% premium is even enough for them to buy suitable civilian houses on the edge of civilian areas.

Such a good thing, usually can not ask for, must be extremely smooth.

Time is in a hurry, it seems to be very fast, but when the two signed the contract completely, two hours have passed.

Watching Zhang lie's last signature fall, Zhang Hong's heart finally falls.

Instead, it's a kind of excitement after full enjoyment. It's not too smooth for this super single player.

At this moment, she seems to have a dream feeling.

"Thank you for your trust. Zhang Hong of Xinghe office will try her best to do it for you!"

Zhang Hong once again thanks, but Zhang lie is extremely calm and said: "well, if this matter is well done, I will give priority to you if there is such business in the future!"

"So don't betray my trust and do it for me in the shortest possible time."

Zhang Hong nodded when she heard the words, but then she asked, "although I shouldn't inquire about it, I'm still curious. Do you plan to build any facilities in the slum when you buy such a large land?"

Hearing Zhang Hong's words, Zhang lie had nothing to hide and said, "well, I'm going to build a gene martial arts school here!"

Martial arts school?

Gene martial arts museum?

This words a, Zhang Hong again Leng!

In the slum, where all the facilities are rotten, how about building a gene martial arts museum?

Large scale gene Martial Arts Museum covering an area of kilometers?

To be honest, Zhang Hong is a little dizzy.

The slums are the bottom of some of the bottom people who work hard to live.

Will anyone come to this kind of place after the completion of the martial arts school?


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!