War God Asura - Chapter 255

Published at 13th of February 2023 12:13:50 PM

Chapter 255

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"Chengquan you" was so disdainful to himself when he saw the sentence. The disciple became more angry. Then his body moved, which turned into a fast running thunder, and chopped hard towards the sentence.

"Give me a break" faced with that disciple's powerful blow, the penalty step slightly strides, the right fist clenches, then to the disciple is a blow out.

"Bang" two fists opposite, both of them are strong strength, shock backward.

"How could it be?" the disciple was shocked to say that he had just made a draw with the penalty.

However, the sentence was a sneer, and then the wind of the road emerged, and its figure suddenly disappeared, and instantly appeared in front of the disciple.

At the same time, he patted the bright light of the palm of his hand.

But this disciple could never have imagined that the speed of sentencing would soar in an instant. Even he did not see the action clearly, but when he found out the sentence, it was too late.


there was no accident that the palm of the sentence hit the disciple on the chest.

"Poo Chi" hit, the man is a mouthful of blood spurt, and then the whole body quickly shot back, and finally hit a big tree, just stop.

The strength of the collision was so strong that even the big tree was shaken by it. At the moment, the disciple's face was pale, even his body began to shake. At the same time, his strength began to decline rapidly, and finally fell to the level of middle-level martial master. His head shook and he fainted.

"Sure enough, the power gained by that strange skill is very unstable," said Xing Jue, looking at the disciple who had passed out.

Although the blow just now was very heavy, it was not enough to pass out with the strength of the high-level martial master. The reason why the disciple fainted must be the reaction caused by that strange skill.

"Elder martial sister Wang, what's the matter?" after the disciple was solved, the criminal judge turned his eyes to Wang Yanran. At the moment, Wang Yanran was looking at the sentence with a shocked face, but the dull appearance was somewhat lovely.

"Well, younger martial brother xingjue, thank you..." When hearing the call of the sentence, Wang Yanran suddenly woke up, and then quickly said thanks to the sentence.

"Ha ha, elder martial sister Wang is polite." and the sentence is a smile back.

"By the way, elder martial sister Wang, what about the other disciples of Tibetan medicine villa? Why are you alone Then the sentence came to Wang Yanran and asked with a smile.


"Isn't the younger martial brother of xingjue also a person?" after hearing the sentence, Wang Yanran was stunned and her face became melancholy. After a moment of silence, she returned with a smile.

"Oh, ha ha" and the sentence is just a smile. Only then did he know that he had said something wrong. In fact, Xing Jue had already guessed that Wang Yanran had a bad relationship with some other disciples of Tibetan medicine mountain villa. However, he didn't think too much about it just now, but he regretted it at the moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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