War God Asura - Chapter 1613

Published at 13th of February 2023 11:05:50 AM

Chapter 1613

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"Whoosh, whoosh"

the dark black chopping strike is half a moon, and the surging sound is even roaring. However, it seems like the sound of a high wind, but it gives people a kind of awe at the bottom of the heart, just like countless demons hidden in the depth of the sound, and as for the devil, it is the powerful force in the record of beheading.

"Bound crystal"

and when the criminal sentence used the soul eating blade to launch a strong attack, Li Xiaohan also spread out his hands and held the crystal in his palm, and then saw it push forward suddenly.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh"

at the same time, the mysterious creature sleeping in the crystal ball suddenly woke up and emitted a dazzling light from its eyes, and then countless dark blue light bodies burst out from it.

The dense light bodies interweave together, like a mutated rainstorm, or a dark blue meteor shower. But the most shocking thing of the sentence is that its power is not inferior to his chopping attack.

"Boom, boom, rumble"

the attack of spirit weapon was very important, but under the exertion of punishment and Li Xiaohan, their power was brought into full play. At the moment when the two attacks collided with the defense array of xuandian hall, a burst of loud noise spread.

At this moment, the land of tens of thousands of miles around is shaking violently, and countless deep cracks are spreading. However, the powerful defense array is gradually disintegrating.

After a while, the defense array of xuandian finally dissipated completely, and the huge xuandian appeared in people's eyes.

"You are brave enough to be sentenced. I let you go that day, but you dare to die today!"

But at this time, a thunder like sound of drinking suddenly sounded from the depths of the hall, and slowly echoed in the sky.


then, two lights burst out from the depths, and when the light fades away, the two figures also appear in the sight of the sentence. These two are the master of xuandian hall, Dugu Haoyu, and the mysterious man, Hun Sha.

After these two appeared, countless members of xuandian also came out of the palace of xuandian, but at the moment none of them came to the air, because they were completely shocked by the Dementor net that covered the sky and the thousands of figures.

"Dementor net, how can it be? How can there be so many survivors of the soul eating clan? "

As a Soul Eater, Hun chopped recognized that the big array in front of him was the soul capturing net of the soul eating clan.

In addition, the Dementor net must be used by the soul eaters. Therefore, when he recognized the Dementor net, he was not surprised. He immediately swept his eyes around him. He could not believe that there were so many survivors of the soul eating clan that he had destroyed and had such a powerful power.

"Sister Hun Ji, how are you?" But when the soul chop's eyes sweep to the soul Ji, he is momentarily dull down, in his dark eyes actually pay a touch of surprise.

"Well, sister? I really don't deserve these two words. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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