Published at 23rd of November 2022 06:16:14 AM

Chapter 269: Horseback Spear Match Spear, Mace, Magic Power

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In addition to the white and black knights, eight servants remained.

On the contrary, a few classmates rushed in. Looks like some kind of staff man.

Each of the two knights had their heads crossed, and the white knight walked toward the entrance gate at the end of the stable, and the black knight walked the horse separately at the opposite end. Among the servants, the white and black servants followed the knight who was against them.

Meanwhile, the rest of the squad and additional staff dash towards the audience seats. Then, from the audience, the objects that had been placed in the blind spot were carried in pairs to the center of the stable.

It is a fence of height and length, and as a result of repeated back-and-forth connections, the stables are cut parallel to the audience seats with the fence. A metaphor for a soccer court, it seems that the fence from goal to goal divided the court into two thin sections.

In the meantime, the knights were holding spears and shields. The white knights were white spears and shields, and the black knights were black spears and shields. The spear was about three meters long, but the shield was small. Is it easy to handle on horseback?

"My lady, that spear is for the game, it's made of wood." Made to break easily to prevent major injuries. ”

Novak explains from the side and Ekaterina nods.

Speaking of which, it was said that the bamboo sword used in the kendo of the previous life was invented by the Kamiizumi Ise Nobunaga (Kamiizumi Ise Nobunaga), who was often sad that there would be casualties in training with wooden swords.

I remember the full name of Nobunaga very well, because she was the most recommended among real swordsmen.

Was it the Warring States Period or the Azuchi Momoyama Period? In any case, it is not surprising that such safety measures have been considered in this world of the same modern era.

"And that fence is also a safety measure." Horseback spear matches involve a variety of weapons, but when fighting with a spear, the knight holds the spear and runs the horse to clash with the opponent. If you collide from the front, your life could be in danger, so the Empire requires you to have such a fence if you are facing each other with a spear. ”

"Thank you for telling me, Uncle Novak." It used to be written in the book that many knights had died in horseback spear games. Such accidents should not happen at this school. It's important to take measures. "

Ekaterina nodded, but had no idea what it would be like to fight with a spear separated by a fence.

I don't know if you've seen it, Novak said.

"The knights ran to the other side of the fence with all their might and struck each other with their spears." The game is instantaneous. ”

... eh.

Running with your horses and spears?

After all, it's a dangerous act!

Exactly when Ekaterina exclaimed in her heart, the sound of the horn whistle rang.

At the edge of the stable, a white knight and a black knight move their horses near the fence. The white knight was in front of the audience, while the black knight was on the other side.

White and black Servants ran with flags to the center of the fence, at the same distance from both knights.

I'm getting nervous.

The servants were separated by a fence and placed on their backs, carrying white and black flags.

Shin, the silence falls. You can hear the sound of your heart.

The servants waved their flags down.

He ran at full speed and left.

The knights slammed the horses into the carriages and blew them out. He held up his shield and stood up his spear and ran. At the speed of the horse, soccer courts and other small things, breathe in one breath.

White and black intersect.

The sound of the explosion echoed.

With a single beat, a scream and a cheer resembling an angry cry sprang up. The White Knight's shield was crushed by the Black Knight's spear, and the White Knight was falling from the horse.

Ekaterina is screaming too much, and Flora is screaming too.

The two girls were unexpectedly holding hands.

Eek... eek!

Dangerous, dangerous enough! Even though safety measures have been taken, in modern European-style world and 21st century Japan, the level of safety was different!

The winner, the Black Knight, held a shattered spear. The men outside the stable's fence are cheering the winner. Although many of the women in the audience were suppressing their palpitations with their hands on their chest, others applauded the winner.

A white squire and staff rushed towards the knight who had fallen. Reassured, the knight quickly rose. As a safety measure in the first place, the knights were defending with armor.

Relieved, Ekaterina joined Flora in applauding both winners and losers.

There was also a spear match next, where the Yellow Knight and the Purple Knight fought and the Yellow Knight won.

The Servitors and the crew sprint again and start pulling back the fence.

Seeing that, Aaron, who was beyond Novak, called out to Ekaterina.

Lady, it looks like you're going to see some magic fighting next.


Oh, I see. This world, fighting with magic power is the essence of the nobility. It can even be said to be of existential significance.

If it was a momentary attack and defense while running like before, there was no room to focus on magic power, so it would be a meat battle, but if it was a different weapon, it would be a fight using magic power too.

The Green Knight and the Zhu (Orange) Knight entered.

Both had clubs (mace) in their weapons.

Oh, a knightly weapon!

And when the match started, Aaron was right, a battle between magic and martial arts.

Zhu's Knight was a user of the wind attribute's magic power. Causes a gust of wind to disrupt the opponent's movement and strikes the club (mace). It was an orthodox attack using the magic of the wind, but it seemed to be skilled in martial arts and had a sharp blow.

The Green Knight, on the other hand, possessed the magic power of the water attribute. If you use a club (mace) to summon water while fighting, but instead of manipulating the water, you summon a limited amount. Even if I slammed it into a thin water spear, it was prevented by armor and could not be damaged. I aimed at the opponent's helmet and wrapped the water around it like a snake, but it only looked like a waste of time.

But gradually, Zhu's knight's movements became slower. The green knight's club (mace) was a clean hit as his body swayed on the horse. The knight of Zhu falls.

From the seams of the armor as it falls, Basha! and water flowed out. Even from the helmet.

Ah... Green Knight, you were aiming to pour water into the opposing armor.

Even if it flows out of the seam immediately, it would be difficult to breathe if water entered the helmet.

"It's a clever way to fight... I wonder if the rules and knights are good."

“It's a brilliant control. It seems that both the martial arts power and magic power were higher than the defeated, but the magic power depends on how you use it."

Aaron was impressed. It doesn't seem to be cowardly at all.

Anyway, I made a golem to fight with the magic of the Earth Attribute, and even if I ran away in the corner, it was totally okay.

... by the way, Aaron, it's a soil attribute, isn't it? Experienced...?

In any case, Ekaterina gave the students around her a round of applause in honor of the good fight.


Final match.

Alexei and Nikolai appeared with their long swords on their hips.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!