War God Asura - Chapter 1338

Published at 13th of February 2023 11:13:48 AM

Chapter 1338

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"Yes." Seeing this, XiaoCong also quickly nodded, and then walked along the mountain road towards the valley with his sentence.

The thatched cottage at the bottom of the valley was built around the statue in a circular shape. Among the buildings, there is a thatched house which seems quite generous. This is the place where the village head of Banshou village lives.

After arriving here, Xiao Cong enters the building alone to report, while the sentence is waiting outside. While waiting, the sentence is again looking at the statue in front of him. Because after knowing that this is his father's statue, the punishment against the statue is derived from special feelings.


"You are awake."

But not long after XiaoCong entered, the closed door was suddenly opened, and then a slightly crooked figure, like an old orc, came eagerly towards the sentence. And XiaoCong is also closely following this one. Obviously, this is the village head Xiao Cong referred to.

"Punishment, thank you for saving your life." Seeing this, the sentence sentence hastily gave a deep courtesy to it, and then said gratefully.

"No, no, no, I can't afford it."

"You, do you call the sentence?"

However, what surprised him was that after seeing the punishment, the village head of semi animal village was very excited, as if he did not dare to accept the big ceremony. But what surprised him most was that he seemed to be puzzled by the name of the sentence.

"That's right. I called the sentence." Seeing this, the sentence confirmed again.

"Well, that's strange."

"Sentence, do you know him?"

"Can you tell me who he is?"

After the sentence was confirmed, the village head was puzzled, but then he made an act that shocked and even panicked the sentence. He actually pointed to the huge statue and asked about the relationship between the sentence and the statue.

"Master, you When he heard the village head's words, the whole criminal sentence was shocked, and a faint sense of panic hung on his face, because he could never imagine that the village head seemed to know his special identity.

You should know that concealing one's identity is the most important thing in criminal justice nowadays, because if his identity is revealed, he may be hunted by xuandian and the mysterious man immediately. In that case, his efforts to this day will be in vain.

But at present, he even showed his horse's feet without knowing it. This is called how the sentence can not be shocked and panicked.

"Don't be afraid, young man."

"He is a great benefactor of my whole Banshou village. If you are his descendants, we will not embarrass you." It seemed to see the fear of the sentence, the elder added with a smile.

At this moment, Xing Xian hesitated. He didn't know whether he should tell him about his father son relationship with Dugu Changyi. If he did, he would take the initiative to expose his identity, which was an extremely dangerous thing.

But at present, these people in the village seem to have a deep gratitude for their father and have no malice towards him. Otherwise, he would not have stood here safe and sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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