Published at 23rd of November 2022 06:16:43 AM

Chapter 252: The genius dictionary doesn't seem to have any nervous characters.

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It's fun, that's fun!

As soon as he retracted into the stage sleeve, Renato laughed.

It seems that I liked the directing because the flash flashed with one swing of my hand. We've been practicing together many times, but the production must be exceptional. Is a boy a creature that is heart-broken by such things in any world?

"I'm flattered that I can afford to enjoy myself..." asked Ekaterina.

Was Master Renato nervous?

"Nervous? What is that?"

Beauty Renato tilts her head cutely.

Then I finally laughed at him.

Ekaterina smiles a little too.

If you say it like in your previous life, are you nervous? What, is it delicious? That's the one, isn't it?

Speaking of which, he was not at all nervous when he played in front of the Emperor and the Empress, or when he had a chat afterwards. As expected of a genius chosen by God.

"I know you're relieved." In the next scene, you will be the main character. I hope you will be able to indulge those who come in search of good music. "

“Sure, I'll take care of it.”

Once the saintly lady and her servants had withdrawn, the stage was empty.

From the audience, there was a rumbling of voices. It seemed that the excitement was dominated by the surprise and emotion that the production of light magic added to the battle scene.

Of course, some people talk about Ekaterina, the notable Duchess. In that case, however, there seems to be a laugh in the voice. Or do you share some sneaky thoughts between men? Since it was an exceptional appearance of impact, it could be said that there was no choice, but Alexei's closest relatives were shy about whether they could hear the lord.

Fortunately, Alexei was worried about Ekaterina, who had to play a role far removed from her, and it seemed that she could not hear the surrounding voices.

"I have to say words that are not in your heart... she must be heartbroken."

Fiction and reality may be a little messed up because you're not too worried about your sister, and you're not used to watching plays. As Alexei mumbled his words, he tasted reassurance and worry at the same time, and for the time being he inscribed the conversation around him in his heart. If the speaker knew, he was a close friend (especially Aaron and Khalil) who would remind him later.

And in a seat close to Alexei and the others, there was such a conversation.

Your Highness, are you all right?

"I don't know where to take my emotions right now...!"

It was in this context that Renato appeared on the stage.

The audience was in a hurry to stop whispering, and the audience seat was full of silent enthusiasm.

Renato is also a school celebrity now. For a moment, no one at school knew his face, even though the students were ringing the bell at the window of the classroom to see him and Olga's face. There seemed to be a lot of fans, just Beauty.

Reynart grabbed the stage and walked up to the small staircase at the end of the stage, and somehow stepped off the stage. The audience seemed confused, but they walked unwaveringly through the orchestral box with the drums beaten by the acoustician, and went to the front of the piano.

Whoa! He opened the lid of the piano and sat down in the chair as the audience gathered in front of him.

Originally, Renato was scheduled to play a stringed instrument called lute as an accompaniment to Oliga. Although it is shaped like a mandolin or a Japanese musical instrument, with pears divided in half, in Ekaterina's crude memory, even in her previous life, I feel that it was an instrument commonly played in Europe from the Middle Ages to some modern times, which was the ancestor of the guitar. Then I could play on the stage, so I chose because there was no unnaturalness in the story.

But all of a sudden, Olga was gone. The tone of the lute is delicate and graceful, but it is difficult to make loud noises. It would be fine to accompany Olga's singing voice, but in a level Ekaterina that can sing somehow, it is desirable to accompany it with a musical instrument that can be more firmly supported. Shit, if something goes wrong, you can follow it, or a deceptive instrument is desirable.

And I want the audience who came to enjoy the music of the genius musician selected by the music god to listen to music that meets their expectations.

So Renato was the one who said that the instrument would be turned into a piano. Because I think I'm the best at it.

So, during the play, a surreal spectacle was created in which the actor stepped down to the orchestral box.

In other words, Renato is going to play the solo. Hit it in production.

And yet, nervously, he said it and left.

The hand was placed on the keyboard and moved lightly.

The sounds are bright and pleasant.

Renato's role is to be close to the villainous lady who torments people. The audience looked strange because it began to play such a song. However, I was immediately drawn to the song.

Lightly, the sound itself bounces. Full of dreams and hopes, it shines like the sunshine of early summer. To the tender, loving melody of your dreams. Or rather, the melody is so noble that the song is so beautiful even as it changes.

Enviable, the audience, but not the audience, turned to a pleasant tone.

It suddenly collapses.

After a brief hiatus, Renato clapped her finger on the keyboard and made a big sound.

From there, it was like a dark storm. At a dizzying speed, his fingers ran around the keyboard, low, dark, and heavy sounds pouring out. Sometimes there was even a screaming burst. It's like the wrath of God, like the wretchedness of heaven.

The audience was surprised, clenching their hands and shaking themselves in fear.

From there, the tunes change again. Slow, sad thing to look into.

Gloomy, like dragging your legs and walking in the dark.

At the beginning of the song, there was no hope. Dreams, love, nobility.

They're... gone, and I won't pay them back.

It was something the audience still didn't know.

Renato was playing a song about what happened to the Villain Lady and the people she led. The fate of a tragedy in which a peaceful country collapsed as a result of a sudden eruption, causing people to wander about as vagrants.

The idea of the song grew while participating in the play. It may have been almost finished. But in this situation, I play it in front of a full audience.

And I'm impressed.

The talent.

When Renato finished playing the last sound without saving her grief.

Around him, the blessing of the music god, the five colors of light, shone.

The audience, who was completely drawn to the song, cheered and applauded in the face of God's blessing.

But without responding, Renato turned to the stage.

The audience follows the gaze.

There stood a beautiful girl in a black flame costume, the Villainous Lady, who played the Duchess's Lady.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!