Published at 13th of May 2022 06:58:24 AM

Chapter 730

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These expeditions will have to undertake different tasks. Qin Feining said to Qin Xiaobao, "I hope you go to Tianhe. It's more mysterious there. Scientists on the earth don't take it with you. Let them go to other places. You take two expeditions to Tianhe to investigate and understand the situation there. I asked Wang Yueting to go to Bluestar. The equipment there is a little behind us. We will replace their equipment with the same equipment as ours. Maybe Bluestar is another star base for us. "

"Why can't I go to Bluestar?" Qin Xiaobao is very clear that there are more than 100 million warriors on the blue star. They were all old subordinates of their father, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. Qin Xiaobao needs these people.

Qin Feining didn't explain why, but said: "Tianhe's secret is more important. After Wang Yueting completes her mission, she will arrive at Tianhe to fight with you, which requires psychological preparation."

"Well, I'll pay attention." Qin Xiaobao agreed.

Turning back, Qin Feining said to Wang Yueting: "the situation of the blue star you went to is more complicated. The people there are still under my control. Now it's an unknown number. When you get there, you'd better act according to the situation. You'd better stay behind and don't fall into the trap."

"Yes, I will be careful." Wang Yueting is very excited, because on the way to Bluestar, she has to pass the golden planet.

Sure enough, Qin Feining continued: "when you pass the golden planet, you'd better stay for a few months and get back some gold."

He never told Wang Yueting that there was a golden planet. This time he said it, but he didn't point out the location of the golden planet. It's obvious that Wang Yueting already knows the location of the golden planet, and has taken a lot of gold back.

Wang Yueting's heart trembled, as if master Qin Feining knew everything. Wang Yueting thinks that Shifu doesn't know about her sharing the stolen goods with Shu Aiwu and others. It seems that Qin Feining has known about it for a long time and hasn't mentioned it face to face.

Wang Yueting said hastily, "master, if you want to use gold, I still have more than 80 million tons here."

Although she got a lot of gold, she didn't dare to use it casually. She put it in the storage space.

"I don't need it for the time being. Too much gold is not a good thing. The less people know about it, the better. Your disciples don't need to know about it. I send Fanfan to lead a brigade of Jinwei division to accompany you. They only go to get gold. If it's not necessary, don't disturb these people. After you get gold, you can let them come back and follow the speed of energy, It only takes four or five months to come back. It's very fast. "

"Well, I see, master." Wang Yueting broke out in a cold sweat. It seems that these people are very important in master's mind. The most important tasks are assigned to the people of master Jinwei.

Before he left, Qin Feining found 36 Tiangang's disciples and talked with them one by one. Each of them explained different tasks. As for what the mission is, we all keep silent. It will be a long process to enter the starry sky for 20 years. Whether some of them will be able to come back alive is unknown.

This time, the distance they have to walk is four times longer than that of Wang Yueting and others last time. They will find more and bring back more information.

Next time, I don't know if I will enter the starry sky for 100 or 200 years. Even then, I can't get out of the solar system. I can't leave the solar system until I fly at the speed of light for 5000 years. There are 400 billion stars in the vast starry sky of the solar system, and there are countless planets.

There are many planets that are silent. They may not change one day. Those with life begin to die. Those without life begin to be born.

Miracles always exist, waiting for people to discover and explore.

Qin Xiaobao was the initiator and organizer of this expedition. He stood up in the air in military armor and said to 800000 members of the expedition who were about to enter the starry sky: "this is the first action of the Explorer paradise. I hope everyone can return to Ye Xing, and he is still in good health. I wish you a safe and healthy life, come back victoriously and start."

One hundred bird ships circled over langye city for a week, then one by one flew to the blue sky, passed through the white clouds, and left their relatives with ideals and hope. Qin Feining and others stood still for a long time. This time, they may not be as lucky as the last time. How many of the 306000 disciples, more than 300000 scientific workers and nearly 200000 medical workers can come back? A lot of unknown dangers are waiting for them.

I hope they have a safe journey, and the strong blessings surround the brave explorers.

Wang Yueting flew the fastest. She was the first to rush out of the atmosphere, then transferred her energy and took a small step into the darkness. When she changed to the energy step, it disappeared completely in the eyes of her classmates. The step was too small, not as big as a grain of sand.

After four months of continuous flight, the expedition under the command of Wang Yueting gradually approached the golden planet. She let the energy small step stay in place, waiting for the next step instructions, and then manipulated the king ship to leave the energy small step.

In the starry sky, Wang Yueting released Bingfan from the artifact space and said, "let your people fly the king ship. I want to have a rest."

"OK, you have a rest. I'll send someone to take over ship Wang." Bingyan agreed, and then asked, "how many days to get to the golden planet?"

"At least three days."

"Well, I'll take care of you then."

Wang Yueting, who entered the artifact space, didn't wait to be called. She came out ahead of time and stood on the king's ship, which had eliminated weightlessness. Looking around, she found that the golden planet wasn't in place. It was spinning and moving and needed to be searched. However, the density and mass of the golden planet are large, which can be found on radar.

Looking for a day's time, I finally saw the golden planet on the radar screen. I was crazy to command ship Wang to fly over.

"Wait a minute, who is that?" Cried Wang Yueting, who had been observing under the auspicious lens.

"What?" Bingfan asked.

"Come and see." Wang Yueting's face turned pale and trembled.

Fantan saw a very tall figure near the golden planet under the lucky 100000 times lens. By visual inspection, this man is at least 100 meters tall. He is clearly a giant monk, but his body is far bigger and more magnificent than the giant monk.

"Small step, don't let him find us." Wang Yueting felt a strong threat from that tall figure.

"What are you afraid of?" The countless crazy eaters don't care about that person. The tall body can only be the target of bullets. He's sure that he can beat that man into a honeycomb in a moment.

"I'm right. Let's see what this man wants to do first. We have plenty of time." Wang Yueting still insists that she has only participated in one battle, that is, the three battles after Qin Dao's registration, and she has never been to the scene in person, so she is very strange to the war.

Crazy eat very unhappy, staring at the warriors said: "look at what?"? Listen to the leader, change to small step. "

"We don't have small steps." The warriors feel aggrieved. It's a fight between gods and mortals. The two leaders disagree and vent their anger on them.

Wang Yueting didn't like to sacrifice Xiaobu, and then put the ship away. She drove the Xiaobu, which was powered by Duyu, forward silently, and couldn't get too close to it. The mass of the golden planet is very large, and if it's too light, it will be affected by gravity.

Xiaobu detours outside the atmosphere of the golden planet. Through the auspicious infrared observation, the giant steps towards the golden planet.

"Damn, I'm still a robber. When he comes back, I'll kill him, so we don't have to work hard." Crazy eat don't know when from artifact space inside came out, standing behind Wang Yueting, gnashing his teeth said.

In the view of Bingfan, anyone who comes to the golden planet is ready to get gold.

The giant under the clouds, a wave of his hand, between the screen appeared numerous firefly general highlights.

"What's that?" Fantan and Wang Yueting are puzzled. When Xiaobu turns to no clouds, they can see clearly through the auspiciousness magnified by 100000 times that it is a large group of ants. These ants are released by giants. The earth splitting ants cover the golden planet with a thick layer, and the golden places are getting smaller and smaller, which means that there are more and more ants, Until it covers one planet.

Crazy eat this just feel afraid, trembling ground says: "who is he?"? Can only God do such a big hand? "

"I don't know. Let's see first." Wang Yueting is cold all over. Such a strange scene has been filmed by her.

Three days later, countless ants completely covered the golden planet, even a little bit of gold color can not be seen.

The cautious Wang Yueting and the arrogant and belligerent Fanfan, who are watching all this from a distance, are shocked. This is the biggest thing in the world. There is no wonder that such a mysterious event will happen. Needless to say, the giant is using ants to get gold, but how much gold can a little ant swallow?

A planet and an ant together, is the world's largest material and smallest animals compared. The difference is very huge. This is the smallest ant, but it covers a planet.

This reminds Wang Yueting of the ants raised by the moon. It seems that they still don't know much about the ant world. This kind of small animal is really terrible. Countless ants gather together and contribute a little power. They are the most powerful weapons in the world. High explosive armor piercing projectiles and intercontinental missiles are weak.

Suddenly, a gust of wind, there are countless bees, these bees in auspicious observation, long sharp beak. Bees pounce on ants one after another and begin to bite them. One bee can swallow hundreds of ants.

Bees continue to fly out, ants began to riot, these small animals aware of the danger, desperately want to escape. Ants climb on the bodies of their companions, and some of them get to the surface of the golden planet. In short, they are avoiding the pursuit of bees.

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